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Ever since you talked to Vox that night, you've been having strange dreams. They seem like visions, but visions from the past when you were alive.

The visions often left you feeling homesick or sad. You missed your family and friends. Sometimes you just wondered if all this was some giant nightmare you couldn't wake up from. Maybe you were in a coma from an accident and unable to wake up.

But the flashbacks with Alastor seemed far to real to be fabricated....

You shook your head, trying to rid yourself from thinking about him. How could you have been so infatuated with Alastor with all of the things he's done? He manipulated you. That's what everyone keeps saying.

Despite the flooding memories, you still couldn't remember how you died. And for now, that was okay. You didn't need to know how you died if it brought you into a place like this.

Ever since the incident, Valentino won't allow you to be in the city without Velvet or Vox by your side. According to him it's to protect you from the "old school radio freak".

Regardless of that, you haven't seen Alastor or felt his static in your head since then either. Which you were grateful for. You didn't want to see him.

You told Vox ab ok it your dream memories and he td you it was a normal occurrence, that most new demons forget most of their life when they wake up here, but slowly gain them back over time.

At least it wasn't out of the ordinary you suppose.

(Alastor PoV 1st person)

I decided to walk into Mimzy's bar in the afternoon. A drink wouldn't hurt along with a matter needed attention.

When I walked in, everyone went silent, just staring at me with frightful looks. When I walked to the bar counter, the tender looked at me without a faultering face.

"Would you like anything?" His voice seemed to be a bit strained.

"Just some Whiskey, and I've come to tell your staff that the darling Mimzy won't be showing up for a few days due to some circumstances."

He nodded as he got the drink I ordered. "I understand sir."

"Good." I took the glass and gulped the alcohol down in one shot. I left a sum of money next to the glass and proceeded to leave.

I walked back to my house on the edge of the country-side of Sin city.

Once I entered, it was quiet like it usually was, but there was a small noise in the back of the house, like clattering.

I follow the sounds to the cellar door in the kitchen. It may be Mimzy trying to get out. I shouldn't be too harsh on her.

When I opened the door, she seemed panicked. I smiled at her.

"Now Mimzy dear, what have I told you about meddling with my business when I don't give permission?" I stepped into the cellar and closed the door behind me. She seemed to shrink away.

"Y-you told me not too. B-but-!" She stammered.

"Hm? But what?"

"I over heard you and Rosie talking, about Doll, so I thought maybe I could help by capturing her at my bar." She huffed and looked away.

I walked around. "How did you assume that (Y/n) was Doll?" I leaned down to her level, smiling calmly.

"I-I just guessed! Because she told me about you!" She stammered. "I t-thought I could help you, but you never let me!"

"Because you always take things to far from what I don't want. I didn't want to hurt her Mimzy, but you have me no choice with the situation you put me in."

Mimzy went quiet and huffed. "What do you like about her anyway? You haven't taken interest in anyone till you found her in the living world. What gives?"

I stopped walking, facing my back to her. I really didn't know why I'm going after her. But subconsciously I do, most likely. I've been having a strange feeling whenever I'm near her.

"I'm not completely sure Mimzy. But your envy is irrational."

Short chapter this week

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