Chapter 34

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Doc is sitting in a spinny chair at his desk reading a file when we go in. He looks up at the noise and spins rolling directly in front of us. "Good morning, how are we doing today?" he asks us as Kitt stops the chair before sitting down in a chair beside me. "N...n....not ugh great," I answer, feeling almost like I'm having an outer body experience, helpless watching my body jerk against the straps holding me safely to the chair.

"Do we have any idea what may have triggered this?" Doc asks me after a moment, I think for a moment before shaking my head, this isn't a normal stress induced seizure. My body hasn't been this out of my control since I was in ..... that place. My head aggressively twitches at the thought of there.

"The whole situation with Ozzy is not good at the moment but all of you have agreed that this reaction your body is having is different than normal," Kitt says as I try to calm my body down. Doc nods in agreement as he reads over the file in his hand before dropping it onto the counter.

"I've looked over your file, both from the hospital and what was recovered from the asylum, while there was some brain damage, this shouldn't be happening," he tells us as he rolls over to be in front of me.

"Is it ok if I do a blood test?" he asks me as he looks into my eyes before unstrapping and restrapping different limbs, observing my bodies reaction. "I want to get a brain scan done, but I actually think you may have been drugged," he explains to me as I nod in agreement to the blood test.

While Doc gets everything ready I think back on the past few days, trying to figure when somebody would have had a chance to drug me. The blood draw goes quickly and before I know it I'm in the living room with everyone else.

"How you feeling Iz?" Will asks as he stiffly sits down on the couch. I look over at him and nod quietly, the stuttering had gotten annoying, and signing wasn't very easy with the body problems at the moment.

I look up as I hear the front door opening, my body tensing. Not sure what I was afraid of but the reaction causes pain to ricochet through my body. "Do you want me to get your medication?" Will asks me, Spence stops him from standing up, and stands up himself.

I look between the two of them confused, I take a lot of medication but they all come through my feeds usually. "The medication that Sir gave you via syringe into your mouth when you had extremely intense seizures, it's almost a paralytic though so you'll be feeling very weak," Spencer explains to me.

"Is that safe?" Rafe asks from where he entered the room, obviously being the person who came through the front door. He looks me over before grimacing. "Maybe Doc has something less extreme to give you, it will still relax your body but not completely paralyse you," he suggests after receiving two harsh glares from my two men.

"Doc doesn't want him having anything," Kit speaks up out seemingly of nowhere. "Until we get bloods back we don't want to risk it. I'm sorry Is," he says to me. I grunt in response before looking at the others, they are all watching us carefully.

"V...v...vent" I groan out, my body hurting, exhausting me more, the effort of breathing becoming too much, I know my body will just stop the task soon. Spencer jumps into action running to our room, I assume to grab the vent.

"Is it getting difficult to breath?" Kit asks as he crouches in front of me, Fin appearing beside him, a slanted grin on his face. "No need to worry, Isaiah here is strong. Ain't that right?" Fin says, looking at me with a bit of nerves showing in his eyes but he covers it with his grin.

"Stronger than you," I manage to stutter out before Spencer arrives back. He looks me over before beginning to set up the machine. It only takes a moment before I am plugged in, feeling slightly less exhausted now that the job of breathing has been taken away.

"You look less tense," Spencer says to me, kissing my forehead before setting up my feed. "Ok, lets get down to business," Rafe begins before being cut off, "to defeat.... THE HUNS" Hen shouts out, we all chuckle a little as we hear Rafe sigh dramatically.

"How do I put up with this," he mutters sarcastically before pulling a squirming Hen onto his lap. "As I was saying," he continues, dodging the kisses Hen keeps trying to put all over him, "we need to figure out what to do. Do we want to go legal or other ways," he asks before giving Hen a little tap on the thigh which shuts him up.

"Obviously we would prefer legal but I feel other methods may work better," Will says, I can almost see the cogs turning in his head. "If we do legal methods, we will end up being arrested no matter what. No matter what happens they will take us all away from each other," Spencer agrees after a moment. "Because we all went there for mental health reasons with this situation they will somehow say that we aren't stable enough to be allowed free and will lock us all up in stupid asylums and Oz will be away forever. That can't happen. I don't want to hurt Lex but we need to do anything to get him away so we can be happy. He is the one that needs to be locked up," he continues, anger seething through him.

"Ok so lets get planning, so the plan basically is take down Lex," Fin says, nodding as he thinks. "So, we need to get him locked up somehow," Bear ponders. "The drugs in his system," Doc appears in the room, almost out of breath, "they're the same that he was getting in the asylum, like the exact same."

I pause and think for a moment, we know how to get Lex locked up, we can use insanity as reasoning, he has been drugging me. It is the only answer. Spender comes beside me and unplugs my feed immediately.

"I know how he has been drugging you..... Your feeds, we all know where they were kept, we all know how to add the right meds if they haven't been mixed yet," Spencer says, we all look at the half empty bag off feed.

"It took a while to kick in as he probably hasn't drugged all of them," Doc explains, before taking the feed from Spencer and going back to his office. "We can take him down with this!" Will exclaims, before looking and seeing the defeated looks on the others faces.

"We need to get him committed, this will get him arrested but not committed we need to somehow find proof he is a psychopath," Rafe explains to us, Spencer and Will groan. I shakily begin to sign, taking it one word at a time, taking a break between each word to allow my body to jerk. "Take me home, we can get proof, we just need to record everything at all times,".

Howdy everyone,

Hope y'all are doing well. Buy Me a Coffee has blocked my account and is refunding any payments towards me because they claim my account doesn't meet their guidelines..... in other words, they think I'm like an onlyf*ns account or something despite me showing proof I'm not ffs. I might set up an account on something else because I do want to do commissions and other stuff.

But anyway hope y'all are having good times atm. Also funny - someone saved my story to a folder titled - will read when completed - hehe darling I don't know when I'm gonna complete this - I have a general plan but like y'all know me - I am not very hmmmm consistent?

Much love,

Boo xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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