Chapter 26 Tomorrow

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I was surrounded by tearful people, my eyes were heavy, and I feel like throwing up. This sucks, my life was coming to an end and it's been three days since I saw Bottonlout, Scythe, and Comet.

"Oh my poor little girl." My mom stroked my cheek as a tear rolled down her cheek. I hated to see people cry. This was why I don't like to get close to people, or at least I didn't.
My eyes were like stones as I looked around at half the village. Funny how when your dying, people acually care. I was too tired to think so I closed my eyes.

A small gasp arose from the crowd. I wasn't dead, I was just extremely tired. I suppose what happened they would think I'm dead, but I could still hear everything.

What I did hear was a door swing open. I wish I could've opened my eyes, but it's like someone shut them with glue.

"I'm sorry. She's gone." I heard the nurse say. If only I could roll my eyes.

"What? No, she can't be dead!" I heard Comet cry. It's about time they showed up.

"Please. Can't we at least try?" I heard Bottonlout ask. I never heard Scythe, maybe he died? Or was killed.

I heard the soft shuffling feet of Gothi. It paused for a moment before I heard the shuffling come to my bed side.
I could feel warm hands lift me off the bed, and at first I thought it was Thor, but when I realized I still couldn't open my eyes I knew I was still alive.

I felt cold hands undo my bandages and the cold air on my skin. Suddenly something hard plunge into my stomach.

"Ow! What the hell was that!? I instantly sat up and doubled over.

A relived sigh rolled through the crowd. I don't know what they were sighing for, I just got punched in the gut.

I looked to my side to see a smiling Gothi. "What was that?" I asked. She tilted her cane behind me and I changed my vision.

Both Comet and Bottonlout had tears in their eyes as I turned around. I didn't feel like talking to them. They might have been the ones to save me, but I didn't want the same thing that happened with Lit, happen with them.

I looked away, but before I could turn back around they both wrapped their arms around me.

"We should leave her now." The nurse made her way to the front of the crowd.

"How much longer do I have to stay here?" I asked her once the boys let me go.

"Oh I say just tomorrow. Then you'll be fine." She said.

I lied my head back on the hay pillow and sighed. I never want to be in this bed again.

The next day flew by, and it felt like I had no voice since I hadn't spoken a word.
Throught that day I could feel the worried glances of the boys on me and I didn't like it. I don't like to see people upset.

In the morning the nurse came up to me and smiled. I knew what she meant so I kicked the covers off and ran outside.

"Take it easy!" She called after me.

I've been in this place for nearly three weeks and she wants me to take it easy.
Even Stormcloud seemed to be excited. She's been by my side as well, not moving an inch. Once I was outside I breathed in the air.

"Finally sweet air." I sighed. Suddenly I think someone just threw all their weight in me, or gave me a baby gronckle. Either way it was heavy.

"Thank Thor you're alive!" I heard Scythe sigh. This guy must've forgotten he was twice my size because he crushed me with his arms around my back.

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