Chapter 51

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JY: Jimin ....?
Jeongyeon stared at him dumbfounded. His face was covered with bumps and bruises.
J: J-Jeongyeon? What are you doing here??
JY: oh God...what happened to you???
Jimin let her into the apartment.
JY: Who did this to you?? *shocked*
J: I'm okay
JY: okay?  Have you seen yourself??
J: come on, cherry, calm down, don't worry *took her hands*
JY: then tell me what happened!
J: ok ... I'll tell you everything, but let me at least hug you first
Jimin hugged her as hard as he could, and Jeongyeon was still confused by everything that was happening.
Jimin couldn't stand for long, so he sat down on the arm of the sofa, still holding Jeongyeon in his arms.  She pulled away from him a little, and looked in worry at his face.  Jeongyeon ran her finger over the bruises on his forehead.
JY: Does it hurt a lot?
J: no
JY: don't lie
She lightly touched his bruise with her lips and kissed him. Then she ran over the scratch on his nose.
JY: what about here?
Jimin nodded, and Jeongyeon also kissed his nose.
Her eyes fell to his split lips.  Slowly running her thumb over it, her heart sank.
JY: and here?
J: here most of all
Smiling faintly at his answer, Jeongyeon did not hesitate for a long and gently kissed him on the lips.
J: you took away all my pain with your kisses now
JY: since you're feeling better, tell me what happened
J: ok

/ A couple of hours ago /
Jimin finally waited until the day Jongyeon was supposed to return to Korea. He had prepared so many things and made a reservation in a secluded place where they could spend an amazing evening together.  While he was typing and sending a message for Jeongyeon with the address and meeting time, he received a call from the company.
J: yes, manager ... today we have a day off ... I can, but only for 1-2 hours, since I already have plans for today. Good, I'm on my way
Jimin had to go back to the company, but he didn't even notice that he hadn't send the message to  Jeongyeon.

By the time Jimin finished his work, it was already dark outside.
J: oh, I hope I won't be late.  So, now I need to buy flowers
He went to look for a flower shop.  Entering a nice shop, his eyes immediately flickered across there.  He did not know where to look, all the flowers were so beautiful that it was difficult to choose.
Ow: Can I help you, young man?
The shop owner, noticing his confusion, decided to offer her help.  An old woman in an orange dress, slightly hunchbacked, but despite this, her eyes seemed full of life.  She had a pleasant smile and her eyes shone with a warm light.
J: good evening!  I just can't choose, all the flowers are so beautiful and smell so wonderful *amazed*
Ow: to whom would you like to bring a bouquet?  Your beloved?
Jimin shyly looked down and smiled at the question.
J: yes, to my beloved
Ow: let me help you, son.  Tell me about her, and I'll pick the right flowers
J: to tell about her?
Ow: yes.  What is she like?  What do you love about her the most?
J: uhh .. I think it will take a long time if I talk about her *smiles like a little boy*.  To begin with, she is wonderful!  Such light emanates from her, such warmth that is capable of covering the whole world in her arms.  And when I look into her eyes, it is as if I find myself in some other world, the universe, and I can't... I don't want to leave there anymore.  She is a stubborn, strong, determined girl who clearly expresses her thoughts.
Jimin smiled, remembering the old days when he and Jeongyeon could barely talk without bickering with each other.
J: ... and what I like most about her is her courage.  She entered my life as a bright sunbeam.  She is my miracle, which aroused in me all the wonderful feelings and emotions, the existence of which I did not even know.
Ow: the most beautiful thing in our life is to find a person who is able to open a new self in us and awaken all the wonderful feelings hidden in us.  You are very lucky to have found such a person.

Jimin nodded shyly.

