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Felix POV:

"Han Jisung!" I yelled at the blue-haired boy.

Jisung swiveled round in search of who had called out his name. After a minute of looking like a lost squirrel, he spotted me jogging towards him.

"Oh Felix, is something up?" Han asked walking towards me.

"Yeah, somethings up. You came out of scout duty just now, right?" I panted whilst holding my knees for support.

"I did, it was me and Daehwi today"

"Did you see Hyunjin at all?"

"No, in fact, I didn't see anything it was so weird" Jisung raked a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean it was weird?" I got up.

"I mean that there wasn't anything in the forest even though I could hear people, there was no one in there" he paused trying to think of anything he could've missed "Daehwi went to go ask the hunters we saw on the way if anyone else had gone in"

"Wait, there were hunters in the forest?" I asked in a stern tone.

"Yeah, why?"

"The hunters aren't meant to be in the forest today, they went out to the plains today"

"Then who did we see?" Jisung asked, sounding very worried.

"Exactly, we need to go find Daehwi and Hyunjin," I said, taking initiative.

"Felix shouldn't we bring more people, you know just in case"

"Obviously, if someone is in the forest who shouldn't be there, are we just going to go charging in?" I eyed the boy.

Jisung opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by me sprinting off towards the council building.

I had gotten Jisung to alert the main members of the council that there would be an emergency meeting.

"Felix, what is the reason for this meeting?" Changbin spoke.

"I'm with Changbin, our last meeting was 3 days ago, meaning the next one should be in four days" A girl with long black hair spoke.

"Well, if you let him speak you'd find out. Jisoo, Changbin." Jisung eyed the two.

Clearing my throat "I have summoned this meeting of the higher-ranked members of the council because I have bad news." I said as I stood up and began pacing around the room.

"From our assumptions, we believe Hyunjin and Daehwi have been abducted." I said rather calmly, but inside everything was trying its best to stay intact.

"What do you mean they've been abducted!" A girl with short brown hair shot up.

"Calm down, Soojin" Jisoo pulled her back down, seeing as they were sitting next to each other.

"At first I didn't want to believe it, so I got Wisp to try and see something, anything." I stood at the head of the table "Our suspicions were confirmed when we both saw Hyunjin and Daehwi chained up" 

"Chained up?" I heard a few members murmur.

"Yes, so it's up to us to get them both back unharmed before our leader returns from Taiwan" Jisung stood next to me.

I knew we had to get them back before his father comes back but the question was how we were going to do that. Whatever we were going to do, we had to do it quickly.


Tzuyu POV:

"Miss Chou I completed the task you had asked for" Nayeon bowed down towards me.

"Good, now you know what to do" I walked over to my throne after placing my crown down.

"Ma'am you can't be serious? How can you be so sure your plan will work?" Nayeon made eye contact with the me.

"Are you questioning my authority?" I asked even though they both knew it was a statement. Yujin immediately lowered her head and apologized. 

"That's what I thought"

"I have one question." Nayeon asked which I motioned for her to speak "Do you have a backup plan?"

"If I have one or not, it's none of your concern" I turned away from her


Sorry for the short chapter I didn't know what else to write here for it

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Sorry for the short chapter I didn't know what else to write here for it.

Also, I have a question, which idol had the best hair, and in what era? 

I wanna know everyone's opinions because I can't choose.

I wanna know everyone's opinions because I can't choose

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