Awaited Fate

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Ever since that one sighting the public has found, the security has gone up, police are more vigilant than normal and any suspicious activity can land you jail time for questioning.

You've also noticed that Liz has been more curious instead of fearful. Which is a little concerning, but nothing you and Al couldn't handle. At least you believe so. neither of you have gone after friends, unless you counted Rosie when it all started.

Al told you he would be out today so you decided to hang around the house. You were mostly on your phone scrolling through social media and what the news had to offer on the so called 'disappearances' , you found it entertaining. They're almost like chickens running around with their heads chopped off.


As the day went by, you started to get bored and you realized that he hasn't come back yet, it was odd. Usually he would be back by now if he was going for a victim. 

You decided to go look for him. Maybe he got caught up in something. Grabbing the hunting knife from the coffee table, you hid it in one of your boots. You also grabbed the mask, strapping it around your stomach and concealing it under your shirt.

The birds chirped lively as you left the house, it made you smile genuinely. You walked out of the forest being unnoticed as usual. 

You made your way through the town and couldn't find him anywhere, which was strange. He would only hide from you if he was playing a game. Maybe he was. You giggled to yourself, more determined to find him.

Traveling to the other neighboring cities, you couldn't find him there either. How strange. Maybe you guys missed each other while you were looking, and he was on his way back.

Deciding to make your way back, you thought about what you would say to him when you saw him again. Maybe ask him what took him so long to get back home. A call would've been nice at least. 

Nearing the woods, you put on your mask carefully, so no one noticed you. You still didn't want to be identified by people near here. 

Walking along the edge of the woods, you felt like you were being followed. Though you payed no mind to it, it was just probably someone heading home.

But the feeling never left when you entered the path into the woods towards the house. Halfway there, you stopped dead in your tracks.

"Who are you?" You asked, the mask making your voice a bit muffled. You heard a shuffle of leaved some feet behind you, then silence followed. "I said, who are you?" You slowly started reaching down to your boots, planning on pulling out the hunting knife. Then you heard a voice you recognized. 

"It's strange seeing someone enter the woods alone, don't you think?" They replied. Some more rustling of the leaves were heard. 

You carefully drew the knife out, in a way that they couldn't see the weapon. "I don't know what you mean, I come here often to relax." You stood back up straight.

"Turn around, so I can see you." They said. You stood there for a moment, thinking on your next move. "Well?"

Turning around, you concealed the knife in your long sleeve shirt the best you could. When you got a look on the person, you were somewhat shocked. It was Liz. You knew she was snooping around a bit, but you didn't think she would get this far. 

As for her, she looked disgusted, angry, and many other emotions. 

"You took my brother away, didn't you?" Her voice became quieter. You didn't respond and it made her more angry. "Didn't you?!" 

You nodded silently. Your thoughts were running quickly. You didn't want to kill her, she was your friend. But everyone has a timer on them, don't they? She knows about you so you can't let her leave.

You took a step towards her, and the look of panic on your face almost made you laugh. You loved seeing fear in people. She took a step back and held her fists close to her. 

"Who are you? Under that mask?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly.

You froze. Not sure how to respond. You didn't want to, you didn't want to harm her or find out that all of this is because of her friend. But you didn't know what she would do if you didn't.

"What if I don't?" You asked, you grabbed the knife handle tighter.

"Then, I guess, I would have to take it off myself." She sounded slightly bolder. You laughed. There wasn't a way she could without her getting hurt, you knew that.

Sighing you grabbed the bottom of your mask. "Suit yourself then." Lifting up the mask slowly, you exhaled, waiting for the reaction.

There was a slight gasp, barely audible. You looked up to see her, she was as pale as a ghost. The amount of shock on her face was like those on horror movies. You held your arms out.

"Well? Is this what you wanted?" You asked.

She shook her head and took a step back. "W-why did you do it (Y-y/n)? Why did all those people disappear?"

You let your arms relax to your sides again. "Blame Rosie, she was the reason why I snapped." You tilted your head to the side. "She's the reason why I went mad." You started giggling a bit. 

She started backing up more, shaking her head, tears now running down her face. She couldn't handle it. turning around, she started running back to the sidewalk.

You ran after her, knife in hand, ready for violence, ready for anything. You were catching up to her, since she was stumbling over the tree roots a bit.

You ended up cutting into her shoulder, causing her to emit a loud scream that hurt your ears. She stumbled away again and continued running forwards.

She made it onto the pavement before you could stop her in her tracks. She began looking frantically for someone then she sprinted in a direction. You followed her closely.

You stabbed her again, trying to slow her down enough. But her fight or flight response kicked in and she turned around and started fighting back. 

She grabbed your wrist holding the knife, the point stopped just above her heart. You started laughing, almost like Alastor. She started screaming for help when you started choking her. She started clawing at your hands as her screams became garbled attemps.

She looked determined still, even as she was losing air. It was admirable. 

Suddenly, you felt a numbing stab in your stomach, causing you to release the pressure on her neck. You looked down and saw that she was holding your knife in her hand. And a big red stain blooming on your shirt. The numbing got worse and you coughed up a iron tasting liquid, covering your mouth in the crimson color of blood. 

You began growing weak due to blood loss and she pushed you off her. You lied on the cold ground, head lulling to the side as you continued to cough. You tried not to choke on your own blood, but it became increasingly harder as your body started to succumb to the numbness.

Looking up at the sky, you wondered why Alastor didn't save you. Why didn't he come back, why did he dissapear?

As your vision began to darken and your hearing became muffled, you heard sirens in the distance. 

The last thing you remember seeing is her face, and the muffled, almost non-existent  sounds of people shouting faded into nothingness. 

Your world became black and numb. This was an Awaited fate.

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