Bar Fight

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(Y/n PoV 2nd person)

What seemed like days or months went by, with no new encounters with Angel or the others from the hotel. You started to miss them a bit, but whenever you asked to go out alone either Vox or Valentino never let you.

They said it was for the best in case Alastor showed up and kidnapped you. Which did make sense, but you could handle yourself just fine. 


One evening, you decided to try and sneak out. You were planning all day on how to escape your room at night and not be seen. The idea was simple enough. However, it would result in your outfit to get scratched up.

When you believed the three V's were asleep, you go out to your balcony and look down. It was a fair way down, probably 2 or three stories.

You make sure your mask is tied to your hip and take a running start before jumping over the edge, landing in the bushes below. Luckily they didn't have thorns, or else it would've made your landing a lot more painful.

After a minute of gathering your thoughts after leaping, you wrestle with the bushes to get yourself out with as little scratches as possible. You struggled getting your mask unstuck from the bushes too.

You straighten your outfit and begin walking away from the building, into the city. Making sure your not recognized, you put on your mask.

Once in the city, you notice that your in the richer part. There was a lot of fancy restaurants, salons and jewelry shops. On any other circumstance, you would feel severely out of place.

You walk through the city in silence, ignoring all the cat calls and the others trying to get your attention. You end up finding yourself outside of Mimzy's bar.

Looking up at the sign, you sigh, remembering last time you were here. It felt like ages. You look back down at the doors and see the inside is as busy as it usually is.

Deciding to go in, you make your way to one of the seats near the stage by the bar. You noticed that Mimzy was singing currently and you smiled, missing her voice.

"Excuse me, miss?" Someone called from behind you. You turned around and saw a tall and skinny demon that had messy jet black hair and gold eyes.

"Yes?" You replied.

"Would you like a drink?" The demon asked. You nodded.

"I would like to have a tequila sunrise please."

The bartender nodded and grabbed a glass from under the counter and started making the drink.

You turned back around to look at the stage and it seems that Mimzy just finished singing and walked to the back stage.

The tender placed your drink in front of you and walked away, serving the other rowdy customers.

Picking up the drink, you sip on it, enjoying the fruity flavor. You started to let your mind wander, and you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. You tense up and look over.

You see the demon looked greasy, like they haven't showered in days. He had beady eyes and stringy hair. He looked bloated and nasty. You pushed his arm away, rather aggressively and took another sip from your drink.

"What's a pretty little doll like you doing here~?" The demon cooed. It sounded like his voice went through ages of smoking then thrown in a blender. He started to grab your ass and you punched him square in the jaw, sending him stumbling back a little.

His friend next to him whistled, and looked bug-eyed in shock. He took a step back away from you.

The bloated demon looked at you furious. He regained his footing and went in for a punch to the face but you blocked him easily, having his fist in your hand and you twist his arm back painfully you're pretty sure you heard bones pop and break. He screamed, but it sounded more like a garbled chicken.

As you let go, he crumpled to the ground and nursed his now broken arm. Looking up, you see his friend sprint out of the bar and other demons looking at you.

You laughed nervously and drank the rest of your tequila sunrise, feeling triumphant. The bloated fellow got up, heavily nursing his arm.

"You bitch! You broke my arm!" He yelled.

You shrugged and put the empty glass down. "You should keep your grotesque hands to yourself then." You laughed alittle.

The demon huffed like an ox. Suddenly, with no time to react, he punched through your mask, cracking it and collided his fist with your nose. You felt a gush of blood and pain, you saw stars and stumbled back, keeping balance on the bar counter.

"Hey!" Someone called. You didn't see who called. All you heard was someone yelling, and then someone stomping out.

You used the empty glass you set on the table to spit out blood that collected in your mouth while you were regaining your senses. There was a fair amount of blood. And it looked like a dark crimson, almost black goo.

"Hey hon, are you doin' okay there?" A woman, you recognized to be Mimzy, asked.

"I'll manage." You reply, spitting up more goo-like blood and stood up straight.

"Wait a minute, are you (Y/n)?" She asked.

Nodding, you bend down and grab your now broken mask. Mimzy looked shocked.

"It's been ages him! Where were ya'?" She asked while beckoning you to follow her.

You decided to follow her into one of the back rooms. "It's a long story."

Hello! I'm back, for real this time! Sorry for being away for so long, and thank you for those of you sticking with the story in my absence. Expect more content soon!

As above, Love below (Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora