Chapter 17

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Jimin was waiting for her in the parking lot, where no one could see them. 10 minutes had passed, but she did not appear, what made him worry.
J: I think she wouldn't come...
He already pulled out a phone to text her, but suddenly he heard footsteps. She came. Jimin involuntarily smiled at the fact that she still kept her promise.
J: you late *pretense of discontent*
JY: Do you think it's so easy to get out? I needed to make sure that there would be no problems *gave home a displeased look* And yoy know what, be grateful that I came at all, son-bae
J: ok, stop grumbling, let's go
JY: Is it me who grumbling? Ungrateful *quietly muttered under her nose*
J: did you say something?
JY: no! Where are we going at such a time?
J: just go

 J: you late *pretense of discontent* JY: Do you think it's so easy to get out?  I needed to make sure that there would be no problems *gave home a displeased look* And yoy know what, be grateful that I came at all, son-bae J: ok, stop grumbling, ...

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They reached the street, where there were many beautiful shops and boutiques. But the Jeongyeon still did not understand what they were doing here.
They stopped at an expensive jewelry store, and Jimin went into it.
J: why are you standing? Come in *ordered*
JY: why did we come here?
Jimin, ignoring her, went to the winds and began to look over the jewelry.
J: I need your help
JY: help? for what?
J: to choose a present for very special person for me, she has a birthday soon, so I would like to give something very beautiful. But it's hard for me to choose women's jewelry, so I called you
Jeongyeon was shocked. He called her to choose jewelry for his girlfriend?? She was outraged.
JY: Are you serious right now? You could not choose something for your "special" girlfriend?
Actually, Jimin meant his mom by "special person". But he did not tell her this, since he was interested in her reaction.
J: just help
He chose a pair of kits and was waiting for Jeongyeon's assessment.
J: how are these? *shows*
JY: Of course, I knew that you have such weird tastes, but not that much ... I'm curious, do you also have such a terrible taste for girls ...
Jeongyeon didn't believe she said it out loud. She understood that she had crossed the boundaries a little, and after all he was her sonbae. Jimin smiled at such a comment.
J: well ... I would not say that it's terrible, it's rather unusual
JY: I blurted out too much, sorry *looks at the floor*
Jimin just smiled back.
JY: In general, it's not that.
She started looking for a pair of sets.
JY: here! This one. Simple but elegant. *shows*
J: really. Modest and elegant, like she is. Exactly what is needed!
JY: hmm ... well ... then we done
J: I also need a ring
Ring? Jeongyeon stared at him with a shocked face.
JY: r-ring? *stuttering* engagement ring ..?
Weird feelings swept over her for a second. As if it was squeezing her inside.
This is not the first time he laughs because of this quirky girl.
J: not yet, I meant the ring to the set *not taking his eyes off her*
JY: aaah, ok *awkward*
J: what is your finger size?
JY: 17, why?
J: perfect, as it needs, you'll be a model, try on this
Jimin gave her a ring to measure.
JY: it's big
J: then she won't fit either ... *scratched his hair*
J: mmm ... here! This
This time he took her hand and carefully put a ring on his finger. Jeongyeon was in a stupor from this act.
J: beautiful *smiled at the edge of his lips*
He still did not let go of her hand, gently stroking her fingers. She looked at him and could not even move. Jimin's eyes slowly rose up, and when they reached her eyes, Jeongyeon abruptly looked away and took her hand away.
JY: y-yeah .. very beautiful, and the size is right *nervous*
J: good, then we done

 Jimin went to the checkout, and while Jeongyeon was getting her thoughts straight, she heard the price of the whole purchase, from which her eyes almost flew out

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Jimin went to the checkout, and while Jeongyeon was getting her thoughts straight, she heard the price of the whole purchase, from which her eyes almost flew out. Of course, she also sometimes pamper herself with expensive things and jewelry, but she has not encountered such an amount yet.
JY: for his girlfriend he spares no money, at least in some thing she could be lucky *thought to herself*

After the purchase, they left the store and headed back to the hotel.
JY: so that's it, I kept my promise, so the bet is closed *satisfied and happy*
J: you got off easy, I could ask for something more difficult or weird
JY: to go out together at such a time - a task is also not an easy one.
J: agree *smirks* I'm surprised that we were able to be next to each other without any incidents
JY: that's true ... *smiled lightly*
There was just a little to get to the hotel, but Jimin did not want to rush, so he slowed down.
JY: Can you get a little faster? We have a little left
She said this, looking back at Jimin, so she did not see the icy road ahead of which she was about to crash. Jimin managed to react quickly and catch her, but slipped by himself. And now they were both lying on the ground, but Jimin still managed to catch her, so she fell on him. And he, in turn, fell unsuccessfully, and landed on his hand.
She opened her eyes and now their faces were so close that both could feel each other's breath.
No one moved for a couple of seconds until Jimin broke this silence.
J: sorry ... *still does not look away from her*
JY: its me who fell
Jeongyeon tried to get up, but Jimin did not let her out of her hands.
J: I'm not talking about that ... but about what I said at that time. I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm sorry
She looked into his sparkling eyes at that moment, and really saw regret in them. Getting out of his hands, she tidied up herself and they moved on.
JY: Forget it, I don't really care about such things ... *trying to show that she doesn't care*
J: really? But it seems to me that you were very angry then
JY: It seemed to you! *annoyed*
J: well, this is Jeongyeon, whom I know *after a short pause* Have you and Taeyong known each other for a long time ...? *curious*
JY: what? *surprised by this sharp question*
J: I'm just .. interested ... It seems you are pretty close ..
JY: to know everything is not very good thing
Jimin was unhappy that she had not answered his question, but he did not ask again.
JY: well, we have reached the hotel, this is where we part company.. All the best! *wanted to turn around and leave*
J: wait
Jimin raised his hand, but feeling pain, he lowered it.
J: now we are good? not enemies? I sincerely apologized
JY: this is looking at your further actions *looks at his hand*
J: so it means not enemies *satisfied*
JY: but that doesn't mean that we are friends or something like that, you are my sonbae, so I won't disrespect you, of course, if you don't
J: sonbae ... *quietly* switched to formal "you" again?
He did not like when she called him like that.
JY: Well, you're my sonbae, how can I talk to you differently?
J: well .. you call Taeyong differently ...
*quietly* it just seems to me that we can already freely speak with each other, call me simply by name or ... *could not finish*
JY: I can't just call you by your name, you're older than me
For the first time, Jimin regretted it, since there were no other options at the moment, and she certainly would not called him "oppa", so he did not even offer it.
JY: Well, now, I'm leaving *turned around and leaved*
Jimin leaved a little later so that no one saw them together at the hotel.

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