Chapter 6 Bottonlout 2.0

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    Stomcloud growled at a bed and I knew we found Scythe. He seemed to be sleeping and I noticed her had a bandage around his head and arms. The nurse must've put them on after I left last time.

"Wake up, prisoner." Comet kicked his bed. His character suddenly changed and it was hard to see that this was the Comet that licked my hand not 20 minutes ago.

"I'm not a prisoner unless I'm in a prison." Scythe snapped not moving.

"You havn't been to school." I muttered. "Then you'd wish you were a prisoner."

"Here you are one so get used to it." Comet said.

"Can't you go away?" Scythe shot up and glared at me even though I said nothing to him.

"Actually no. I was told watch after you, and I don't want to get in trouble with my dad."

"Ha! I knew it. Your just daddy's little girl." Scythe taunted. Stormcloud growled at him again and bared her teeth.

"Well at least she has a dad who cares. Yours hasn't even looked for you." Comet said.

"That's a lie! My dad will find me and he'll burn your village to the ground." Scythe said. He seemed as though he was trying to convince himself of this as much as us.

"I would'nt be saying that if I were you. We wouldn't want your dad to find you face down in the ocean." Comet said. Even though it was kind of funny  I punched Comet's side keeping my arm down so Scythe it didn't seem like we were actually fighting.

"Is everything okay here?" The nurse said from behind us. I put on a smile and turned around.

"Yes Ma'am." I said.

"We were just talking to Scythe." Comet added.

"Good. Remember: no fighting." She said more sternly.

"Oh course not." Comet said. Finally the nurse turned around and left. The air seemed to lighten and we turned back to face Scythe.

"How long do you have to be here?" Scythe whined.

"I don't know. I was just tole to watch you." I answered. I sat down and leaned back on Stormcloud's side. Comet leaned against the wall while he stroked Tigerlily's head. After a few minutes Scythe deeply sighed.

"I'm bored! Can I leave?" Comet and I shared a glance. I was getting pretty bored too just sitting there. A few more moments of silenced followed.

"As long as we don't leave the island." I said.

"You think the nurse will agree?" Comet asked.

"Wait you mean it?" Scythe sat up. "I was only kidding."

"Hey, we're all teens here and let's face it; we're all bored." I said.

"Which parents really need to learn." Comet muttered.

"Uh, excuse me?" I said. I tried to get the nurse's attention, but her Gruff was the one that noticed me. She nosed at the nurse's back until she turned around and caught sight of me. She hurried over as if something was wrong.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"We just wanted to see if we could take Scythe out for a bit." Comet explained.

"Well I don't know." The nurse looked at Scythe with a suspicious face.

"We'll keep an eye on him." I promised.

"And he promises he'll behave." Comet spoke for Scythe. "Don't you." He added turning toward the bedridden boy. Scythe nodded his head.

"Sure if it'll get me out of this place." I shot a glance at him to shut him up before he made a wrong move.

"Well alright. But don't go too far." The nurse warned. And be back before the sun hits the mountains or this won't happen again.

"Yes Ma'am." The three of us said together. She stepped aside to let us through. Scythe threw of the blankets and ran to the door, followed by Comet and I with our dragons on our heels.

"I can't believe that worked! I laughed as we ran to no place in particular. Comet eventually took the lead as we ran through the woods.

"Where are we going?" Scythe eventually asked.  I only shrugged in response. After a while Comet stopped in a clearing.

"I know this place." I said. "This is were you nearly killed me." I turned to Scythe with anger written on my face.

"Why did you take us here?" Scythe asked Comet ignoring me.

"Only place that no one will hear us." He said and sat down in the middle of the grassy clearing. It was a circle with trees surrounding every side. The sun shined down on the area as Tigerlily changed her scales to green and snuck around the edge.

"Stupid dragon what is she doing?" Scythe said.

"Playing." I answered. Comet looked around for his invisible dragon. A movement caught my eye and a green lump was sneaking up on Comet. Tigerlily pounced on Comet's head with her from claws, careful not to hurt him.

"Hey, stop that." He laughed rolling out of her grasp. I suddenly fell on the ground. I looked back in disgust at Scythe. He shook his head and gestured to Stormcloud with his head. The dragon smiled at me and jumped over my head. I got up and chased after her. She half ran and half glided around the clearing as I chased her.

"You guys are a bunch of weirdos." Scythe insulted us sitting down.

"Why? For playing?" Comet said.

"With dragons, yes." He said. The mood quickly changed and Comet glared at Scythe looking for an answer.

"What's so bad about that?"

"Dragons are tools meant for killing. They aren't pets or friends they're beasts. They only have half a brain cell at best."

"Shows how much you know. You obviously have no brain cells or you would know dragons can be the best companion in the world." I just relaxed against Stormcloud's good wing as the two bickered. If they're anything like what I know this could take all day.

"Ha! Those monsters could kill you in an instant."

"And so could she." Comet pointed right at me.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Don't bring me into this." I said.

"She could've let you die in the fire like most of your dad's men, but she was kind enough to save your life and now you insult what we believe in and . . ." I put my hand on Comet's shoulder trying to calm him down. He was getting too worked up over this. I only came out here because I was about to lose my mind from boredom in the hospital.

"Calm yourself. You're acting like Bottonlout." I said. I felt Comet relax and I took my hand off his shoulder. He sighed and glared at Scythe.

"I don't know why I came here." He sighed.

"Then leave." Scythe responded.

"Nah. I still have to keep an eye on you." Here we go again.

"Isn't that why she's here?" Scythe pointed to me.

"Just think of us as your babysitters." Comet finished.

"Oh my gods." I gasped. The two boys looked at me with worried faces.

"What?" Scythe said.

"It's Bottonlout 2.0" I laughed at them.

"Oh that's just cruel." Comet joined me in laughter.

"You mean that, idiot? I think can all agree that he was no brain at all." Scythe smiled.

"Well look who finally got that tree out of their ass." Comet sighed.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked, insulted.

"It means that you're finally having some fun!" Comet said. Scythe's expression softened and laughed.

"You're one to talk, Bottonlout 2.0"

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