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“What will what take?” Gina asked, quickly losing patience.

“What will it take for you to go back to the restaurant?”

“I don’t want to go back, Dylan. I told you I will not work for you.”

“Bullshit, Gina. You love that restaurant. It is your heart and soul.

Now, what will it take. You name it.”

It was Dylan’s turn to become frustrated.

Gina thought for a second.

She knew that Dylan would not give up. She decided to make it impossible for him to want her back.

If her demands were outrageous enough, he would simply get frustrated and hang up.

“Okay Dylan,” she said finally.

“First, you stay away from the restaurant. Randi is the only person I deal with and she is my boss.”

“Done,” Dylan said quickly.

“I run the restaurant my way. No interference.”

“You have carte blanche,” Dylan assured her.

“Randi will just be an advisor and the money person. You are boss.”

Gina was starting to get excited again, but cautious. This was going to well.

“My staff gets all the benefits that Randi and I discussed and they get 20% above standard for their wages. And I want profit sharing.”

“Done,” Dylan said, gently.

“Troy gets the contract for the expansion and I want a guarantee that he will get an honest shot at the Rebel building.”

“I was going to talk to Troy very soon and tell him that he has the contract, anyway. I had already made that choice. And as far as the Rebel building goes, I guarantee that if he does a good job on the restaurant, I will keep him busy for a long time to come.”

“Really?” Gina asked.

“Really,” Dylan said.

“Look, Gina. The restaurant is yours. You run it whatever way you want. Randi is my property manager and like I said earlier, the money handler. I will inform her that you are to have a free rein.”

“No,” Gina said, quickly.

“I like Randi. I will work with her. We will be able to get along.”

“Better than we did, I hope,” Dylan said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Gina’s heart was breaking. In spite of everything that had happened, Dylan still had a huge hold on her.

“It wasn’t all bad, Dylan.”

“I know.”

Gina heard Dylan sniffle.

She was sure he was softly crying.

“Are you okay?”

“I am fine,” Dylan said.

“So, do we have a deal?”

Gina was nodding.

“We have a deal, Dylan. I will run the restaurant and I will make it a huge success.”

“I know you will,” Dylan said, a hint of happiness now creeping into his voice.

“I am more than sure you will.”

“And look,” Gina said, softly.

“In time I am sure we will talk again and who knows.”

“Yea, who knows.”

“Thank you, Dylan.”

“You are welcome Gina. I will get hold of Randi, so she can call off the hit-man.”

Gina smiled.

“You do that.”

“Bye Gina.”

The telephone went dead before she had a chance to say good-bye.

Even though she was happy, she still had tears in her eyes.

“Fuck,” she swore.

As much as she fought it…

she still loved Dylan.

She took a moment to gain her composure and then she dialled the restaurant.

Sonja answered.

“Hey, it’s Gina.

Open the restaurant. I am on my way.”

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