Ow: Sunflowers!  It was about them that I thought, listening to the description of your girlfriend
J: sunflowers?  Never gave these flowers before ...
Ow: you underestimate this flowers, my son...
J: no no, don't get me wrong, I love absolutely every flower on this planet.  I'm just wondering why them?
Ow: Sunflowers symbolize love, fidelity and longevity, reflect the energy of the warmth of sunlight.  They are also often given to loved ones as a token of loyalty, love and devotion.  Sunflowers seem to say: "I will follow you like a sunflower follows the sun," "You are a miracle!", "I have never met someone like you."  I also added magnolias to them - they mean nobility, drive and perseverance.
Jimin was amazed at how these flowers accurately reflected her.
J: This bouquet perfectly describes her and my feeling to her.  Thank you so much!  You are a magician!
Ow: I'm glad that I was able to help a young man who can love so beautifully
Jimin bowed gratefully to the old woman once again and was ready to leave.
Ow: son
J: * turned * yes?
Ow: be careful, don't let them break your love
J: them?  *tilted his head questioningly*
Her face suddenly changed dramatically, she did not smile, her eyes seemed to have darkened and under hypnosis.
Ow: to those whose hearts are shrouded in darkness and envy, who is unable to know true love, but capable of interfering with the love of others ... *abruptly returned to normal * And now go, son.  *smiles sweetly*

Jimin left the store with mixed feelings. He didn't understand what this old woman meant, and why she had changed so dramatically for a couple of seconds. But looking at his bouquet, he already forgot about these strange words, and excitedly headed to the car. The time was already late, and there were practically no people on the street.
H: damn!  I forgot to write Jeongyeon, and it's been a while ...
As Jimin was walking down a deserted thin street, he pulled out his phone to call Jeongyeon, when suddenly he felt like someone was watching him. He looked around a couple of times, but there were no one, so he continued on his way. But after taking a couple of steps forward, someone from behind grabbed him and hit him on the legs.
J: ahhh ...
Jimin, unable to withstand the sharp blow, fell to his knees.  A bouquet of flowers flew off to the side.  He was trying to free himself, when suddenly someone tall appeared in front of him, in a black mask and cap.  He could not see his face, so he could not understand who it was.  After a couple of seconds, 2 more people appeared, and in the end there are already 4 of them.
J: I don't know who you are, but you shouldn't have started all this *calmly*
Sh: oh really?  You don't seem to be in a position to say it
It only took a few seconds to figure out who the voice belonged to. Sean.
J: you!  Don't you think that time was enough for you?
Sh: I told you that we will meet again, you, bastard
J: what, don't have the balls to fight with me alone like a real man?  You brought your dogs...

One of the "dogs" immediately kicked him in the stomach. Jimin cringed in pain but tried not to show it.
Sean sat down at his level, and taking his hair, pulled his head back.
Sh: you still don't understand ... I can finish you and your career at any moment.  I think Jeongyeon won't be too happy with this
Jimin was punched in the face.
Sh: shhhh, why are you so disobedient ...  But you know, I'm still kind, so ... I have a proposition
Jimin struggled to keep from falling.
Sh: I won't tell the whole world about you two, but you give me Jeongyeon *grins nasty*
Jimin, unable to tolerate such an insult to his beloved and gathering all the remaining strength in himself, hit Sean with his head and spat in his face.
Sh: AASH... YOU MOTHERF*CKER! You are done

Sean glanced at his "dogs" and ordered to beat Jimin with a nod of his head. They hit him anywhere - in the face, stomach, back.  Jimin tried his best to cover his face with his hands, but in the last seconds, his strength was gone.  Noticing that he practically does not move, one of the "dogs" was worried.
- Maybe it's enough?  Otherwise we will kill him ...
After another couple of seconds, they stopped.

Sh: know your place bastard, your fans won't help you here
Noticing a bouquet in the corner, he kicked it.  They left, leaving Jimin on the ground, barely breathing.  He continues to lie like this for about 5-10 minutes.  There was not a single living soul around that could help him. But on the one hand, he didn't want anyone to know about it, because then rumors would have spread, and this is the last thing he wanted now. He tried to get up, but his legs did not want to obey him. And only after the third attempt he managed to do it. He took the flowers from the ground and looked at them - they looked the same as he did - battered, but still trying not to lose their strength. After reaching his car, Jimin got into it and didn't move. Drinking some water, he tried to gain at least some strength to get home.

 Drinking some water, he tried to gain at least some strength to get home

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