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(Y/n PoV 2nd person)

Next thing you know, you were back at the mansion that you live in with Velvet and Valentino. You have no idea how you got here in the first place. Last thing you remember is Valentino doing things to you...

Should you go back inside? Your anxiety rose as you thought about it, and what happened earlier. Was he still mad? Will he do it again? What would Velvet think of it?

You started to shake alittle, unable to move. You didn't know what to do, bit you didn't have another place to stay besides this place.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Vox came out, looking udderly pissed. It startled you a bit, since you usually see him in a calm composure. Last time you saw him this mad was when he was fighting Alastor.

Alastor...You felt like you saw him recently, but that's impossible. A shiver went down your spine.

Vox was muttering under his breath, then he looked up and saw you. His expression softened in what looked to be concern.

"(Y/n)! Where have you been? No one's seen you around since you left the club!" Vox's worried tone eased your nerves.

"I..." You thought for a moment. You don't remember anything after the incident. "I don't know where I went. Everything went black after..."

"After what?" Vox gently laid a hand on your shoulder.

You look down and see your mask in your hand. It felt slightly warm. "After I put this on. It spoke to me when...Valentino got handsy. So I listened."

Vox nodded as you spoke. "That's interesting." He looked back at the door and sighed. "it's best not to go in there right now. Val is pissed at both of us right now. Would you like to crash at my place for a few days till he calms down?"

You nodded, sighing in relief that you didn't have to go back there. You didn't want to think of what he would do to you.

"What about Velvet?" You asked.

He tilted his head. "Oh, her? She has her own place. We don't like being around him when he's this upset."

You hummed and stayed quiet. It made sense that they would avoid him too.

You both started walking away from the building into town. You followed Vox closely, and on high alert even though most of the other demons didn't want to come near either of you.

The walk was mostly silent, with some idle chat here and there. Mostly talking about the shops and businesses you passed by, and some gossip.


After awhile of walking, Vox turned and stopped.

"We're here." He said, smiling. You couldn't help but smile back.

You looked at the house, and it was almost as fancy as Valentino's. But it looked more homey and inviting than his. You felt at ease, more at ease here than anyone else in hell.

"It looks marvelous Vox!" You said. You heard him sigh, like he was holding his breath.

"I'm glad you like it (Y/n)." Vox sounded happy.

You froze and butterflies slowly formed in your stomach. He never said your name before. It was foreign, and it felt nice. You haven't heard anyone say your name in a long time....You missed your name. And this new feeling...It was the feeling you remember when you fell in "love" with Alastor....

You shook your head and pushed the feeling down and you smiled at him. "Why wouldn't I like it?"

He shrugged and gestured towards the house. "Ladies first."

You smiled and walked towards the entrance of the house.  Vox followed behind you.

When you both reached the door, Vox moved in front to unlock and open it. He apologized if it was going to be a bit of a mess, then walked inside and took off his coat and shoes.

Once you get inside, the foyer was big. You took off your shoes and coat and placed them next to Vox's. You started to relax more.

Vox guided you to the big living room. It had a long comfortable looking couch, next to it was little table and infront was a coffee table. On the wall was a large flat screen and some surround sound speakers. It felt homey. You loved it here.

"So, what do you think?" Vox strode passed you and took a bottle of whiskey and a small glass and poured himself a drink.

You smiled. "It looks amazing Vox! It reminds me of home."

He took a drink and smiled. "Your home was like this too?"

You shook your head and laughed. "If only. We weren't that much of a rich family. The house just feels comfortable."

He nodded and finished his drink and offered you some. You shook your head. He shrugged and set the bottle and glass down.

He went to sit on the couch and stretched. You followed and sat in the corner of the couch. He smiled at you softly and you smiled back.

"Do you want to talk about what happened or do you want to rest?" He asked.

You thought for a moment, then a wave of exhausted washed over you. You didn't really want to take a nap but it felt like all that pent up anxiety and stress let itself go and left you exhausted.

"I think I want to rest first. I'm exhausted." You said and curled into yourself to hug your knees.

"You can rest on my bed for awhile. I can wake you up once dinner is ready." He said, standing up and offering his hand to you.

You took his hand and blushed slightly, standing back up.

"I'll show you to my room." He calmly said and walked in the direction of his room. You followed behind him into a hallway.

He stood in front of a door and opened it, reviewing a room with a messy floor but otherwise it was tidy.

"Well, this is it. It's not much but it's something." He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Are you kidding? It's amazing!" You jumped into the bed and it was surprisingly soft and very comfortable. You expected something more firm from a man like him. But you weren't complaining.

He smiled and sighed. "I'm glad you like it. I'll leave you alone to rest. I'll be back once I get dinner done."

You nodded as you started falling asleep. "Sounds like a plan..See you later."

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