A Truce?

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(Shadow PoV 1st person)

I was walking down to the other side of town, where I remember seeing a tall building that said "Hazbin Hotel". Things from her perspective is mostly blurry and spotty.

As I walked up the street, it was rather quiet. No other hellspawn wanted to be near me. No fear. The power of my presence felt great.


After a bit longer, I arrive to the Hotel's front door. I knock on the door, in case i would barge into something important. A moment passed before the door opened.

As it opened, a familiar voice apologized for the wait, then revealed Alastor, the man I came here for. He looked down at me with a big grin on his face, it looked as if he was surprised. But his voice became a small growl. 

"(Y/n)....Are you here to surrender to me?" He said, as he closed the door behind him. I took a step back to make room between us.

"Surrender...? What do you mean." I replied. I had no idea what he was talking about. It's probably something that has to do with (Y/n), not me.

There was a pause before he spoke again. "You should know what I mean dear. I'm quite surprised that you're not even quaking in your shoes."

I couldn't help but to laugh. Shaking in my skin in front of someone who created me?

I cleared my throat and smiled underneath the mask. "I may need to introduce myself then. Call me whatever you would like, but you are the one who created me. A split in (Y/n)'s personality, as you can put it." I did a little curtsy for him. He seemed confused yet intrigued. 

He leaned on his radio cane and looked at me with curious eyes. "So I created you? How?" 

I smiled. "Well, I believe it began when you cheated on (Y/n) with that one girl." I crossed my arms. "That's the first conscious thought I remember having, hatred for that girl."

Alastor laughed, his smile going wider if that was possible. "That was the catalyst? How wonderful. And then you killed her! I remember it as clear as day." He seemed to be enjoying the memories.

I smiled with him, even though some of it was painful in emotions, it was so satisfying to take care of that girl, and the rest of the victims after her. Looking at Alastor made my twisted heart thump with happiness. The feeling sent butterflies into my stomach. Thank god this mask is hiding my face. 

Once he regained his calm exposure, he asked a question again. "Why are you wearing the mask? I saw (Y/n) carry it around but never wear it."

I shrug. "I guess you could say that I'm connected to it. Earlier when I told her to put it on, I gained control over her body. That's as much as I know." 

He nodded. He seemed to be in thought about something. I looked around and saw someone looking out one of the windows. I think they noticed me, since they fled as soon as I looked in their direction. 

"I assume that you're the one who keeps (Y/n) safe, yes?" He asked. I nodded.

"That is correct, why else would I?" 

He shrugged. "How about we do a truce? She unintentionally declared a love war against me."

I laughed. "So I can be out of your hair? I'll protect her if you get too rough. Is that fair enough?"

"Sounds fair to me." He smiled and extended his hand. I took it, blushing more under the mask. A rush of wind and a strange green light emitted from our clasped hands then it went away shortly after. "The deal is settled. You better not go against our word then."

I nodded and he started towards the door. "Then that settles that. I'm sorry I cannot spend more time with you, I need to go back inside to work. Try to come back soon, okay my dear?" 

Butterflies erupted like a volcano once more, and I nodded. "It's a promise." I said as I watched him enter the building again. I started smiling as I walked away back into town.


(Alastor PoV 1st person)

I re-entered the hotel again, with Vaggie and Charlie looking at me curiously. Well, Vaggie was more of a grumpy look than curiosity.

"Yes, what is it ladies?" I smiled, walking towards the desk that Charlie was standing next to.

"What took you so long Al? Was there a problematic demon?" Charlie asked.

I shook my head. "No, just someone who got lost. I helped them figure out where they needed to go.

Vaggie cleared her throat. "It kind of looked like (Y/n) was outside." 

I shot her a look, but she was unbothered by it. If only I could make that change some day.

"(Y/n)?! She was here? Where is she now?" Charlie chirped, looking at me concerned.

I sighed. She just had to open her big mouth, didn't she. Oh well. "She wanted to come in, or so she said. But because I'm here, she didn't want to come inside." 

"That doesn't explain why you were out there so long. She's terrified of you." Vaggie countered.

I tapped my cane on the floor. "Enough questions! I need to get back to work, and so do you ladies. We can talk more over dinner." I said, walking away from them into an office room.

I closed the door and sighed. Vaggie is too nosy. It will get her killed someday I'm sure of it. Be it my hand or someone else's.

Sitting down at the desk, I take off my coat and think. My original plan has been interrupted with the discovery of (Y/n)'s split side. I wonder what I should do now....

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