Thank you!

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Hi everybody! 👋🏻

It's been quite a while since I posted the first chapter of my first fanfic. I confess that for a long time I doubted whether I should even start this, because I am far from a writer and have never written such a long work before (not including my diploma work 😄).
Since I was kid, I love to imagine and dream, and to reproduce my thoughts and ideas in writing was something unusual for me.
After the first chapter, I was worried if anyone would read my ff at all, because there are so many wonderful stories on the Internet.
But as the chapters went on, I began to receive more and more support and love for this story. Every time you wrote reviews saying you enjoyed reading this, I felt so grateful and I was really empowered by you.
At some point, it became difficult for me to write further, and each new chapter was difficult for me to write, due to various factors. And writing this story in two languages ​​ (Russian and English) required even more effort. And once again I apologize if I made mistakes in the text somewhere, because English is not my first language, and not even my second :)
I even thought about quitting this story. But seeing how you patiently waited and encouraged me, I promised myself that I would finish this story, even if it takes time.

Therefore, my dear readers, I want to express my deep gratitude to you for reading this ff and loving it.
And I also want to say thank you to Jimin and Jeongyeon, who became my muses and inspired me to write this story.

Love you all and Happy New Year! Do not get sick and always be happy!💫⭐️✨
Who knows, maybe someday we will meet again :)

With big big love,
Your GingerU 🌻


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