Chapter 28 Figure it Out

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I went directly home after that. It was good to be back in my room and the wooden bed never felt softer.

I wish I could've fallen asleep. It was like it was constantly staring me in the face telling me to close my eyes.
  Of course I fought it off, by getting up and moving around every now and again.

  With no sun, it was impossible to use a sundial at night, so I estimated the time by where the sun was at two and where the moon was. If I was correct, which I doubt I was, it should put a move on.

"Stormcloud. " I whispered. The dozing dragon opened an eye and looked at me. "We have to go."

  She groaned and sniffed. "Don't be moody, you knew this was happeneing." She merely snorted and walked up to me.

  Stormcloud led the way down the stairs as I tried my best to keep her swinging tail from hitting anything.

I quickly opened the door, not to make it creek, and Stormcloud and I were home free.

"Finally!" I sighed and mounted her saddle. She took off a moment later on the way to the beach.

  Guards patrolled below and I watched them pass with lanterns in their hands.

Stormcloud was perfectly suited for this. She was a shadow in the night, completely unseen.

The beach was in sight and Stormcloud began to decend. I could see the outline of a Nadder and a Chanwing, and Glisten was easy to see once she let out a spark of lightning.

"There you are." Bottonlout said as Stormcloud landed. "By the way - you're insane!"

"Yea, yea, I thought we've established this." I said and took out a peice of paper and a hollow peice of wood with a ball of charcoal at the end.

"Even I think you've gone insane. " Comet added.

"I'm just trying to have some fun with this." I said and sat in the sand while Stormcloud chased the other dragons in play.

"We're on the verge of war with my father, the most deranged person there is, and you want to have fun?!" Scythe questioned.

"Yea pretty much." I answered.

"Maybe Lit hurt her more than we thought." Bottonlout thought aloud.

"Would you idiots shut up and get down here." I said and pulled all three to their knees.

"Do we have a choice?" Scythe asked.

"Not with her." Comet said. With a glare from me he shut his mouth. "What's the plan."

"I only want to check for one thing. Lit. Alto and Dagger had stated multiple times that he has eyes on the island and since we know Scythe is loyal the only other person has to be Lit." I explained.

"But Lit had no access to the sky or sea. How is she supposed to get data back and forth." Bottonlout pointed out.

"That's why I wanted to check out that pool in the cove." I said.

"And we had to do all of this at 2 am because...?" Scythe asked.

"Just get on your dragons." I stated and whistled.
Stormcloud showed up seconds later. She seemed filled with a new sense a pep and she acted like a puppy about to play fetch.

   I took off into the air after grabbing the peice of paper with all the notes and our plan on it.

  Once we were in the air, the wind nearly pulled out my pony tail and I just ended up taking it off completely.

"Woah." Bottonlout said.

"What?" I turned my face to him.

"I just never seen you with your hair down."

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