A New Beginning

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Everything went quiet. You couldn't hear the sirens, or Liz anymore. You wonder what she thinks of you, since she found out the truth. What would the others think?

You couldn't move, or open your eyes. It felt like you were in a thick, liquid mass of void. You couldn't feel much of your stomach area. The numbing sensation of the knife still being lodged in the area was still there. It felt unpleasantly uncomfortable.

It seemed like you were in that sort of stasis and limbo forever. You had no sense of time, so who knows, maybe it was. 

Suddenly, you began to hear noise. Like a busy street, or town. Then you started to smell something like alcohol, or gasoline. It was hard to tell. 

You then were met with a wave of nausea. You sat up quickly and vomited beside you, all your senses came crashing in awareness all at once.

After being done heaving, you look round you in the new surroundings. It appeared you were in some sort of alleyway. It was dark. But it was clear enough to where you noticed it was filthy. Very filthy. Where was the cleaners when you needed them? It smelled like the area hasn't been cleaned in eons.

Standing up, you put your hands on your knees. But the sight of your hands shocked you. They looked more like claws than human hands. And your skin was a dirty white color. Nothing like your natural skin color. It was odd. Where exactly were you?

You looked around you once more, after you stood up onto your feet. You felt taller. Maybe you were. You made a mental note to check a mirror later.

You spotted your mask laying on the ground by your feet. You went to pick it up, and noticed the face looked a bit more sinister looking than before, and it felt heavier like it was made of some sort of metal instead of plastic.

Hooking the mask around your arm, you headed out of the alleyway and you immediately noticed that you weren't in a normal city. Or world for that matter. The people here didn't look human. Some looked like humanized animals, some looked like imps, some looked like creatures you've only seen in books. Some of them were flying too. The height differences were astonishing as well. 

You definitely weren't on earth anymore. Pretty sure you were dead, you couldn't have survived bleeding out.

Looking down the street, the sidewalk looked dirty and stained. There were some women waiting around the sidewalks in some areas like they were waiting for something. Prostitutes? Maybe, the area seemed like that sort of thing would be common.

Walking down the street further, you kept to yourself mostly. And most of the people were ignoring you anyway. Some looked in your direction, eyeing you like you were some sort of trophy, or a snack. 

Eventually you came across some sort of tall, deformed building. Looking up, it read 'Hazbin Hotel'. Maybe they'll let you stay for awhile, till you gain some footing in this new city.

Opening the doors, it gave a creak of resistance, like no one oiled the hinges in awhile. The place looked empty. Maybe the staff were somewhere else. Walking up to the checking booth, you saw scattered papers and a computer. It looked like whoever ran the desk wasn't very organized.

"I'll be there in a minute!" A voiced called out. You nodded to yourself.

Taking the time to look around more, you noticed some paintings hanged up on the wall. One of them looked like a family portrait. There was a tall woman with very long platinum blonde hair and long eyelashes. She looked beautiful. There was also a pale skin man, with the same colored hair, but slicked back and shorter. It looked like someone painted two red circles on his cheek, same with the younger looking girl. 

You heard someone enter the room and you turn around, and see the younger girl from the picture standing there. There was something familiar about her, like you've met her before.

"Hello, and welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! My name is Charlie, and I'm the owner!" Her happiness seemed to radiate off her.

Then it hit you. You remember seeing Charlie years ago. Didn't she try to warn you about something? You couldn't remember that much. It felt like those past memories were fuzzy.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked, looking a bit concerned. You shook your head.

"Can I stay here, till I get on my feet? I just got here, and I have no where to go." You said. Your voice sounded some-what the same, but it sounded more hollow. How strange. 

Charlie nodded and walked over behind the desk, sitting in the char and pulling something up on her computer. "I would need your age, name and how you died please."

You leaned on the desk. "I'm (Y/n), I'm 18 and I died from a stab wound." Your stomach area felt numb when you spoke of how you died.

Charlie seemed to freeze for a minute. You were about to ask what was wrong till she continued filling out whatever it was on the computer. Then she grabbed a key from the wall and handed it to you.

"Your room is on the second floor, enjoy your stay. As payment, just help the hotel keep clean please." She let the key fall into your hand before leaving.

Maybe she's just really busy with work. Managing a hotel can't be easy.

You headed to your room. The room number she gave you was 7. When you got into the room, it was bigger and cozier looking than you thought it would be. It had a queen sized bed with purple colored sheets and pillows. There was a large window looking out to a garden area. There was also a dresser, tv an odd looking radio, and a full-body mirror.

Seeing the comfort of the room made you relax finally. You didn't realize how uptight you were till then. 

Looking in the mirror, you noticed that you look nothing like what you remember. Your previously (h/l), (h/c) hair was now down to your ankles and (f/c). Your hair looked like it hasn't been cleaned in a few days. You needed a shower badly. 

Leaning into the mirror more, your sclera was black and your irises were now (2nd f/c). You had more of a doll-like face and features. 

It seemed like you were taller too, which was strange. You estimated yourself to be around 6 feet instead of (actual height). 

Shrugging the height difference aside, you take off your mask from your arm and decide to take a shower before fully relaxing. 

When you turned on the shower, the warm water felt like pure bliss to you, almost euphoric. You took a needed and long shower, and used up most of the shampoo and conditioner provided in the bathroom to wash and clean your hair.

(Charlie PoV 1st Person)

When the new guest came in, I somehow felt like I knew who she was, but I didn't know where. I don't remember seeing someone who looked like that in the city.

But when she spoke, the familiarity increased. Like I knew her from years ago. Maybe she was someone who I talked to in the city, but don't remember.

Then she said her name. Then I remember. I was trying to save her from him. Alastor. He got what he wanted. He probably knows that she's down here now, but doesn't know where exactly. The city is huge enough as it is. 

Maybe there is some sort of chance that I can save her, but it might get me killed by the Radio demon. Is it a risk I'm willing to make? 

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