Caught in the Crossfire

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Mimzy basically talked your ear off about the city you ended up in. And it was your first assumption, Hell. It didn't look as bad as you always thought it would be, it actually looked quite fun to be in for centuries.

She also explained that there was a king and queen of hell, the overlords Lucifer and Lilith. And they had a daughter named Charlie. You already met her earlier, and she helped you on your feet a bit. She told you that there were multiple overlords in hell, and they were some of the most powerful people in this realm.

The first Overlord she mentioned was Alastor, and from the description she gave, it matched with the man you came across on the way out of the hotel. She also seemed very fond of him as well, like a crush. It spawned an odd feeling of jealousy, which you couldn't explain, so you decided to shake off the feeling.

You asked if she knew of any others, and she told you she's friends with an overlord named Rosie. That name was oddly familiar, but you couldn't remember from where. School maybe? She also mentioned a person named Valentino and how he runs the porn industry of the city, and Vox, who is Alastor's rival.

You nodded your head and took the last sip of the drink she offered you. Standing up, you set the glass on the table. 

"I better get going, it's getting a bit late, isn't it?" You stretched, looking towards the door.

Mimzy nodded, her fingers tapping on the counter. "I suppose your right, but where would you go? You just got here."

"Actually, I stay at a hotel, not far from here." You scratched the back of your head.

She tilted her head. "You mean that 'Happy Hotel' that the princess made?" She started laughing, tilting her head back. "She thinks that she can rehabilitate sinners! Isn't that the most hilarious thing you've heard down here?" 

You shrugged and walked off without another word.

Honestly, you weren't quite ready to go back to the hotel, but you didn't want to get lost. Eventually you decide to go the 'scenic route' back and hopefully you don't get lost. You ended up taking a lot of messy, stained and trashed walk ways to avoid most of the people. You didn't feel like explaining to Charlie how you got hurt.

Suddenly, you started hearing some explosions and some yelling. Deciding to go towards the area out of curiosity, you end up finding AngelDust and another demon fighting some eggs.

Eggs? How odd, but you were starting to get used to the oddities of this place.

You ran up to Angel, hiding behind some torn up road and he seemed very surprised.

"What are ya doin' here toots?" He asked.

Shrugging, you sighed a bit. "I went to a bar, and then left to go back to the hotel and ended up hearing you guys." You replied as he tossed a small little red bomb over his shoulder.

He nodded and handed you a gun. "Well, I guess you're here ta' fight then!" He yelled and turned around and began shooting at the eggs.

You began doing the same thing, not sure what else you could do to help. Then there was a tap on your shoulder. 

Looking to your side, you saw the other demon, another cyclops looking demon with punk-rockish clothing and blonde hair that faded into pink and it was up in a ponytail. She was grinning at you with sharp teeth. 

"Hey! Take these, you'll need them!" She shoved 3 of the mini bombs in your hands before running off again.

For awhile you were shooting the eggs and throwing bombs at them too, but it seemed like the mass of them weren't really being effected. 

You were almost completely fed up with the mass of eggs that kept coming out of nowhere, when suddenly, another demon appeared. He looked like a snake, with eyes all over and wore a black pinstriped shirt and a top hat with an eye on it.

"Well, what do we have here?" The man slithered up to the three of you with a smirk on his face. 

"You're on my turf old man!" The one-eyed demon shouted, she was holding some more bombs. You wondered where she could get so many in a short time.

"Yours?" He looked at her then laughed. "Do you mean my turf? You can't possibly beat my number of egg boys!" He laughed again, it was getting a bit annoying.

"Would ya' shut your mouth already and fight?!" Angel shouted and cracked open an egg. The snake looked furious.

"Fine then!" he pointed a pistol at you and shot. 

You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact but instead, you were shoved onto the ground harshly.

"Ack!" Angel stumbled back and held his shoulder. You looked at him shocked, your body went cold, then felt hot as you began getting angry from rage. 

Standing up, you felt different, like some sort of energy was built up in you.

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