Chapter 43

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The girls arrived to the appointed place and walked to the place where Seulgi's friends were sitting.
Sg: girls and boys, this is Jeongyeon, good friend of mine
JY: hi everyone! Nice to meet you
All: nice to meet you too!
There were some familiar faces among Seulgi's friends, but she did not know them personally. All of them were mostly singers/rappers or rookie actors.
After a couple seconds, another person entered the room.
Tn: Jeongyeon? *surprised*
JY: Taeyong oppa?
Tn: what are you doing here?
Sg: oh? Do you know each other?
JY: yes, we are frie...
Tn: of course, Jeongyeon and I are very close, right?
JY: uh ... yeaah..*nodded weakly*
Jeongyeon and Taeyong are good friends, but still she wasn't quite sure about being "very close," as Taeyong put it.
Tn: I did not expect to see you here at all
JY: yeah ... me too ... how do you know unnie?
Tn: we are from the same company - SM Ent.
JY: oh, yes ... I didn't even think about it
Everyone sat and chatted, and every time Jeongyeon caught the gaze of one guy, who turned out to be a rapper that Seulgi knew through a mutual friend.
He looked at her sometimes smiling with the corners of his lips, which made her dislike for him.
That's why, she turned away and began a conversation with Taeyong.
JK: By the way, do you remember you texted to me a couple of weeks ago, saying that you wanted to tell me something. Sorry, I couldn't come that day, and then I completely forgot about it. So what did you want to talk about?
Tn: uh ... well ... it doesn't matter... next time *awkward*
JY: as you know. Unnie! *to Seulgi* I'll be out for a minute
Sg: ok, just take a picture before that! In case you suddenly run away, I know how much you do not like to take pictures.
JY: ahah, ok, you know me well
The girls took pictures, posted several videos on Instagram stories, after which Jongyeon went out to the veranda with her phone.
JY: I wonder what he's doing now ...
SN: are you talking about me?
Jeongyeon turned in surprise to find out who had broken her silence. It was that rapper. He was quite tall, with tattoos on his arms, and obviously for 3-4 years older than her.

  He was quite tall, with tattoos on his arms, and obviously for 3-4 years older than her

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JY: umm ... definitely not ... *harsh*
SN: by the way, my name is Soohyung, you can call me just Sean
He held out his hand, but she ignored it.
JY: Jeongyeon
SN: I know, I always wanted to meet you
He began to take small steps towards her, from which she flinched.
SN: do you have a boyfriend?
JY: i think it doesn't concern you
SN: well, if there is, it's okay, he will move
JY: what the hell do you think you're doing?
Sh: let's speaking informally
JY: since you can't seem to understand my hints, I'll help you out - leave me alone!
She began to move away from him, but he kept making steps towards her.
SN: come on, don't be afraid of me, I won't eat you
JY: Who said I am afraid? I can stand up for myself, and if you take one more step, then I ...
SN: ooh ... how cocky we are, I like it, totally my style. I think we would be a good couple
Jeongyeon was shocked by this guy's insolence. Although she was confident, she was nervous inside, but she tried not to show it.
Jeongyeon was already reaching for the vase that was standing behind her when Taeyong suddenly appeared.
Tn: Jeongyeon, where are y ... * stopped * What's going on here?
Taeyong looked at Sean with displeasure and stepped between them.
SN: nothing ... we just talked, right?
She left the veranda without answering, leaving the guys alone.
Tn: I don't know what you are up to, but don't even think about it
SN: I think I can decide what to do and what not myself. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Sean walked out of the cafe, glancing at Jeongyeon one last time and giving her a nasty smile.
JY: jerk ...
Sg: huh?
JY: nothing ... unnie, will you forgive me if I go home? I don't feel very well...
Sg: are you okay? Are you sick?
JY: no no, just need a little rest
Sg: yes, of course, go home, I'll call a taxi now
JY: not worth it, thank you, I'll call myself
Sg: ok, just text me how you get there!
JY: ok! Thanks again for inviting me.
Jeongyeon said goodbye to everyone and left the cafe.
Tm: Did Sean tell you something? Did he hurt you?
JY: what? No, it is okay...
Tn: Jeongyeon, please, don't lie to me, if he did something, just tell me, I'll ...
JY: oppaa ... I'm really fine. Oh, here's a taxi, I have to go
Tn: whatever you say ... *still didn't believe*
Jeongyeon got into a taxi and drove home. She wanted to text to Jimin to get her mind off that asshole Sean, but she decided not to bother him because he might be busy right now.

Jimin was scrolling Instagram stories at this time, and saw that Jungyeon posted something.
J: well, let's see who you are with
After watching a couple of photos and videos, he suddenly stopped.
J: what is he doing there?
Jimin was worried about the fact that he was so far away from her while Taeyong was so close.
J: why is he around her all the time? And why didn't she tell me that he would be there too.
He decided to text to her.

Jeongyeon had already driven home, and after changing her clothes into pajama, she went to bed when she heard the notification. Seeing his name on the screen, she immediately smiled.

How was your day?
/ Jimin

And hello to you ... good..
/ Jeongyeon

Mm, I see. I saw your stories,
seems you had a lot of fun fun
/ Jimin

It seems to me or you want
to tell me something?
/ Jeongyeon

Taeyong .. he was there too ..
why didn't you tell me?
/ Jimin

Is this a problem? I think I already
told you that we are friends
/ Jeongyeon

Friends ... he hardly thinks the same
/ Jimin

What's your problem? I'm not in the mood anyway, don't try to piss me off completely
/ Jeongyeon

Why you not in the mood? Did he tell you something? Or do smth?
/ Jimin

What? What are you talking about? He is not the kind of person to offend someone.
/ Jeongyeon

Mmm .. I see you know him well ..
/ Jimin

You know what, I'm not going to listen to your nonsense! Go drink cold water and come to your senses!
/ Jeongyeon

You can't just avoid a conversation
/ Jimin

/ Jimin

Yoo Jeongyeon!
/ Jimin

Ok, how you know
/ Jimin

Jeongyeon was terribly hurt. She wasn't in the mood anyway, and hearing such words from Jimin finished her off. Why is he behaving like that? After all, they had just begun to build normal relations, and he ruined everything again.

  Why is he behaving like that?  After all, they had just begun to build normal relations, and he ruined everything again

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