Chapter 57

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An unpleasant memories immediately flashed through Jongyeon's head.
One day she fell off the horse and was injured, after which she developed fear and never rode them again.
J: how is it?  Isn't it great?  Do you like?  *excited*
JY: I ...
J: To be honest, I always dreamed of riding a horse with my girlfriend, so I'm very glad that we can finally do it

Jeongyeon looked at Jimin - he was as happy as a little boy, proud of the surprise he had prepared for her birthday. He was in great anticipation of the trip, what couldn't be said about Jeongyeon.
JY: actually ...
J: you... don't like it?
Jimin was suddenly confused, and his eyes filled with concern.
Jeongyeon realized that she couldn't destroy everything he had prepared so hard for her.  Moreover, she wanted to help make his dreams come true, so she decided to remain silent and hide her fear for a while.

JY: no, I like it very much
J: really?
She nodded, and his face immediately lit up with a smile, and Jeongyeon was willing to take the risk for that smile.
A man of about 40 came out of the stable and walked towards them.
J: Jeongyeon, this is Mr. Lee, the owner of this equestrian club.  He will teach us today
JY: hello
Lee: welcome guys
J: Mr. Lee, where can we change?
JY: but i don't have comfortable clothes with me
J: don't worry, I took care of everything *winked*

They went inside and Jeongyeon took a moment to clarify one question.
JY: are you sure that ... no one will see us or ...
J: don't worry cherry, today is your day, so there will be no one but us today. And Mr. Lee is the father of Taehyung's friend.  Taehyung once learned to ride horses for a drama, and that's where he met the owners.  So no one will disturb us
JY: I see ... have you ridden a horse before?
J: Yes, several times, Taehyung taught me, and I warn you in advance, I'm not even bad *proudly*
JY: cool ... *nervous*
J: what about you?
Jeongyeon shook her head.
J: it's ok, don't worry, i'm sure you can handle it too, you are Jeongie of all trades *smiled*

His words evoked ambiguous feelings.  On the one hand, she understood that she was afraid, but on the other hand, he helped her to cheer up a little.
Having changed their clothes, they went out into the street, where two beautiful horses were already waiting for them.  Jimin immediately walked over to one and stroked it.
J: so beautiful
JY: yeah ... hopefully and obedient *worried*
Lee: Yes, they are very obedient, the main thing is to make friends with them and not be afraid, because they feel everything.  If you do not feel comfortable with them, then they will not be comfortable with you either.
JY: Which one is the most obedient?
Lee: Diana is one of the noblest breeds, you could say the princess of our club. I think you will get along well
J: what is the name of my beauty?  Oh wait, Jeongyeon!
Jeongyeon closed her eyes in shame and embarrassment.
Lee: ahaha, I can't argue.  But your horse is a stallion, and his name is Leon.  Very agile and tough.
J: then you are a handsome horse, Leon?
Lee: now let me teach you the basics of riding

Jeongyeon twirled around the horse for a long time, not knowing how to properly sit on the saddle and not get hurt.
J: let me help you.  Place your left foot in the stirrup and place your right hand on the saddle seat ...
Jimin helped her sit up, and luckily so far everything was going well.
J: by the way, this form suits you so good, it fits your figure so tightly, especially from behind ... *flirty eyes*
JY: I don't even have words to say... and stop staring at me like that
J: how?
JY: like a pervert
J: ahahahaah, it's not my fault that you're so sexy

