Chapter 3 And Then There were Three

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    Stormcloud growled again.

"Look, I don't want to be here any more than you do." I snapped at Scythe. As he sat  up and he grabbed onto his head.

"What happened?" He moaned.

"Some fires were set, some lives were saved, a girl saved your life." I listed.

"Yeah, right." He said sarcastically. "Like you could ever save someone. How do I get out of here?" Scythe turned to get out of bed. Belle, hurried back over to the bed along with the nurse.  Belle's head crest had turned to a purple to calm down the quick turning argument.

"Please you have to stay in bed," Said the nurse.

"Don't make me hurt you." Scythe threatened the gentle nurse. Stormfly snarled at him with each move he took.

"Not another move unless you want to sleep eternally." I said. I pulled out my dagger just in case he made a mistake.

"Like you would kill me." Scythe laughed.

"No, but she will." I said pointing to Stormcloud. "And trust me, she won't be as merciful." That seemed to shut him up, or at least for now. Scythe got back into bed, but still looked up at me with a scowl on his face.

"Why are you here?" He asked once Belle and the nurse left.

"Didn't we go over this? I was put in charge to look after you." I answered.

"And like I said: I don't need someone to babysit me."

"Well whether you like it or not; you can't be trusted, so someone has to babysit you."

"Then why you?"

"Because she saved your life." Said a voice behind us announced. We both turned our heads and saw Comet walking towards us. "So I suggest you treat her with respect." He added more harshly.

  "And what are you gonna do about? Huh, wimp." Scythe asked. It seemed like he didn't want an answer. Especially since he fell back onto the bed, clutching his head.

"Doesn't seem like you're fit to fight." Comet stated bluntly.

"Shut up." Scythe hissed.

"Comet what are you even doing here?"

"Just seeing how things are going." he seemed to be choosing his words carefully.

"Mm hmm. Well, things are going fine, so you can leave now."

"Forgetting about someone?" Another voice said.

"How many of these guys are there?" I heard Scythe asked quietly.  Bottonlout came in with a smile on his face.

"Looks like the big, bad Scythe got his ass handed to him on a plate!" He announced.

"That's a stupid excuse to swear, you piece of shit." Comet sighed.

"And what did you do just there?" Bottonlout yelled.

"Oh, you're stupid enough that it's a good excuse." Comet and Bottonout came within a few inches of each other in a stare down. I actually thought they were going to fight right here.

"Uh guys if you don't mind, I'd rather have one person here instead of three." Scythe grumbled.

"And let me guess. You want that person to be Freya?" Bottonlout opened his fat gob.

"Oh please. Like I want her to be here." Scythe said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Comet asked between clenched teeth.

"I think you and I both know." Scythe shot him a glare.

"Uh . . . Guys . . . Right here." I said.

"Shut up. This is between us." Scythe hissed at me.

"Don't speak to her like that!" Comet shot back at him.

"Hey guys I'm here too." Bottonlout butted in.

"Yes, 'cause you can't mind your own business." Scythe said.

"How would you know?"

"I know the type of guy you are with just one look!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! You're the type of guy who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut and always wants the girl, but he has competition even though he tries his hardest he never gets anywhere. Comet is the pretty boy who has a darker side that he deosn't show anyone unless he gets really mad. And Freya is the girl who deosn't know how people see her so she shuts away from most, and on top of that someone spread rumors about her saying that . . ." Scythe began.

"How did you know that?" I growled in his ear as I brought my dagger to his neck.

"Havn't you noticed your little friend is gone?" Scythe snickered. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen Alto in a while. The last time I saw him was when the boys got into yet another fight.

"What's going on?" I heard Bottonlout ask.

"For once I don't know." Comet responded.

"Where is he?" I asked Scythe.

"Sorry. I promised I wouldn't tell." He snickered. I had half a mind to kill him and get it over with and he was laughing about it. If Dad or Grandpa ever found out about this there would be no question that he would be put to death or in chains. Now I had to decide whether to keep this secret or not. Just my luck.

"What's going on in here?" Dad asked as he walked towards us. I quickly put my knife back in its hold, hoping he didn't see it.

"Nothing Daddy." I said innocently. I could tell it wasn't what any other the boys were expecting because Bottonlout started snickering under his breath, Comet nearly gasped, and Scythe tried to cover his laughter by coughing.

"Did he say anything?" Dad asked me.

"Only that he doesn't want to be babysat."

"Well too bad for him because that's what you're going to do."

"What! Why me?"

"Because you're the one that brought him here."

"Fine. How long?"

"As long as it takes." Dad looked at Comet and Bottonlout. "You can have help though." He said. He turned and left the building and I looked back to the boys.

"Hope your 'Daddy' didn't see the knife at my throat." Scythe laughed.

"You have a sick sense of humor." I sighed.

"Oh did I make Daddy's little girl angry?" Scythe brought his voice up to a high pitch, trying to imitate a baby.

"This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. I sighed leaning on the wall. Everyone seemed to agree with my statement by following it by silence.

That silence was just the start.

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