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Once you and Mimzy were in one of the back rooms, she closed the door and ushered you to sit on the worn couch.

"Sorry I can't provide something more suitable (Y/n)." She went over to a dresser and grabbed some peroxide, cotton and long tweezers.

"It's okay Mimzy, this is fine." You didn't want to tell her that you were living in luxury on the other side of town lately.

She sat next to you and made you turn towards her. She began cleaning up the blood on your face and touching up the wound, which made you wince.

"This'll only be a moment. Would you like anything to drink?" She asked. She reminded you of your mother, who would always comfort you whenever you got hurt. You smiled from the sweet memory.

You nodded. "Yes, that'll help. Thank you Mimzy."

She smiled, it seemed a bit mischievous but you payed no mind to it. "Sure thing Doll!" You watched as she left the room.

Now left to your own devices, you look around. The room kinda looked like a break room, without a refrigerator or tables for food and coffee. You just settle down on the couch, stretching.

You wondered what time it was, and if anyone back there is up. If anyone was, it may be Vox. He doesn't sleep well or at all.

A few more minutes went by before Mimzy came back with a glass of water.

"Sorry it took a few more minutes than expected hon, some ruffians were causing quite a racket again." She held out the glass for you and you took it, the cold condensation felt wonderful on your fingers.

You smiled at her. "It's okay, running a business isn't easy after all." You basically chugged the water down, it felt like heaven against your dry throat. You didn't Realize how parched you were.

Mimzy sat down next to you and grabbed one half of you broken mask. "So, where have you been lately? Haven't seen you around town at all."

You turned towards her and rubbed the back of your head. How were you going to explain that you were with the three V's all this time? "Charlie wanted to keep me at the hotel, and wouldn't let me go out for my own safety."

Mimzy didn't look surprised, maybe a hint of suspicion. "Oh? Then how did you get out tonight? I heard that Al is there almost 24/7."

You shrugged and started feeling drowsy. Were you that tired? It is night, so maybe you could take a rest here for awhile. You just had to make sure you got home before the others noticed.

"Hey, Mimzy? Could I rest here for a little bit? I feel really tired." You grabbed a worn pillow and lied down on your side. Your stomach was a bit upset too, maybe it's from the alcohol.

She nodded and gave you a blanket. "Sorry it's not much but it'll do. I hope you have a nice rest (Y/n)."

You grabbed the blanket and began to close your heavy eyes. You saw Mimzy smiling brightly as reality started to fade away.


At some point, you wake up in a dark, dimly lit room. All you could see was the faint silhouette of a table the only light source--a candle--was on.

You sat up with a headache and groaned. You went to check your nose to see if it was still damaged when you felt rope around your wrists. Your hands were tied.

You heard muffled arguing on the other side of the door, you couldn't tell who one of them was but there was no mistaking Alastor's radio static.

This couldn't be good. How long were you gone? Is it daylight now? How much trouble would you be in when you got back to them...

Whole you were panic thinking, the door opened. The light shining through was much brighter than this room, it was nearly blinding to you.

When your eyes adjusted, you saw the silhouette of Alastor in the doorway, and a panicked looking Mimzy.

"I-I'm sorry Al! I j-just figured that, y-ya know, I could help you! I didn't mean ta' over-" Alastor waved his hand and Mimzy fell silent, looking at him with scared eyed.

"Quiet. You know eavesdropping is bad manners my dear. We can discuss this later." He walked in the room as Mimzy nodded and closed the door.

Once the door closed, Alastor's radio staff emitted a red glow to fill the room. You could now see shapes better, even though they look like black masses against the light.

"Well, well, it looks like we meet again (Y/n)." His tone shifted from annoyed to somewhat dangerous, like he was looking at his prey in a cage.

"Under unfavorable conditions, it seems like we have." You responded.

"So tell me, why are you doing this?" He walked over to the table, the candle now extinguished. He picked up one half of your mask and observed it carefully, smiling dangerously.

"Doing what? What do you mean?" You asked carefully. Radio static started to fill the room slightly, like he was agitated.

"I think you know what I mean dear. Now tell me." He looked at you unfaltering.

You sat up straighter, not detering from his intimidation. "Why aren't you letting me live my own life here?" The question seemed out of nowhere, unexpected.

Alastor chuckled, though it sounded more like a growl. "Because my dear (Y/n), we made a deal years ago, don't you remember? Back on Earth."

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