Finally, they got on their horses and Mr. Lee began the training.
Jeongyeon's heart was pounding with fear all this time, but the praises from the teacher and Jimin's support gave her a little encouragement.  For a moment, she even forgot about fear.
Lee: you're doing very well, miss
JY: thanks to Diana, she is really obedient *stroked the horse*
An hour later, Mr. Lee walked away for a couple of minutes, leaving Jimin and Jongyeon alone.
Jimin made big circles a couple of times, speeding up a bit, and Jeongyeon couldn't take her admiring eyes away from him.
JY: he looks just like the prince from the fairytales
Suddenly a dog jumped out of the corner, thereby frightening Diana.  She lifted her front hooves abruptly and rushed forward.
Jeongyeon started to panic and scream tugging at the reins, that was irritating the horse even more.
J: Jeongyeon..?!
Jimin, not being super skilled at horseback riding, immediately followed after Jeongyeon.  She screamed and shivered, holding the reins tightly, trying not to fall.
J: JEONGYEON! HOLD ON!!!  Don't let go of the reins!!  I'm getting close!!
He galloped forward and has already caught up with Jeongyeon.
J: JEONGYEON !!  *shouts*
But she could not answer him for fear.
J: Jeongyeon !!  Look at me and listen carefully !!
Finally, she turned her head towards him.
J: I'm going to stop the horse in front, but you have to hold on very tightly, okay?  *commanded*
JY: ....
J: Jeongyeon, do you understand me?
There she could only nod in response.
Jimin rode forward even faster and blocked Diana's path.  She, out of breath, suddenly raised her front hooves, stopped.  Jimin quickly got from his horse and rushed to Jeongyeon.
She sat straight on the saddle, holding on tightly to the reins. Her shoulders were strongly compressed and raised, and her eyes were wide open.
J: Jeongyeon ...?
Slowly turning her head towards Jimin with pleading eyes, she began to sob loudly.
JY: g ... get me out of here, please ...
Jimin immediately reached out his hands to her and lowered her to the ground.  Jeongyeon immediately ran away.
J: Jeongyeon, wait!
He ran after her, and saw her sitting under a tree, clasping her legs with her hands face down, and at the same time crying.  Jimin quietly sat down beside her and put his arm around her shoulder and her head with the other, holding her close to him.
J: scared?  *gently*
She nodded back, sobbing, and buried herself in his chest.
He stroked her head gently, and Jeongyeon kept crying until she cried out all her tears.  Noticing that she had calmed down a bit, he turned her head towards him.
J: are you okay?
JY: don't look at me, I probably look ugly right now
J: well ... maybe just a litt ...
Jeongyeon slapped him lightly, smiling.
J: well, you smiled *happy*
He looked at her eyes, red with tears.
J: sorry
JY: for what? 
J: for leaving you for a couple of minutes because of what this happened
JY: what are you talking about?  This is not your fault.  I overreacted, I just ...  once I fell off the horse and got hurt.  After that I have got a fear of horses.
J: what ?!  Why didn't you tell me that before?
JY: I just didn't want to spoil your surprise ...
J: Jeongyeon ... if you're so scared, you should have told me, no matter what surprise I prepared
Jimin was angry with himself, blaming himself even more for what happened.
JY: but you prepared this to me and spent your time on it
J: I can do even more for you, whatever you want, if only you were happy.  But today because of me you shed so many tears
JY: don't even dare blame yourself!  You organized it all for me to create memories together
J: yeah, you definitely won't forget the memories of how I ruined your birthday
JY: you didn't ruin anything.  Look at me
He looked at her with eyes full of regret and disappointment, so Jeongyeon put her hand on his cheeks.
JY: thank you for everything you do
She leaned forward slightly, and they touched their foreheads to each other, closing their eyes and feeling each other's warmth.
J: You have no idea how I feel every time I see your tears. It's like the whole world is plunging into darkness, and fear and anxiety take possession of me, and I don't know what to do so that you never cry.  I love you so much that it seems that I will soon lose my head ...
Jeongyeon suddenly lifted her eyes to him and looked at him in surprise.
JY: <did he say he love me?>
They had never confessed their love to each other, so she was pleasantly surprised to hear these words.
JY: what did you say?
J: that I cannot see you crying
JY: after
J: l lov ...
Jimin realized only now that he said those words to her a few seconds ago.
J: I ... said ... ehm ... said that ... I..
Lee: guys!  Are you okay??
Suddenly, Mr. Lee ended the idyll of the young.
Lee: I heard screams, and I galloped after you
JY: yes, we are okay, I was just a little scared
Lee: great, otherwise I wouldn't forgive myself if any of you got hurt
J: it's okay mister Lee, we were just about to go back
Jimin got up from the ground and held out his hand to his lady.  Jeongyeon, with his help, got up and dusted herself off.
Lee: let's go back then
JY: um ... I don't think I can get back on the horse
Lee: But the walk will take a little longer.  You have come a long way on horseback.  Can you sit with Jimin and I'll take your horse?
Jimin looked at Jeongyeon expectantly.
J: if you're ready, then I'm all for it.  You can trust me, nothing will happen to you next to me, I promise
JY: I am not sure ...
Jeongyeon, of course, trusted him and believed, but on the other hand, fear would not let her go.  But Jimin wanted to help her get over it so that there was no reason to make her cry.

J: although you know, forget, you're right, not everyone is able to cope with everything in the world.  Of course, there are things that you cannot handle
JY: sorry ....?  * shocked *
Jeongyeon was outraged and almost insulted.  How could he doubt her, especially at such a moment.  A couple of minutes ago, he calmed her down, and now he began to annoy her with his words.  She really wanted to prove to him the opposite, that she could overcome her fear and she would succeed.  Of course, she didn't dare to ride a horse alone, but she could bring herself to ride with Jimin.
JY: you know what, I'm going, move * snorted *
J: sure?
JY: completely!
Jimin pulled his hand to her and Jeongyeon sat down behind him.
J: * smiled proudly * this is the Jeongyeon I know
J: Do you remember how you often challenged me back at the days?  Even if you weren't sure about something, you still didn't give up, just to prove to me that you can handle everything
Jeongyeon now realized that everything he had said before was on purpose, he wanted to challenge her.
JY: ok ... you know me well and you know where to push, Park Jimin *smiles out of the corner of her lips*
J: Now hold on to me tightly, cherry and don't let go, okay?
JY: yeah
She hugged him from behind, pulling herself closer to him, thereby causing a storm of emotions inside of him.  He felt her too close with his body, and her warm breath tickled his neck pleasantly, causing a shiver in his back.
J: erm... Jeongi, could you ... a little ...
JY: what?
J: ah... never mind ... let's go


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