Chapter 1

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"Disciplinary action must be taken" Mam growls while looking down on me from her standing position. Honestly its ridiculous I didn't even do anything. Well all I did was get drunk and high but it wasn't my fault that Marlo decided to steal a car and crashed it. I wasnt even in the car, but the police caught me near it because of my stupid leg. My friends left me..... they left me to take the blame for their mistake, I thought they'd never betray me.

I sigh and look up at my parents, Dad is on his phone while Mam stands with her arm crossed glaring at me. I could see our similarities in moments like this, when we were angry our glares were identical we could put Medusa to shame. Dad on the other hand the only similarity I had with him was my white blond hair and the size of my eyes. My parents both had blue eyes but I somehow ended up with green eyes that change colour occasionally and sometimes they change as my mood does. I go to stand up and get my phone but the pain stops me shooting up my leg making me take a sharp breath.

I wish I could do something to fix it, I sink back into the seat and take a deep breath before saying, "Ok so whats it gonna be no support for the week, my phone is being taken?".
Dad looks up looking ashamed while Mam grins like a cheshire cat before meddling. "You are moving out and into an institution for misbehaving people like you, we should have sent you there years ago" she glanced at my leg as she said that. My leg was her fault and I know she has wanted to send me away for much longer than my leg has been like this.

Gritting my teeth I ask "Where is this institution that i am being forced to go to?" knowing that trying to convince them otherwise would be futile.

"Canada" my Dad pipes up looking less guilty than before if not a little proud.
"WHAT WE LIVE IN IRELAND AND YOUR SENDING ME TO CANADA" I yell unable to control myself I should have expected them to be this ridiculous.

"This is exactly why we are doing this, you have so many problems. The way this works is we sign you over to them and they will then be your guardians. if you ever grow up and mature you can come back and visit but thats unlikely" she starts picking at her nails mid sentence as if I'm nothing more than a burden to them, but that is all I am in their eyes.

I know its true though, I'm clearly a burden to everyone otherwise my friends wouldn't have left me to take the fall. I was lucky I suppose that the owner of the car wasn't pressing charges, or well as lucky as I could be. Canada. I couldn't even imagine living in Canada, I may live in the Capital of Ireland but still thats probably tiny compared to towns in Canada. I probably won't get to leave the institution to see the town, especially if its for misbehaving and problematic people, knowing my luck this place will be in the middle of no where.

"Get the fuck up and grab some basics and put them in a bag already, you'll be getting the bus to the airport in two hours" Mam walks away as she orders me about, wandering into the kitchen very clearly done with our conversation.

"I'm sorry pudding but it'll be better this way" Dad whispers as pats my shoulder following after Mam. He's only this nice now because he hasn't drank yet today, he's the nicest man in the world until 5 o'clock then he drinks, after each drink he slowly progresses from being nice to horrible.

At least they left so I could go upstairs without people watching me. I reach for my crutches to find them not beside me where i had them but over by the kitchen door. Mam had obviously placed them there to make life more awkward. I inhale as I stand up trying to ignore the pain as I ignore the crutches and just aim straight for my bedroom which thanks to my parents is on the top floor. I need to stop relying on my crutches, if i go to a institution with crutches and a leg brace I'll be killed, I go without my brace often enough so going without the crutches should be the same I should be fine.

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