Chapter 60

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"I'm free on the Weekend" - Jeongyeon

J: everything must be perfect!

Jimin had been planning this day for many months in his head, but he still couldn't turn it into reality. But finally, this day came, and he couldn't make a single mistake this time.
One thought about this day was making him excited, because he had prepared so carefully for it, and he would see his beloved today.

After checking everything one more time before leaving, he left the house and drove to pick up Jeongyeon.
They decided to leave in the evening so as not to attract too much attention to themselves.
Jimin drove to the appointed place, and after a couple of minutes, Jeongyeon got into the car, looking around.

JY: I hope no one noticed us...
Jimin kissed her on the cheek.
J: Hello, sweetie. You look great as always

Jeongyeon looked away in shy.
J: the fact that you are still get shy about such things makes you very very cute
JY: I'm just... all this is still so unusual
J: then I'll get you used to it as soon as possible
Jimin gave her another quick kiss on the cheek and stepped on the gas.
JY: You still won't tell me where we're going?
J: then it won't be a surprise
JY: oh... those surprises again. I'm not used to them either.
J: This time you will like it. "I hope so"

He drove far enough to be outside the city. There were only trees and small houses far from each other around.
Finally they arrived to the right place.
J: wait me in the car, I'll call you, okay? Literally 10 minutes
JY: what? you want me to stay here alone in the car?
J: Jeongyeon just 10 minutes, please
She did not want to interfere with his plans, so she agreed, although she was a little scared, since it was already a little dark outside.
Jimin quickly left to prepare his surprise, while Jeongyeon waited him in the car. She turned on the music to get a little distraction and pass the time. 10 minutes passed and Jimin was still not there. She decided to call him, but it didn't catch the connection well, so she started to get a little worried. But after a couple of minutes, he finally showed up.
JY: I was about to sound the alarm
J: Sorry to keep you waiting. Now we can go.
Jimin opened the car door like a gentleman so Jeongyeon could get out
JY: thank you
J: You are always welcome, my lady. Now give me your hand *twisted fingers*

They walked a little further and Jimin stopped her.
J: now you need to close your eyes
JY: what? It's so dark now. You're not going to kill me and then bury me somewhere among these trees, right?
J: hmm.. why? are you afraid of me?
Slowly approaching her.
JY: rather, you need to be afraid of me, I know your weak points
J: oh really? And where are they? *playfully*
JY: don't even start
J: Jeongyeon, just do what I ask, please
JY: ok.. since you insist so much
J: give me your hand
They twisted their fingers, and Jeongyeon  confidently followed his lead.
After a couple of minutes they stopped.

J: we have reached to the place, now you can open your eyes
Jeongyeon opened her eyes and froze at what she saw: in front of her was a nice cute tent with  garlands, soft pillows, and lanterns around.
Everything looked so romantic and cozy.

 Everything looked so romantic and cozy

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