Chapter 10 It's Happening Again

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The dragons were almost on Berk. With Scythe in tow I ran up the steps leading to the Great Hall. I pushed opened the doors to reveal my father and grandfather holding a meeting.

"Freya, you better have a good reason for interrupting this." My dad warned.

"Dragons are attacking Berk!" I exclaimed.

"Dragons haven't attack Berk for decades." Someone from the crowed shouted above the gossiping vikings.

"She's telling the truth, come look." Scythe said. He pointed out the huge wooden doors.

"You have no right to speak here!" Grandpa said sternly. "Why are you here anyway?" By this point I found my mom and was by her side.

"Mom come on! Have I ever lied to you before?" Before she had a chance to open her mouth I added, "Don't answer that. But just come in!" I was tugging on her arm. She turned to my dad and they stayed like that for a moment until Dad let out a huge sigh.

"Alright, show us." I smiled but that quickly vanished when I remembered what was going on.

As the whole tribe followed me out we looked and saw dozens of dragons picking up our livestock, burning the picking fights with the trained dragons.

This wasn't an unfamiliar sight, it happened when my dad was my age, or at least that's what he told me. It was like this almost every night. The thing that bugged me the most about this is that the attack was happening during the day and I noticed that some of these dragons were wearing saddle.

"Dad look." I pointed to a group of dragons looking lost. "They're wearing saddles."

"Get to you dragons!" Grandpa shouted above the gasps of terror. "Drive them out and get the ones with saddles on the ground with nets!"

"We haven't used the nets in years!" One defied.

"Just do it!" Grandpa ordered. Everyone began running in every direction. I was standing in the middle of it, not sure what to do until someone grabbed my wrist. I was yanked out into the open near the stairs by Scythe.


"No problem, but what do we do?" Scythe asked me.

"How am I supposed to know I-" A deep growl sounded behind us, interrupting me. We whipped around to see a light black creature. "Stormcloud?"

"Don't forget us!" Bottonlout yelled, riding on the back of the Spike with Comet, riding on Tigerlily just behind.

"What are you guys doing here?" Scythe asked.

"This is our island. We're aren't going to let some dragons take it over." Comet said.

"We want to help to." A voice I havn't heard in a while said. Behind Comet and Bottonlout, Scruffnut and Buffnut, riding on their Zippleback, Vomit and Fart along with Salmonfoot on his new dragon.

"A Thunderdrum,Salmonfoot?" I asked.

"Yea, isn't she a cutie? She loves to swim, like me, she always shows how she feels, like me, and . . . well . . . I just love her!" Salmonfoot explained as he hugged her from her back.

"Right. Anyway, what do we do?" I asked everyone. We all looked around at each other until suddenly everyone was looking at me. "Can someone tell me what's going on?"

"Your the chief's daughter." Ruffnut said.

"That doesn't mean I know what do!" I said.

"Freya!" I turned around and saw my dad and mom running towards me.

"Am i in trouble?" I asked.

"No, sweetie, but we do need your help." My mom said.

"We have to herd the animals away from the dragons and keep everyone safe down here. You and your friends have to keep the dragons off the island as much as possible." My dad explained.

"What the heck am I supposed to do? Stormcloud can't fly. Wait, isn't Toothless the king of dragons?" I asked.

"We've tried that, but they won't listen." My mom said. "You'll have to lead them." With that they ran off with thier dragons. I turned back to my classmates looking pretty satisfied with themselves.

"Fine! Twins, you and Salmonfoot fly back and forth in front of the dragons around the island. Comet, Bottonlout, and I can will keep the dragons away from the livestock and off the ground." After I finished everyone got on their dragons and flew into the air. "Come on Stormcloud, let's see if we can get these dragons away from the yaks. " I climbed on her back and she mad a mad dash to the farm.

What was going on here? Dragons havn't attacked Berk since way before I was born. Why were they attacking us now? This must have something to do with Stormcloud becoming skittish. The dragon vs viking war was happening again.

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