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(Vox PoV First Person)

When (Y/n) went to the guest room for the night, I went to my study to do some more work on the upcoming dethroning of the Radio Demon. 

After cleaning off my desk a bit to make room for more notes and preparations, I called Valentino. A few rings sounded before he picked up, sounding like he was exhaling.

"Why hello Vox~" He purred over the phone. "What did you call for so late?"

"I'm just checking if all the preparations for extermination day are complete on your end. I want everything to be ready before then." I sighed.

There was another exhale. "Don't worry so much about it~ It'll be done soon, I promise, okay?"

"It better be." I looked up at my wall of notes. Some part of me is worried about (Y/N), but she isn't a part of the bigger plan. 

"How is your little toy doing by the way?" Some venom leaked from the tone of his voice. I guess he's still upset about not getting what he wanted from her.

"She's fine, and none of her concern anymore Val." I stated bluntly.

"Don't tell me you've gone soft for her like Radio head did." 

I took a minute to answer. Was I beginning too? Maybe unintentionally. I thought back to the cupcakes she made me. "It's only for the sake of the plan to get her to stay on our side."

There was another pause. "I'll keep your word on that. Anyway, is there anything else you would like to discuss about this? Otherwise I have business to attend too."

I shook my head idly. "No, that is all. I will see you later this week."

I hung up the phone and placed it on my desk. The plans are almost 100% complete, Val just needs to finish up his work. Hopefully we can all be ready by the upcoming extermination day.

As for (Y/n)... Her joining our side was the best outcome to happen so far. It was luck that Velvet found her and then she had a falling out with the radio head. It feels like the win is handed to us in a way, but the fight has yet to come.

(Y/n PoV 2nd Person)

You feel like your trapped in a void, looking around you all you see is black. You felt weightless, it was a strange feeling. 

After some time went by though, the space around you started taking shape of a room with walls and windows. You gently fall onto the floor as it formed beneath you. When you stood up, some furniture materialized to make the room complete, a couch, TV, coffee table and a dimly lit lamp.

Despite the room mostly empty, it felt a bit more cozy with the couch. But besides everything, you were confused on why you were here, and what this place really is. 

You decided to sit on the couch, which was dark in color. You didn't see any remote control for the TV though. which was a bit upsetting since you had to sit in silence till something happens.

While you sat on the couch, your eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room, you were able to make out some other objects along the walls. There was a bookcase with a few books and a desk next to it that had a few scattered papers and a desk lamp. 

"What ya lookin' at?" A voice next to you asked.

"Huh?" You turn your head to look at the person who just spoke, and they look like a shadowy version of you. You had a sense of Deja Vu.

"What caught your eye over there? There's nothing special in here. It's just my room." It said.

"Oh.."  You replied. You shifted yourself to sit towards the figure. "Who are you?"

The figure half chuckled, half sighed. "You don't know yet? I thought the voice in your head would be more recognizable than that." 

"Voice...You mean my subconscious?"

The figure nodded. "I am both your subconscious and entity of your mask."  The figure reached and tapped  the mask on your hip.

You had no words. She is the embodiment of your subconscious, a figure you never knew had a form. "What should I call you?"

The entity thought for a moment before speaking again. "You can refer to me as Shade or Shadow, whichever fancies you." 

You nodded silently. You weren't too sure to say, though one question came to mind. "Why am I here?"

You felt them smile, even though you couldn't see it. "Because I wanted to talk to you. Personally of course."

"But why? What do we need to talk about?" You asked.

"The paper you found about him. I'm pretty sure you know who I'm referring too." They leaned back on the couch.


They nodded. "You realize the flat-faced friend you call Vox wants to kill him don't you?"

It took you a few minutes to respond. When you read the note earlier, it said something about targeting him during the extermination. But what is the extermination? You haven't been in hell for too long, and nothing major has happened to the city. 

"But what do I care about that? I don't love him anymore." You finally respond.

They shook their head. "I don't believe that."

"Why not? He left me do die up there. He left me alone. Why should I care if he dies now?"

Shade stood up and turned towards you. "Because (Y/n), I was created from your sense of love for him. I wouldn't still be here if you didn't have any feelings for him . Deep down you still love him even through all this denial."

That left you speechless. You had no comeback, no reply. The words left you confused as you just stared off in silence.

"I'll let you have time to process everything. Next time we meet, we need a plan." She disappeared  in a puff and everything around you faded into nothing, leaving you weightless in the void again.

Then you woke up.

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