Chapter 16

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We arrive at the doctors about ten minutes before my appointment leaving us sitting in the waiting room. Sir taps my hand and I look at him and smile before signing for the iPad. He hands it to me just as we get called into the doctors office. I'm pushed into the office the nurse guides us to, "If you could get up onto the table there that would be great, the doctor will be in shortly" she smiles before leaving us alone in the room. I stop Sir from lifting me and decide to try to stand up to get up myself. I need to learn how to do proper wheelchair transfers especially for going onto something taller than me. I stand up and hold onto Sir's arm, I frown when I realise my bad leg is useless and just dangling basically but try walk the one step to the table. I almost collapase when the weight goes on the bad leg but Sir catches me and just lifts me onto the table.

"It's concerning that you cannot put any weight on that leg Isaiah. Has it always been that weak?" the doctor apparently appeared during this situation and instantly notices. "No it has not always been this weak, it was getting weaker before it ended up in the cast but ever since I got out of the cast I have to manually move it, my good leg isn't too much better if I am being honest" Sir interprets for the Doctor.

The doctor nods along before asking a variety of questions and doing a variety of tests. "Well, I'm going to send you for a few scans to see if we can find reasoning behind this...... paralysis..... then you are good to go home for the day, we'll call you when we get the results back" I nod and thank him before I'm taken for the multiple scans. He takes off my arm sling and gets me to do a few movements before declaring it healed, I can use it for basic things but pushing my chair and transfers need to be held off on until I do a bit of physical therapy.

The scans drag by and it feels like it's been days by the time I get back to Sir. Looking at the time I sigh knowing that we are going straight to the dentist and are just going to make it on time.

"So have you got everything you want to say to the dentist remembered Izzy?" Sir asks gently as he pushes me towards the van. I nod making mental note in my head, I need to talk about the jaw clenching, that is it as far as I know.


The dentist doesn't take long and it just consists of the dentist giving me a day time splint and a night time one. The night time one will basically be a gag but since I will be using the back brace soon it won't really matter since it'll stop me from being able to talk anyways. The daytime one will make me lisp on certain words and may for the first while stop me from closing my lips but I will get used to it eventually according to the dentist. I only need to wear it for a few months until my jaw learns not to put pressure on itself.

We go to a Korean restaurant for lunch and I get tteook-bokki and Sir gets bibimbap. I stay silent during the meal not wanting to turn my appetite off by the stuttering annoying me. The food was amazing and we didn't have to rush to the next appointment which was nice.

"I hate the orthopedist, he creeps me out" I sign to Sir once I'm finished. He frowns "I know Isaiah, I'm working on finding a new one for you but there seems to only be waiting lists, I've got you on three at the moment. Hopefully you won't have to see him again after this appointment" he kisses me hand and rubs it as we sit there. "I'm worried about Lex Sir, I know he didn't want to hurt me the other day when making the comment about losing weight. But he wants to lose weight when he is so healthy and I really want to help him stay there. Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask Sir while mouthing the words at the same time as signing, Will is convinced it might help. I really am worried about him and all the others for varying reasons and I want to help them as much as I can.

Sir smiles at me "I love how caring you are my sweet, but don't worry about the others for the moment, I have Lex signed up to a therapist who he used to see when he was struggling, he always found it difficult to talk to me when it came to eating things so I signed him up for a therapist. Remember that, if you ever want to talk to someone else just let me know". I nod along more reassured that I wasn't the only one concerned about Lex. I could always talk to someone else but I don't think I could trust someone as much as I trust Sir.

Of course this happens to meUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum