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Elaine looked up at Gina. She kept her voice calm and soft.

“I don't think he is a pervert, Gina. He has his own daughter.”

“What … what if she is in on it?” Gina snapped, panic causing her to speak the crazy thoughts that were in her head.

Elaine patted the couch with her hand.

“Sit, sweetie.”

Gina slumped on the couch.

“Why always me? Why do I get stuck with the fucking losers?”

“Okay, Gina. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but are you sure they were together?”

“How can you say that?” Gina yelled.

“You don't believe me.”

“I do, I do,” Elaine said quickly.

“But what if was not what you think it was?”

“I heard Dylan tell her that he loved her. And … and … and when I talked to him earlier, he … he kept telling me to phone him before I went to the hotel. He said it like a dozen times.”

Again the tears started flowing down Gina’s face.

“He didn't want me to see them together.”

Elaine sat back on the couch. What Gina was saying sounded convincing enough, but there were holes in it large enough to drive a car through.

“I guess I was just some kind of game to him,” Gina continued.

“I should have seen it coming. He was to fucking perfect.”

Elaine took a deep breath.

“You want a drink?”

Gina nodded.

Elaine got them both a glass of red wine. She sat back on the couch with Gina.

“I don't know what to say, sweetie.”

Gina sipped the wine, shaking her head.

“What can you say? Dylan lied to me. This whole thing was a fucking lie. I was just some kind of conquest or something. Fuck the old dame, with the kids. He probably does this everywhere he goes. Picks out older women and tries to get them in bed.”

Elaine shook her head.

“I don't know, sweetie. From what you have told me about him and what I saw of him, he doesn't seem like that.”

Gina laughed slightly.

“His type are usually the ones that are like it.”

Elaine had to agree. She had seen too many men like Dylan in her life, but still she was having a hard time accepting Gina’s story.

Gina laughed gain.

“I must have a bullseye on my forehead. A target for every loser out there.”

“Hun, I am sure …”

Gina put up her hand.

“Please, do not say that I will find the right guy.”


“No,” Gina said quickly, cutting her off again.

“I’m done. No more. I would rather be alone than go through this bullshit all the time, especially like this.”

She stared at Elaine, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I was going to tell him that I love him.”

She laughed, tears flowing harder.

“What a fucking mess that would have been.”

“I’m so sorry, hun. If there is anything I can do.”

Gina held out the wine glass.

Elaine stood up.

“Have you talked to Brandon?”

Gina shook her head. She picked up the cloth and wiped her face again.

“I will call him now.”

Elaine went to the kitchen and leaned over the sink.

In spite of everything Gina had said, she was still doubtful.

She picked up the bottle of wine.

But then again, what reason did she have to doubt her. She had only met Dylan once and anyone can put on an act for a few hours.

And he did kind of show off by coming into the kitchen with his shirt off.

Elaine shrugged. Maybe he was a player.

She walked back into the living room just a Gina hung up the telephone.

“Everything okay?”

Gina nodded.

“I told him I was talking to you.”

Elaine filled Gina’s glass and put the half empty bottle on the coffee table.

She knew this was going to be a long night.

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