Chapter 30

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Orien returned to the room minutes later, as soon as the door opened I left, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I head back to my room and find my bed empty, Will must be down in the kitchen having coffee. I sigh and transfer myself to the bed, removing my glasses and curling myself up. I don't want to see anyone, who knows what will set Lex off.

"Hey Sweet, what are you doing still in bed?" Spencer wanders into my room sitting beside me. I look over at him and shrug, "Not feeling well, going to rest, can be fed through PEG tube," I sign back before moving my legs closer to my chest.

"Whats not feeling well? Your head, stomach, body, brain?" he begins to question worry screaming in his voice. "I just don't want to people today," I respond before closing my eyes and pulling my blanket over my head. A sigh comes from Spencer before I hear him leave the room, he is definitely going to get someone.

"Baby? Can you come out please?" I hear Ozzies voice next. "I don't want to please just leave me alone for today. Lex should be arriving soon so you should all be getting ready to welcome him. I just don't feel up to being with people today," I answer, frustrated with how stubborn they are.

Foot steps leave my room letting me know that I am alone once again. Sitting up I take my hearing aids out and get my ventilator plugged in. Before I turn it on I think about just sleeping withou it. It would make this whole situation easier, I wouldn't need to worry about Lex killing the others out of anger at me and Lex would be happy.

Shaking my head I turn the switch on and lay back down. The fact that I hadn't had a seizure from the stress has me shocked but alas, the day has just begun. Looking over at the baby monitor I know sits on one of the tables beside my bed I roll to face the other way. They don't need to see me cry.

I end up crying myself to sleep and am awoken by being shaked. I open my eyes, everything being blurry I grab my glasses and shove them on seeing Ozzie there. Opening his hand he shows me my hearing aids and I sigh before shoving them in, my hands fumbling a bit making me drop them and having to retry before I finally get them turned on.

I look at my stupid hands frustrated before I look over at Sir. "Lex wants to come apologise but we made him aware of you not wanting to see him. The others are talking to him now trying to mend things a bit. How are you feeling?" he asks me and I roll my eyes, he woke me up to tell me about him, the person who is threatening them all and they don't even know it.

"I'm fine, you should be with them," I sign, reluctant to unplug the ventilator. Raising an eyebrow he pulls me into a sitting position. "Sleeping all day is not going to stop us from coming up and checking on you. Anyways its physio exercise time, so up you get I've got your mat on the floor," he tells me.

I close my eyes as he begins to unplug the ventilator, doing the suctioning making me feel like my lung is coming out. I cough once he is finished and hes there right beside me, holding me steady.

"Ready?" he says before carrying me over to the mat on the floor. It's only when he sets me down that I become aware of the very full and messy diaper I have on, I shudder a little before looking at Sir.

"Can you change me please, Sir?" I ask him after a moment. He looks down at my crotch and sees the ridiculous bulge before nodding. He disappears for a moment before returning with a new diaper and other stuff.

"We may need to invest in stronger diapers, I changed this during your sleep last night and earlier when you were napping but you still leaked, and quite badly too," he reveals as the diaper is revealed. I'm shocked that I had slept through two changes making me cringe when I realise how much I had used them.

He changes me quickly, putting a cloth diaper over the disposable one not wanting to risk any more leaks. Throwing everything out he returns and helps me into a sitting position.

"Physio time!" he exclaims before helping me into one of my first exercises. "Want to share whats on your mind?" he asks after we get through three exercises and I've not initiated any conversation. I sigh before looking at him.

"Nothing is on my mind, I am just tired. I've been through a traumatising thing, one should expect me to be tired," I answer. "See that exactly tells me something is wrong, thats not you. You don't say shit like that. You either scream to be left alone or just vibe. You have a few other modes but this is not one of them. Unless you were hiding rational Izzy behind all of those personalities," he smiles at me, a teasing grin.

"There is nothing wrong," I say to him again making him sigh. He look over his shoulder at the closed door before turning back to me. "Want to explain why Orien came into your room this morning, took you away for an hour and you came back looking traumatised?" he asks me out straight.

I school my face into a look of indifference. "Am I not allowed spend time with one of my boyfriends?" I say not expecting him to answer.

"You are but Orien is looking guilty and seem surprised when I informed them you said you didn't want to see Lexus which tells me that he brought you to Lexus. What did he say to make you so closed off?" he enquires, pausing for a moment I try think of a plausible lie.

"He wanted to apologise, I didn't want to hear about it," I say shortly. He pulls me into a sitting position before standing up. "Well, if thats all you've got to say that is fine I guess. I'm bringing you downstairs though, you can sit in a different room but you're not spending all day in bed," he tells me before helping me into my chair.

"I'm not dressed?" I say to him confused as to why I'm in my chair with only my diaper. He looks at me and jerks, "Ah yes, not going to lie I forgot about clothes,". He helps me dress quickly before we head downstairs, I head towards the library while he heads towards the living room. It's not long before I am joined by Will who sits beside me silently.

"Did you know Lexus can't speak sign language, he requires one of us to translate," he signs after a few minutes of silence. "It doesn't matter really does it?" looking over at him I see him holding the babymonitor from Sirs' room.

"Well it makes it easier for me to ask you this. How did Lexus threaten you?" he signs seriously making me frown. "I don't know what you're talking about," I go to roll away before he stops me.

"I know he did something, and I know he is keeping something from us and he is stopping both you and the institution he was at from tell us. But I am going to figure it out," he reaches his hand out and rubs my head before handing me my helmet.

"You're shaking and jerking, wear it," he says before walking away.

Of course this happens to meWhere stories live. Discover now