New Friends?

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The girl dragged you into a big night club. It looked bigger on the inside than the outside, you thought. The lights switched between blue and pink occasionally. The place was crowded with demons and strippers alike, some of the strippers had barely any clothes on. 

She kept a firm grip onto your wrist as you both weaved through the mass of demons. At some point you started ascending stairs, you didn't even notice there was stairs in this place. 

As you both reached the top, it was more like a large balcony. There was a few tables around and a large, and rather long couch placed in front of a large window overlooking the city. 

On the couch there was a tall man lounging on one side, he wore a long pink coat with zebra fur as a trim and a very poofy looking coat collar. There was a girl on his lap, she looked like a neko girl, with a skimpy white outfit and a bell collar around her neck. She looked kinda cute. On the other side of the couch was a man in a suit with a T.V head and a small hat. You didn't know how the hat is able to stay on his head, since his head looked like a flat screen.

The girl released you when you both were standing in front of them. You felt nervous and pressured, like the air was heavy around you.

"Mr.V! Vox! Look who I found~!" The girl bounced up and down, it reminded you of Charlie a bit.

Wait, Vox? That name sounds familiar. It took a moment for you to piece it together before you remembered. Mimzy told you about him, and that he's the rival of Alastor. 

The man in the coat patted the neko girl and she pouted a bit before she left, looking at you suspiciously before you saw her go down the stairs.

"Who is this lovely doll?" He cooed and extended his arm your direction. The gesture was oddly inviting yet it seemed that you couldn't move from your spot.

The girl giggled happily and grabbed your shoulders and squeezed tightly, slightly digging her perfect nails into your porcelain skin. 

"I'm tired of being the only girl around here, and she looks strong! I think it's time to have another person in the group!"

There was a moment of silence, and the air seemed weighted. You felt a bit uncomfortable, but you stood your ground.

They all looked at each other, like an unspoken conversation.

Finally, the man in the pink coat looked at you and smiled. "We agree to her proposition, on one condition." He paused. You nodded your head. "If you fuck up once, you're as good as dead. Do we have a deal, doll~?"

You nodded and heaved a sigh you didn't know you had. The girl jumped with joy and hugged your shoulders tightly.

"Yay! A new member! So, what's your name?"

You caught yourself almost saying your real name. You paused for a moment, thinking of what Charlie called you.

Looking up, you responded. "Dollface is my name."

So, I'm sorry this is such a short chapter. I've been so exhausted and tired this past week and a half. Personal drama sucks. But once it's over I'm hoping I can get back on schedule on the updates! Also half of this update is on mobile so sorry for mistakes, I'll edit it when I'm able too.

As above, Love below (Sequel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