Chapter 1: 1 Week Later

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You walked slowly to the remote rural cabin where yours and Levi's squad had been asked to settle in. You noticed Mikasa and Historia walking over, Both with a lot of firewood in their hands.

"Mikasa." You called for her and she paused to turn to you, Historia pausing as well. "You shouldn't be doing too much, between all of you, you're kind of the one we want healed the most." Even though you weren't looking at her, you could see Historia shrink back.

"It was just chopping firewood, it really wasn't much." She said, flatly, almost resembling Levi's tone.

"Hmm." You raised an eyebrow at her and walked past her to see how the squads have settled in.

You froze, your eyes widened seeing all of them cleaning like maniacs, including your squad.

"What are you guys all doing?" They all turned to you.

"Captain! Captain Levi said he wanted this place spotless, so we have been cleaning all morning." Eren said, as he continued to sweep the floor violently.

Of course he did.

You looked around at everything, for the most part, it looked decently cleaned, but your eyes narrowed on small areas that still had a decent amount of dust collected around it. "Hmm." You nodded, looking around more.

"Oh no!" Eren shrieked, and so did the others. "We didn't do a good enough job did we!"

You dragged one of your fingers on one of the tables, and lifted your finger to see the small specs of dirt and dust lingering on it. "Well," you wiped it off on your shirt, "let's just pray Levi isn't coming in the next hour." You gave them a tight, unfortunate smile, and they all began to panic clean.

"We're back." You all turned to see Mikasa and Historia walk in.

"Wait were you just chopping firewood?" Armin walked over, looking concerned for her.

"Yeah, I gotta stay in shape." She said.

"Mikasa, you should be in bed. Resting!" Armin was shaking with fury because of his friend.

"Don't even Armin," he turned to you, "I tried talking to her, bust she won't listen."

"Yeah, I saw her doing sit ups earlier." Eren chimed in, looking defeated.

"What do you mean you saw her!" Jean came out of nowhere shouting. "You perv!"

You turned your attention away as Eren and Jean went back and forth with insults, and Armin was following after Mikasa, begging her to take it easy. You walked over to Ava and Athen, who were cleaning thoroughly, well aware of how Levi likes his homes.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Cap." Athen said, annoyance in his voice.

"Forgive me for helping out Hanjie with more important stuff for the next plan, and it's Captain, Athen." You warned him, walking more in Ava's direction.

"Captain." She greeted, with a smile. "How was your week away from all of this," she pointed around the room, "and being by yourself with your husband."

"Quite nice, thank you for asking." You grabbed a rag, helping her with her side of the wall.

"Mhm, I suppose you had a lot of..." she raised her eyebrows multiple times, and winked three times, while nudging you with her elbow.

"Not as much as you would think." She dropped her rag, her mouth slightly opened in shock.

"Ar-are you guys okay?" She looked concerned now.

"Yes." You laughed out. "More than okay, just we didn't need to have sex all the time, we had all week to do stuff, that for once didn't require us to put our lives on the line."

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