Chapter 4 Back to School

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    I left the hospital. I was annoyed that Bottonlout and Comet showed up. I should have known they would get into a fight with him. I would believe anyone would, he is the enemy after all. Stormcloud bounded up behind me like a puppy.

"Come on, girl, I have to get you to Gothi's. Although it's going to take forever to get up the mountain since you can't fly." I said. I planned to go to my house and find someone else to watch Scythe when I was too fed up with him. Stormcloud half glided and half bounded through the air in front of me. Her broken wing seemed to not bother her at all. "Well someone seems to be excited." I said. I then remembered that she was trapped under those rocks for, Thor knows how long. She suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. She looked to the sky and bared her teeth.

"Easy, girl, it's just Scruffnut and Buffnut. " I said.
A Hideous Zippleback glided above our heads before soaring down to meet us eye to eye.
"Hey Freya! "  Scruffnut called. "Hat are you doing, we have to go to class." She said. I totally forgot about that. Classes must've been started up again. I don't blame them for starting it so soon since we missed enough already.

"This'll be fun." I muttered.

"Fun?! You and I are very different people." Buffnut said, astonished.

"She was being sarcastic, idiot!" Scruffnut insulted Buffnut as they flew away on their Zippleback.

Stormcloud nudged at me until I fell to the ground.

"Hey! What was that for?" She bounded in place beside me and roared happily. "What? You want me to ride you?" Stormcloud flew up, or at least as much as one wing would allow her to. Listening to my bossy dragon I climbed on her scaly back cautiously, half expecting her to buck me off. She looked over her shoulder at me then raced off in the direction Scruffnut and Buffnut went.

    When we finally made it to the academy gate, everyone was spread out in different corners of the circular room.

"Uh, what did I miss?" I asked Gobber as we walked in.

"Well considering the shape your dragon is in, I've decided to show you kids how to care for a dragon." Gobber added louder to the rest of the class.

"But most of us don't even have a dragon." Comet pointed out.

"Exactly! Better to teach you know so you know what to do." Gobber said.

"What about Freya, Scruffnut, and I?" Buffnut asked.

"You'll be fine." Gobber waved his hand at the twins. "Now, is everyone in a corner?" He yelled out with no response from us. "Good enough! Twins, Freya step forward with your dragons, please." We both guided our dragons to the center of the circle. Vomit and Fart proudly strutted in front of the group while, again, Stormcloud kept her head low.

"First, we will learn how to fix a dragons' teeth." Gobber announced.

"You're joking. Right?" I said. Obviously Stormcloud's wing was more important than teeth, though I could see that a dragons' teeth was important to Gobber seeing how he was the islands dragon dentist.

"Fine!" He huffed. "Have it your way. On account of rudeness," Gobber gestured to me. "you'll be learning how to tend to a dragon's wing." 

"And what does that have to do with our dragon?" Scruffnut asked.

"Oh, nothing. Get out of the circle." The twins reluctantly walked out of the center and joined the others in the circular formation.  "Now first you will need something to hold the wing in place, usually wood." Gobber said. He went over to the iron gates that usually held dragons in them. He didn't come back out for a minute, but when he did he carried several small logs. "Then you need something to tie it together. Rope would be the best option." Gobber continued setting down supplies for making a dragon sized brace.

"Or Scruffnut's hair." Buffnut laughed. In response Scruffnut punched her brother. When their mother Ruffnut and the others found a trapped Scoulderon, Scauldy, she gave up her hair to attach the peices of wood together to make a brace for him. Come to think of it, this moment was basically that one. Only difference is that we're in hell . . . I mean school.

"Anyway, you lay the dragons wings out flat . . ." I patted Stormcloud's wing and she spread it flat. Gobber place the word on her wing and supported it with the rope. I got bored and eventually looked around the room. Everyone else wasn't paying attention either. I felt a burning sensation in my skin and I knew the feeling all to well. Someone was watching me and seeing how Bottonlout was off in LaLa Land I knew it was Comet.

"And that's that." Gobber concluded. I turned back to Stormcloud's wing just after I caught a glimpse of Comet's eyes locked on me. I hated when he did that.  "Did anyone pay attention?" Gobber asked loudly. Everyone didn't seem to hear him. Stormcloud roared louder than ever I had to back away. At least it seemed to do the trick. "Thank you, Stormcloud. Now you all can leave." We all were stunned for a minute.

"W-we can?" Fishlegs asked.

"Three of you can." He corrected himself. "Twins and Freya, get out." He said in a friendly manner. "The rest of you have to get a dragon within the next few days or Gothi is going to kill me." Gobber added worriedly. "So first-." I didn't stay around to hear the rest. Stormcloud walked out with me flapping her stiff wing.

"Quit messing with it, you have to keep it in one place." I lightly scolded her. She mouthed back at me with a dumb expression on her face and making a gargled sound. I pushed her head to one side and went of racing. She got my message and began to chase after me roaring in happiness. We played like that until we reached the house. "Finally!" I moaned as I opened the door. Dad was no where in sight and Mom was feeding chicken to Stormfly through a trapdoor in the side of the house.

"Hey Freya, how was school?" She asked, closing the hatch.

"Got out early because the others need to train a dragon for themselves." I explained. "Now I have nothing to do."

"Why don't you . . . I don't know-." Mom was interrupted by a scream next door. We froze at the scream that could scare a Whispering Death. My Mom and I exchanged glances before darting for the door.

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