Devil's Den

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You went to your hotel room and flopped onto the bed, exhausted from travel and the emotional roller coaster from Rosie. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep once your head hit the pillow. It took you most of the day to get here, and it seemed to late afternoon by the time you got to your room.

It was a dreamless sleep, and you felt well-rested once you woke up, which felt refreshing. Sitting up in bed, you looked around the room and felt longing. You didn't think you'd miss the hotel as much as much as you do. You felt at peace, almost. 

Then you remembered that Alastor frequents this hotel. The thought made your anxiety spike, and you were nervous all over again, though Charlie did say he was gone for awhile, didn't she?

You got out of bed and headed out of the room towards the lobby of the hotel, hoping to find Charlie there. Though your luck must have ran out, as you hear the front door's chime as someone walked through. Alastor walked into the lobby with the same grin that's always plastered on his face. 

You wanted to walk away, but it seemed like your feet were glued to the floor. He turned to you, and you swore his grin got wider, maybe even more sinister. You wanted to hide, feeling like you shouldn't belong in the hotel at all.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" He chimed as he walked towards you, his hands behind his back as he walked forwards. You were terrified to say the least. "I never thought I would see you here again, my dear." 

The way he said 'my dear' sounded taunting, almost like a challenge. Your voice died in your throat as you gulped, speechless and scared. He chuckled and put his hands on his staff, looking you up and down like some prey. 

"What brings you here?" He hummed, the air around him felt menacing, dangerous. Almost like one wrong move could kill you. 

"I...I have business with Charlie. It's none of your concern." You half-lied. You did come here to talk to Charlie, and maybe Vaggie, though it did concern him. You couldn't let him know that though, not yet at least. 

"I see.." He looked a bit skeptical, looking you over before nodding, leaning back and chuckling. "Well,  if you try to do something stupid, I might have your head." His voice lowered as he spoke before walking away down the hall. The conversation left a chill down your spine.

Now that you evaded his anger, you went looking for Charlie. She wasn't in her usual spot in the lobby, maybe she was in her office? You went over and knocked on the office door, but it was quiet, seemed like she wasn't there. You wondered where else she could be, if she was in the building that is.

It took you a bit of searching around, bumping into Niffty at some point while she was cleaning. She had a rushed greeting before sprinting off down the hall to some other part of the building. You didn't find Charlie until you stepped outside to the gated gardens. 

You saw her sitting on a bench in a gazebo that was in the center of the garden. She looked relaxed, looking up at the sky. When you walked closer to her, it looked more like longing than anything else. 

Clearing your throat, she looked over at you a bit startled. "Oh, (Y/N) it's just you." She sighed and relaxed. You nodded and sat next to her. "Do you need something?" She seemed a bit tired. 

You shook your head. "No, but I want to talk to you about something important." You looked around, making sure no one else was around, especially Alastor. Charlie looked at you, waiting for you to speak.

"It's about Alastor," You continued. "Well, what Vox and Valentino have planned against him." You took out a small notebook from your pocket, handing it to Charlie. "They're planning on killing Alastor on Extermination day."

Charlie took the notebook and flipped through it. She looked surprised by the news. "How did you figure this out?" She asked as she read the details. 

"I overheard Vox talk about it." You shrugged, not wanting to mention that you also went through his study while he was away from the house. "I'd like your help in stopping them, I can't do it alone." 

"Alastor hates you though, doesn't he?" She asked curious. The last thing she heard about your relationship, was you both hated each other, not knowing what changed. You chuckled lightly, looking over at the tall hedges.

"I think that's changed, for better or worse. But for now, I have to pretend to hate him still. I need to go back to Vox before the end of the night. He might worry." You stood up and stretched a bit. "And keep the notebook, don't let anyone else see it. I don't want anyone knowing about what's going to happen. Not yet." 

Charlie nodded as you walked away from her. "Stay safe, (Y/n)," She called out as you walked through the doors. She tucked the notebook away in her jacket. 

As the doors shut behind you, Alastor seemed to appear out of the shadows. "It seemed like your business went well my dear." His voice hummed with a static tone. It made you jump in surprise. Gaining your composure, you narrowed your eyes at him, which only made his grin widen.

"It did, and I'll take my leave now since it's done." You sounded snobby, as you turned away from him and began to walk away to the lobby only to be stopped by his hand grabbing your wrist fairly tightly.

"Being a snob doesn't fit on you, my dear. I know when you're pretending." His voice lowered slightly, on the verge of being threatening. 

"Just let go of me." You jerked your arm back and looked at him, he let his arm fall to his side and he nodded ever so slightly.

"You can't run from the hunter forever, I always get what I want in the end." He chuckled and disappeared. You shook your head, he can be such an ass sometimes, it made you wonder why you even liked him in the first place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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