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(Alastor PoV 1st person)

I decided to take a day off from the hotel and walked my way over to Rosie's Emporium on the other side of town. I needed to discuss more of the plan to get (Y/n) back. I find it infuriating that it's even taken this long. Then again, most of the time other people listen to me from fear of my power. She either isn't afraid of what I'm capable of, or she's ignorant to it. Whatever the case, it needed to be fixed.

Like usual, most of the citizens on the streets avoided my path. It made the walk there more enjoyable, but sometimes I do miss saying hello to the people who didn't bat an eye at me.

As I got nearer her store, I passed by a group of cannibals. I bid them a good day as I walked by, and some of them fawned over me. As flattering as the gestures were, despite me being a ladies man, I felt myself only wishing (Y/n) would think of me like that once again.


It was a bit of a busy day at the Emporium, which is good news for her business. Though, I didn't take my time to humor myself with her items, I found one of her staff.

I tapped on their shoulder to get their attention, "Hello miss, is Rosie in the office today?"

The demon turned around and paled at my sight. They gulped and nodded. "H-hello m-mister Alastor, Yes M-miss Rosie is in her office in the back."

I nodded and went on my way to see Rosie. Surprisingly the interaction went smoother than it normally does, then again, I usually don't ask for her during working hours.

I knocked on the door in the back of the shop, making sure my suit looks all neat and presentable, with of course, my smile. The wait wasn't long, as the door opened after a moment to reveal the woman I've come to see.

"Ah, Alastor, you're on time. Come in and take a seat," She gestured into her office and I stepped in and sat on the chair as she closed the door behind me.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked, walking back to her office chair.

I drummed my fingers on the table in a rhythm. "I was thinking, since the end of the year is coming up, we could somehow lure her somewhere.."

"We could. Though, didn't you say her other half loves you?" Rosie questioned. I nodded.

"Her other half is a variable I'm not to sure about. Yes, she does love me, but she will go against me if it means protecting the host." Explaining, I crossed my legs, staring at the tips of my shoes.

"I see." Rosie walked around to her desk and sat down. "We don't know what triggers that side of her out do we?"

I shook my head. "No we don't. I don't think she fully does either."

There was a moment of silence before a plan popped into my head. My idle smile grew bigger as I stood up and proceeded to be on my way.

"Rosie dear, I figured it out. I will keep in touch from here on till the day. But for now, keep an eye on her movements. Don't make it to obvious, I don't want her getting suspicious."

"As you wish." Rosie replied as I walked out of her office with a stride. I know this plan will work, even if it involves casualties to get what I want in the end.

My heart swelled with desire at the thought of having her in my reach. It made me feel feelings I thought I lost in time. Is this what love is supposed to feel like?

The thought triggered an old memory as I walked down the streets of hell. A dreadful memory I have repressed since I was alive.

Maybe it will be different this time.

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