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(Y/n PoV 2nd person)

You were watching 666 News on the TV this morning. It was the usual antics of Tom being bullied on screen by Katie followed by some news stories.

But this story was different. Mimzy was on the screen, it looked like she was beaten up. Even her makeup couldn't fully cover it up. You winced, maybe she tried to stop a bar fight.

Something was off though. Her body language was fidgety and nervous, which wasn't like her at all. And it looked like she was trying to cover up bruises with off colored makeup.

You studied the tv, watching the news carefully.

*Sniff* "I have a message. For Dollface out there..."

There was a pause before Katie jabbed her pencil thin elbow into Mimzy's arm, which made her flinch.

"I want to say..Alastor is mine and you should stay away from him!!"

She was angry and flustered. The confession seemed to embarrass her. Then she started laughing like crazy.

"Cuz if you don't, well, your in for a bad time!"

Katie and Tom started laughing, thinking she was the crazy one. To be fair, she was.

"What a declaration of war on live television!" Katie enthused.

You turned off the TV before they could talk anymore. Then you started laughing to yourself.

You weren't going to willingly go near that deerman any time soon. So he's going to be hers.

But something deep within you felt a bit of pain. Like you were missing something. You shook off the feeling and thought nothing of it.


WARNING: Sexual assault ahead, if your not comfortable, skip the rest of the chapter.

Later that day you were at one of Valentino's clubs with him today. You were tired of being cooped up in your room and the building so you asked him if you could tag along. He agreed since Velvet wasn't going with him today.

You were with him on a couch in the balcony overlooking the club. The heavy electronic bass made everything pulse, but wasn't deafening to the ears, at least from where you were sitting.

Valentino had two slutty looking neko demons cooing over him and lounges closely to him. You sat on a separate couch, overlooking the bottom floor. You wee a bit bored, but the music was enough to not lose your mind.

At some point, you did fall asleep. You weren't sure when. The last thing you remember was listening to the music and playing a game on the phone.

You noticed That you were in a room. It seemed familiar to you, but you couldn't remember ever being in a room like this.

Suddenly, a dark woman-shaped figure appeared, wearing your mask. But it had a crack going down one of the eyes.

"Wake. Up." The figure said. It sounded frustrated, or angry.

"Huh?" You were confused.

"Wake up. And put on your mask." Then the figure vanished.

Then you woke up, startled and your chest feeling heavy. When you regained your senses, you noticed something wrong. Very wrong.

Valentino was above you, and begining to touch you in various places. You tried to push him away, but he didn't move.

"Now Doll~," Val cooed. It drew a cold shiver up your spine. "You better behave or else your going to get hurt. And we don't want that, now do we~?" He grinned wide, gripping your hips so tightly that it made you wince and shrink back into the couch.

You gritted your teeth as he continued. It was like your body was obeying him out of fear, but your mind was racing and your thoughts were getting more cloudy with rage as time went on.

As he started to get more handsy near your sweet spots, he also leaned in and stuck his tongue in your mouth forcefully.

Reacting instantly, you bit down on his tongue as hard as you could and you felt blood gush from the bite.

He roared as he pulled back, blood now staining his teeth and dripping down his mouth.

"You whore!" He yelled out. It seemed like everything went dead silent as he slapped you across the face. You saw stars in your vision as you fell to the floor, spitting out blood.

You heard his shoes tap on the floor as he stood up and you looked at him with a small, satisfied smile.

Truthfully, you were scared and terrified. But you also felt strong, with the surge of adrenaline going through you.

Standing up, you took a step towards the table behind you, attempting to grab your mask. Only to remember that you didn't bring it this time. Foolish.

Val's arms reached for you as he grinned wickedly. "Doll, I know you didn't mean to hurt me like that, you wouldn't do such a thing."

You shook your head, not wanting to answer. Rage was building up inside you and you had nowhere to go. You really didn't want to make a scene.

Suddenly, the voice from your dream seemed to whisper in your ear. "Summon me."

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