Chapter 13 What Now?

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     Stormcloud walked beside me. I was walking back from the cave that served as a jail on our island.

   From what I was thinking, Dagger wanted his son back,and as a ransom he captured Alto, somehow and were most likely back at their own island.

I let out a sigh of frustration.

"Why does my life have to be so difficult?" I asked myself.

  Stormcloud purred and licked my hand. I looked down at her and smiled. My eyes trailed down to her wing and the brace that kept it from moving.

   She started flapping it slowly. My eyes looked back hers. This time she had no expression.

"Hmm." I looked at the top of a mountain in the distince. I looked back at Stormcloud.

"I'm taking you to Gothi's." I decided. Since dragons became apart of Berk's culture Gothi became our shaman and our vet.

  Once we finally got to the top, where an old cottage looked out over the village, Gothi was examining Stormcloud's wing. She grunted and went to the fire pit in the middle of the room. The base was surrounded by dirt. When she started drawing in the soil with her staff and walked over and attempted to read it.

"Uh . . .Wing . . . Two . . .?" That got me a whack on the head. "Ow!" Gothi pointed to images again. "Oh, three. Dragon. "

I tried to put the words into a sentence. Since Gothi was a big part of our lives here, kids were taught to read her writing since she couldn't speak herself. I havn't done it in a while, not to mention didn't care most of the time.

"Dragon's wing . . . Not done?" I looked at her to confirm if I was correct. When she nodded I continued. "Three weeks . . .tops . . . No flying! Wait no flying?"

Gothi rubbed the images away and started to draw again on her new, cleared, dirt canvas.

"Wing . . . Bad. Never fly again?!" I gasped. I yelped with pain as she whacked my head again. She pointed to the drawing in anger.

"Oh, may never fly again." I strightened up. "So I can't fly Stormcloud for three weeks?" I concluded. Gothi nodded and patted Stormcloud's head.

I waved goodbye and Stormcloud and I  made our way down the mountain.  I caught myself looking at her make-shift cast again. I sighed and tried to focus on something else; why Alto would go as far as teaming up with the enemy, for one.

   We finally made it down the mountain without anything happening. Today was oddly quiet, though I shouldn't complain.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I asked Stormcloud.  I received a roar as she ran for Shipwreck Cove: the place we met.  I had to sprint just to keep up with her.

  When we finally got there I fell onto the sand. Stormcloud dug at the sand before flopping down. She seemed to fall asleep in the light.

I layed back and sighed.  These days I would never have time to do things like thi, and by that I mean relax.

"Hey." A voice said. I let out a load groan.

"Do you follow me around and just come out when I finally have some peace?" I questioned Comet. He only smiled.

"No I just like to bug you." He said.

    Tigerlily bounded out behind him and stright up to Stormcloud. When friendly sniff were exchanged the orange and red dragon lied beside her friend and rested her long muzzle on Stormcloud's back.

"What do you want?" I asked him still lieing down.

"I found out something." I stayed silent as he continued. "I talked to some people in town and said they saw Beserker ships off the coast. That's one of the reasons they have more meeting."

"Do you know who Alto is?" I asked him

"That jackass? Yea I know him, why?"

"I'm pretty sure that's what the note meant by 'him'." I took out the note and handed it to Comet.

"Now that you mention it . . ." He started.

"You havn't seen him in a long time, right?" I finished for him. "I figured that out earlier."

"Well at least life's interesting now." He sighed as he sat beside me.  I scooted away from him and I heard him chuckle.

"I'd rather it be peaceful. "

"That's okay, but it gets boring."

I didn't say anything. I just sat up and looked at the horizon.  " I never thought I'd hate doing nothing." I sighed.

"Well?" Comet asked.

"Well what?

"What are you going to do now?"
I looked at him and back at the horizon.  It was probably one of the hardest questions I've ever gotten, and I couldn't answer.
What was I going to do?

What now? (Sequel to What to Do?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora