Chapter 9

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W: great! *satisfied* Ladies first *giving way to her*
Jeongyeon was terribly nervous, because she played with Jimin for a bet and did not want to lose to him. She played darts several times with her dad, and she always did pretty well, but now she has lost all her confidence.
Jeongyeon's first throw - hit the double ring
Jimin's first throw - hit the triple ring sector
Jeongyeon's second throw - hit the triple ring sector
She was a little happy, because her first throw was bad.
J: mm .. not bad *nods*
Jimin's second throw - hit the double ting sector
But he still confident.
Jeongyeon's third throw - hit the outer bullseye
Jeongyeon smiled and waited for the decisive throw of her rival.
J: wish me good luck *same grin*
Jeongyeon didn't answer, now her nerves were at the limit, since at the moment her "fate" was being decided.
Jimin kissed the dart, took aim and threw it.

After performances and giving awards, all groups gathered in first floor and were about to go home. There were so many people that one could easily get lost in the crowd, so Twice followed each other like a train, and Jeongyeon closed this train (she was the last).
Jh: girls, don't get lost
Mo: yes, boss!
N: I haven't seen such a crowd for a long time
*someone on the side screamed* "ah!"
Nayeon turned to understand who she was stepping on.
N: oh god, sorry, I'm so sorry, are you okay? *worried*
S: y-yeah *smiles through pain*
N: you sure? I stepped on you with a heel
S: for sure, I'm not one of those who can easily get hurt
H: yeah, Seokjin hyung probably cries in pain inside *laughs with Jungkook*
The girls also smiled from this situation.
S: what are you talking about?! Ahhh ... J-Hope, they laugh at me because of you *as always grumbling cute*
N: anyway, sorry, I should have been careful
S: don't apologize *smiles sweetly*
S: I'm really sorry *seeing Nayeon still blaming himself*
S: if it makes you feel better, just treat me some coffee
N: huh? Oh sure! *satisfied and happy*

At this time, Jimin approached at the end of the "Twice train", where was Jeongyeon. Now they are standing side by side and very close due to the crowd.
J: I hope you'll keep your word *speaks softly, without turning his head to her direction*
JY: I already said that I'm not one of those who breaks promises *snorted*
J: ok then wait for my message

/ One and a half hours ago /

J: Bullseye!
Jeongyeon closed her eyes and tried to keep calm.
J: well then, I won
JY: I see * still does not believe in what is happening * So, I'm listening to you what do you want
J: mmm * thinks * you know, I have not yet come up with a punishment, but as I come up with it, I will definitely inform you about it!
JY: what do you mean? No! I will fulfill my punishment now!
J: sorry, but now we are both busy, we need to perform now, so I am going now, but before that ... *takes out his phone*, write down your number
JY: huh? w-what ??! *surprised*
J: your phone number
JY: don't you think you are crossing the limits a bit, sonbae? *she clearly said the last word* why do you need my number?
J: Ahahah, Well, not to write to you "good night" and "good morning" every day of course. But, i can, if you want *again, this contented smirk* I will text you when I come up with something for punishment.
Jeongyeon is very embarrassed now.
JY: is it necessary? *stutters* What if I don't want to give my number?
J: otherwise I can't contact you, or do you want me to send you a pigeon, Jeongyeon-shi? *sarcastically*
This was the first time Jimin spoke to her by name. Jeongyeon hesitated for a long time, but still decided to give it.
She took his outstretched phone and wrote her number.
JY: this is because I always keep my word *gave back phone*
J: I have no doubts, * took the phone back and write her as "Iron lady"* then, keep in touch *winked and left*
JY: God damn! Well, you got into trouble, Jeongyeon! Why is this always happening to me and why with him ??

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