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"All of you may have heard about the disappearances in a few cities in Meriam County lately." One news anchor said. "And recently, a police cam caught a picture to identify a potential suspect."

The news flashed to a blurry picture of Alastor wearing the mask walking out of an alleyway. It switched back after a minute.

"Remember to travel in groups and don't be out to late." 

The news cut to a commercial and you turned off the TV and began to laugh almost hysterically. After years, the police finally had another lead, but that lead will lead them to a dead end, you and Alastor always kill any witnesses, if there were any. 

But still, you both had to be more careful now, just in case they got to close.


During dinner, your parents were discussing about things that came up on the news today, and eventually the disappearances and the picture of a suspect came up.

Your mom looked at you a bit worried. "(Y/n), I don't want you out so late anymore, you could become one of them, and I don't want to lose you." Your dad nodded in agreement. 

You had an urge to laugh, because they had no idea that you are a part of the disappearances. You ended up gripping your utensils tighter instead.

"Alright." Is all you replied with.

After dinner you went to your room and thought about what would happen now that the public knows what masks you and him wear. It shouldn't be a big deal, Alastor has done this sort of thing before.


The next day you went to (F/n)'s house, and hung out there most of the day. They wouldn't shut up about the possible theories on the disappearances. Honestly, it was intriguing to watch them try and figure out what you already know, but you couldn't say if it was right or wrong, you just nodded your head. 

After awhile, you took your leave and they hugged you tightly, making sure you'd be okay. They offered you a ride, but you declined. You told her you were just going to take a stroll through the park. 

It was afternoon when you reached the house in the woods, you opened and shut the door behind you.

Shortly after you heard a muffled scream followed by whimpering. You went over and peaked downstairs and saw Alastor carving someone alive. The sight sent a chill up your spine and you looked at the victims face. You recognized that face to be the girl you beat up from school who got suspended for a week.

You giggled and walked closer to them. "Karma is a bitch, isn't it?" You pinched her cheek like a grandmother would. "You just had to bully kids in school, didn't you~?" You let her go after you drew a bit of blood from piercing your thumbnail into her skin.

Alastor chuckled and pulled out a hacksaw. It looked old and rusted. And painful. "Well luckily for this world, she won't bully anyone ever again." he looked at her with a crazed grin, and she seemed to try and shrink into the corner.

You kissed Al on the cheek and turned around. "When you're done here, I would like to talk." You smiled and walked out.

Some time passed while you were waiting on a couch in the living room. You decided to read a book to pass the time, the muffled screams became background noise. 

Drumming your fingers to an unknown rhythm, you waited for Al to be done. You were thinking on how to bring up the fact that he got caught on a police cam.

Once Al was done with torturing the girl, he came upstairs. His hands looked all bloody and he had some spots of blood on his face. His grin never left his face, the sight made you smile. You patted on the seat next to you for him to sit down.

As he sat down, you turned towards him and sighed. "You do realize your on the news, right?"

He looked dumbfounded. "I am?" His grin then stretched wider and he started laughing. "Looks like I'm famous again!"

You shook your head and pulled out your phone to show him the picture. "Let's hope that the authorities are dumb enough to not figure us out." He nodded in agreement.

After a bit of chatting you decided to go home, since the sun is setting. You didn't want your parents to get too worried.

As above, Love below (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now