𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

82 15 37

Jisung POV:

I had stopped running because I was out of breath so I let Changbin and Felix chase down the two we caught creeping up on us. After around two minutes of crouching, I caught my breath and ran in the direction the others went.

As I was running, I spotted Felix laying against a tree, wrapping his leg in a piece of his shirt.

"Felix!" I sprinted in the direction of the boy.

Felix didn't respond with words but instead, with a grunt and waving his hand seeing as he was in pain. "Changbin..." he muttered out.

Felix didn't respond to me but he gave me a slight wave acknowledging me, he looked like he was in a lot of pain the creases on his face. He muttered something while looking to the left: "Changbin, help Changbin".

"Changbin? Is he ahead?" I asked in which he nodded his head. I left Felix to look for Changbin.

"Oh my god," I saw Changbin in the distance sprawled across the dirt, unconscious. "HEY, GET UP!" I shook the boy's body. 

I decided to attempt to carry him towards Felix without causing him too much pain. That was a struggle since he had a giant wound on his shoulder that was bleeding excessively.

Once I managed to get Changbin to the other boy, I laid him on the ground and brought my attention to Felix. "Hey, I forgot to ask, are you okay? That looks like a pretty bad cut"

"I'll be fine, leave Changbin here with me and go get out stuff from camp, they got away so if we stay there, they'll come back" Felix instructed me. I nodded, leaving Changbin's unconscious body with Felix.

As I ran back to the camp, I grabbed everything of use. I knew I couldn't leave a trace of us behind on enemy land so I did the only thing I could think of. I set fire to our camp and raced back to where the others were as soon as I saw the fire spreading to the trees.

"HAN JISUNG, WHAT DID YOU DO?" The blonde-haired boy yelled at me as he pointed at the faint orange light far back in the distance. 

"I did what I had to" I snapped my head in Felix's direction after chucking everything I was carrying to the floor.

"WAS BLOWING THE BASE UP NECESSARY?" He continued his yelling. "This wasn't what we were told to do!"

"It'll die down in a bit, calm down Felix! Also, I didn't blow it up, I set it on fire"

"Ah yes, you set a forest, that has trees made of wood, on fire" He began and I was just about to respond before he screamed at me. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU DO REALISE THEY HAVE A REASON FOR A CONFLICT NOW"

"Look, that was the only thing I could do at the time, the thing is, why didn't you use your powers against them? Hmm, you can predict at least thirty seconds into the future when something bad is going to happen so why didn't you do anything"

Just as Felix was about to fire back an answer, Changbin grunted and said: "Can you two shut up and fix my arm".

Remembering the boy with a slit shoulder, I grabbed a bunch of bandages dressing, tossing it over to Felix since he only had a bit of silk around his leg. 

"Changbin, I know it's gonna hurt but you have to lift your arm so I can see how big the cut is" I warned him before lifting his arm, Changbin hissing in pain.

After cleaning up the wound to the best of my ability, I tried my best to wrap it up with bandages so it doesn't get infected, Felix, on the other hand, had finished wrapping his knee in them and made a makeshift splint with some sticks he found near him.

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