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(Alastor PoV 1st person)

I decided to take a stroll into town to talk to some of my acquaintances.

Everyone avoided me like I had the plague, which I always find amusing. At least they have common sense in this forsaken place.

Sporting my ever smile, I made my way down the street to the Famous Emporium that is run by Rosie. She used to have an assistant there, but they died during one of the past exterminations.

I walked inside the Emporium, hearing the bell jingle as I opened the door.

"I'll be there in a moment!" An unfamiliar voice called. Did she get a new assistant already?

I was standing at the entrance for a minute, looking around at some knickknacks by a shelf when I heard the voice behind me.

"Welcome to the Emporium sir, is there anything your looking for?"

I turned around and saw a short spider-looking demon. Once she realized who I was, it seemed like she was shaking slightly.

"Oh, uh, I-I didn't know you were him I'm sorry!" She seemed a bit. I chuckled and waved my hand.

"It's fine my dear, do you know where Rosie would be?"

The demon nodded and she pointed towards one of the big windows, where a table and some chairs were. Rosie was also sitting in one of the chairs enjoying a beverage.

"She's on a break r-right now." The demon stated.

"Perfect. I'm here for personal business, you may go now. Thank you for your time." I said as I walked towards the table.

"Ah, Rosie." I said as I reached the table and took a seat across from her. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

She was silent for a memt, taking a sip of her tea before she spoke, setting it back down. "Alastor, last time I saw you, we were in the living world."

I nodded, remembering. "And you don't look any less beautiful than up there my dear." I smiled, placing my hands on the table.

"You flatter me." She chuckled. "But the feeling of dying again doesn't hurt less than before, you know." Her face turned a bit sour.

I nodded. "I understand, and I'm sorry that you had to go through that again, but it was a stepping stone for her."

"I see. Well onto different matters, what brings you here?" She asked.

"It's about her again. She declared war on us, and we need to show her that I'll get what I want."

"Us? You mean she declared war on you and your dragging us into it." She tapped her fingers on the table. "And how she 'declare war'?"

I told her the story of when (Y/n) ran from the hotel and the time I approached her and vox.

She nodded along then asked me a question. "Why are you still pursuing her?"

It didn't catch me off guard, it was a question I've been asking myself ever since I found her down here. I had my fun with her up there, but now I can't let her go. Not yet.

"I'm not sure why, but whatever the reason, I'm not going to stop till I have her." I stood up. "Give it some thought, will you? I would like an answer on my offer soon."

I left the Emporium after saying my goodbyes and I went to some other demons I have in contact with.

I'm sorry for the long hiatus, life gets in the way and it sucks. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, expect the next one to (hopefully) be soon!

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