In the World of Comet

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    I woke up with a jerk. I had that dream about that girl again. Almost every night it's the same; I find her in the cave at the top of the mountain, her over - protective dragon is out of sight, and just before we kiss I wake up. Damn that dream.

  I sighed and rolled out of bed. My Changwing, Tigerlily, walked clumsily after me.

  "Comet, your up." My mother greeted from the kitchen.

"Hey Mom." I said still half asleep.

"Come eat breakfast. Oh and you don't have school today." She answered. Thank the gods. School was the one thing I hated most about adolescents.

  Then again, I really don't have any friends on this island. Bottonlout's an idiot, Salmonfoot is way to geeky, the twins will get me sent to the dungeon, and Freya . . .

    I ate my breakfast as quickly as I could without choking and waved goodbye to my mom.

"Come on, Tigerlily, lets go to the dungeon." I told my dragon. She look confused for a second before lowering her head. The rest of the class may be trouble, but there was one person I hated the most yet may be the closest thing I had to a friend.

     I flew above the trees as I made my way to the mountain where the dungeon was. Suddenly a flash nearly blinded me about halfway through the woods. I looked down on a cove. I think it was called Black Moon Cove or something.

  I landed Tigerlily. She changed her scales from orange and red to green and brown. I shrank down trying my best to blend in with grass. I crawled up to the edge of the cove and looked out on the huge lake.

   Up on the shore was a basket of fish. I think Tigerlily noticed too because she flew down to the edge of the water and sniffed at the basket.

" No girl!" I called. "Get back here."  began to climb to the bottom, sliding off rocks and jumping from ledge to ledge. "What are you-"  Was cut off by my dragon's shriek. I followed her line of vision and saw something flash in the water. It was blue and black; there was only thing that color and that big.

"Is that a SeaShocker?" I asked no one. Tigerlily's fear turned to rage and she coiled around me with a growl. "Tigerlily, ready to attack?" She snarled in response.

    Without even a chance to take a step something sprang from nowhere and toppled me to the ground. I felt something cold and hard press against my neck and I knew I would probably die in the next few seconds if Tigerlily wasn't here. She leaped at my attacker and pinned them against the sand. I reached into my boot and grabbed my dagger.

  I walked up to face my attacker and realized that it was a girl . Her brown hair was in a messy ponytail and her blue gaze was filled with fury. I didn't know what to make of it so I just stood there.

"No!" I heard someone yell. Suddenly a black dragon slammed into Tigerlily and nearly me.

"What the hell!" I turned around and saw Stormcloud growling at the Changwing. I spun back around and saw the girl searching for her knife. Just as she placed on her hand on the handle of her weapon I stepped on her fingers. I could hear the sand crunch beneath her hand and she looked up at me, cringing and scowling. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you hear?" She shot back.

"I don't need to answer you're the one trespassing on Berkian land!" She didn't respond so I put more weight on her hand.

"Fine!" She shouted. "I'm . . . protecting something. Well, southings."

"And those are . . .?"

"That's all I'm saying so just leave!" She begged. She actually sounded desperate. I lifted my foot and whipped around.

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