Chapter 41

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She stood up abruptly.
JY: umm, I think we should go
Jimin grabbed her hand, preventing her from running away.
J: ok, ok, I won't, maybe ...
He gave her a little flirty smile and then laughed. Jimin, still holding her hand, began to pull her in an unknown direction.
JY: where are you taking me?
J: wait a bit, just a little left
They walked higher and higher.
JY: You do not plan to throw me from a height, right?
J: are you scared of me? *playfully*
JY: not that I am scared, just never know what to expect from you
J: is that bad? I can surprise you at any moment
JY: I don't like surprises
J: believe me, you will definitely like my surprises
He came close to her, studying every detail of her face, and stopped his eyes on her eyes.
J: you have very beautiful eyes
Jeongyeon did not take her eyes off him, her pulse rate increased every time he was so close to her.
J: but now you have to close them
JY: w-what? What for...? *nervous*
J: don't worry, I'm not a pervert, just trust me
JY: after your words, I started to worry
He held out his hand, waiting her to put her hand on his. She sighed and did everything as she was told. Jimin carefully led her somewhere, and after few minutes she felt that they were at the top.
J: now, you can open your eyes
She slowly opened her eyes and saw what a beautiful view opened in front of her. As if all of Seoul were spread out in front of her. When evening twilight falls on the city, all the colors and charms of the lights come to life. Jeongyeon likes the night the most, because in it you can hide from anyone's eyes. The night Seoul reminded her of herself, that seems so bright and cheerful, but actually lonely and mysterious. She could not take her eyes off this view, she just wanted to sit and look into this night, which could hide all her thoughts.
JY: it's... amazing...
J: knew you would like
JY: how did you find this place?
J: this is my retreat. I found this place a long time ago, when I was trainee. I come here every time. when I feel bad, lonely, or when I am stressed, this place is calming.
JY: stressed ...? *worried* because of what?
J: actually because of everything *laughed* ... back at the days, I was not confident at all in myself and in my voice, I thought that I would not succeed ... And now, I have more or less calmed down ... although there's some self-doubt still present. I still need to study to control my emotions.
JY: you worry so much about this in vain. I think your voice is very good
J: thanks *surprised* To be honest, I have never brought anyone here before ... But I can share this place with you, now you can come here when you feel sad or vice versa happy.
JH: Thank you for allowing me to become a part of this beautiful and healing corner, sonbaennim *playfully*
J: *laughs* always at your service, hubaennim
Now they was sitting in complete silence and admired Seoul that was opened in front of them. At one moment, Jimin turned his head to her and fascinated the way she looked admiringly at the panorama, so he decided to capture this moment on his phone, taking a picture of her quietly. Then his eyes fell on her hand, which lay next to his hand. Jimin gently touched her fingers, thereby making the girl freeze. She slowly and uncertainly turned to him, raising her eyes from their hands to his eyes, and then lowering her nose, then his lips. Jimin sat closer to her, slowly approaching her face. Jeongyeon did the same, and now they were so close that the tips of their nose touched each other. He had already opened his lips a little, and she closed her eyes, waiting for a kiss, but then ...
J: *God! Who at this time?!*
Jeongyeon's phone took away their opportunity from a kiss.
She immediately opened her eyes and nervously pulled out a phone.
JY: yes, unnie ... Not yet .. ok, I will be soon
She turned off the phone, and now she couldn't look at him.
J: is it time?
JY: yes ...
They walked into the parking lot in an awkward silence.
JY: so....we are here ... well, it's time to go
J: oh right, we reached the place so fast... *sad*

They decided to order two taxi so that no one would see them together. They stood awkwardly around the car, and no one could take the first step and leave first.
JY: so, you have an early flight tomorrow?
J: yes
JY: for a half months ...
J: mhm ... I hope the time will pass very quickly
Taxi driver have already begun to honk, hastening them.
JY: Well ... I hope you'll have fun at the concerts
J: and you take care of yourself, see you soon
He wanted to kiss her so much, but he cannot do it now, so he took her hand and gently kissed.
He let go of her hand reluctantly, and, once again glancing at each other, they sat in the cars and drove home.

 All the way, Jeongyeon could not stop thinking about this day, how they had a good time, and how different Jimin was today, she saw his gentle and gallant side

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All the way, Jeongyeon could not stop thinking about this day, how they had a good time, and how different Jimin was today, she saw his gentle and gallant side. But most of all, she appreciated him for his honesty, for the fact that he was not afraid and told her about his worries.
Arriving home, she was met by her sister at the door, who, judging from her face, was unhappy.
Sy: have you seen the time?
JY: actually, no ... *looks at the clock* wow ...
Sy: exactly, it's 2 AM!
JY: unnie, do not grumble ... and to be honest, I am also mad at you!
Sy: mad at me? And what is this for?
JY: you always call me at the wrong time ...
Sy: ?? I called because I was worried! And what do you mean at the wrong time? From what could I distract you so much ....? *playfully* Tell me!!! Who did you end up going to?
JY: to the second one
Sy: and who is he???
JY: let it be a secret for now
Sy: what? you little intriguer! Say at least s he an idol or an actor? Or someone else?
JY: an idol
Sy: wooooh, from the Big3 (JYP, SM, YG)?
JY: that's it, I won't say anything else!
Sy: uhh... it didn't work out ... okay, at least tell me, do you like him?
Jeongeon only shyly smiled at her.
Sy: ok, it is clear from your satisfied-looking face. You see, but you doubted. Never be afraid of what might happen! After all, the beauty of our whole life is that we do not know what to expect from it!

 Never be afraid of what might happen! After all, the beauty of our whole life is that we do not know what to expect from it!

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