A New Form

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You watched as Angel got hit and fall back, holding his shoulder as the snake cackled rather annoyingly. 

Suddenly, you felt a surge of emotions and energy flow through you, and it was a bit hard to breath. You were mad that your new friend got hurt and a surge of energy followed after. It was a whole new feeling.

You felt yourself grow taller and your fingers elongate into claws. Your mask materialized onto your face as you felt some sort of liquid flow out of your eyes and down your face. 

You found yourself laughing, almost a cackle but it also sounded like a crying wail. The snake looked at you terrified, unsure on what he just brought onto himself. Looking down at him, you wanted to rip him to pieces, and you could easily at this point.

A large hunting knife appeared in your clawed grasp and you gripped it tightly. 

After you transformed, your memory became spotty with the actions after. Once you came to your senses again, there was blood and egg remains all over your clothes and hands. You looked over and saw Angel and the other demon stare at you in horror and awe. 

Taking off your mask, you cough up dark liquid onto the ground. Assuming it was the liquid coming from your eyes, you wiped your face, smearing blood, but feeling satisfied. 

Approaching the two demons, you strapped the mask onto your arm like you id earlier.

"That was awesome!" The cyclops exclaimed. 

"I didn't know you had that in ya' doll." Angel said, trying to sit up but slumped back down. You went to his side.

"We need to get you back to the hotel, so they can patch you up." You said, helping Angel up to his feet. "Is it close to here?" Angel nodded and you three proceed to make your way back.

"I'm Cherri Bomb by the way, sorry for not introducing myself earlier." She nodded and looked forward.


When you all arrived, you spotted Charlie and called her to help. She said she'd go and see if they had a med kit around.

You stayed with Cherri and Angel in the mean time, to make sure he's okay. He assured both of you that he was going to be okay before Charlie came back with some gauze and bandages.

She looked over to you and was stunned, like she didn't notice how you looked before. 

"What happened, are you hurt too?" She asked. You shook your head.

"No, I'm fine, I just need to wash up." You laughed a bit, smiling like nothing was wrong.

You then went upstairs to clean up and take a bath. You also found new clothes on the bed and a note on them.

"I made you some more clothes, I hope you like them! ~Niffty" The penmanship was cute and swirly. You smiled to yourself and placed the mask back on the dresser. 

Heading to the bathroom, you got ready to take a bath and you strip off your clothes and get the water nice and warm. As your waiting, you cleaned your arms and hands of the gooey egg like substance from your arms and hands. 

Getting enough off, you were satisfied and you tested the water. It was warm to the touch and you decided to go in and scrub off as much blood as you could, it hurt a bit since some of it was dried onto you.


 When you were finished scrubbing, the water was a light red color, tainted by all the blood that was covering your arms and under your nails. Some spots on your arms were red, from the constant scrubbing in desperation to get all the blood off of your skin.

Drying yourself off, you walk into the bedroom and put on the clothes that were laying on the bed. When you got dressed, you felt refreshed afterwards and was relaxing on a nearby desk chair.

A few minutes of silence wet by, and it felt almost blissful. Until you heard a knock on your door. You were a bit skeptical about answering, since you wanted the quiet and someone disturbing it was less than ideal.

Sighing, you stood up to open the door, and you were greeted by a red suit. It was the tall manager, from earlier. 

"Oh, hey. Do you need something?" You asked. Without warning, he stepped into your room and looked around wordlessly with his Cheshire grin.

"I was just dropping in to see how you were doing, (Y/n)." He looked at you, with a mischievous look. You froze in your place, yet something familiar about him struck you. Like a forgotten dream.

"How do you know my name? I only told Charlie." You glared at him, stepping back towards the door.

He chuckled, it sounded like a tuning radio. A familiar noise. "You don't remember dear? About the years we spent together?" He took a step towards you, arms extended. 

Your mind reeled, its like he opened a flood gate, and memories just filled gaps within your mind. You start to remember the killing spree that you two did together. You then remember how he disappeared the day you died. You tried to kill your friend.

You felt sick to your stomach and a headache started coming. You shook your head and ushered him out. 

"I'm sorry, you need to go. I'm not feeling to good, the fight wore me out a lot." You attempted to lie, hoping that he bought it. 

Closing the door swiftly behind him, you heard him chuckle as he walked away.

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