Chapter 29

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We sit at the dining room table in silence. Ozzie had just announced that Lex was officially coming back tomorrow and to say there were mixed opinions would be an understatement. It probably didn't help that I had an episode right before sitting down for lunch.

"Do you want some soup baby?" Will asks me as I massage my hand. Letting the muscles relax I look over at the soup that's being offered. It's sweet potato and gochujang soup which does sound interesting. I take mental note of my body and nod my head.

"Yeah it sounds y...y..yummy," I frown at the stutter, but watch as Will dishes a small bowl for me.

"Which spoon do you want?" He asks holding up two options for me, I look between the two of them, one the spoon that's heavier and for less coordination and one a normal spoon. I hold my hand in front of me and watch the shakes before taking the heavier one.

"Thank you, I think this one will be the safer bet," I say shifting a little. I manage to eat a few spoonfuls before deciding to finish for today not wanting my stomach to hurt.

"I don't see why he should come back," Xan mutters a few minutes later ruining the silence that I would 100% prefer over this conversation. I close my eyes and take a breath before looking over at him.

"Because we are all worthy of getting help. I know he has hurt Isaiah but that doesn't mean he can't make up for it. He probably feels really bad," Orien snaps at Xan making me sigh knowing this will get worse.

I contemplate leaving before deciding to just subtly take out my hearing aids. Once they don't start yelling I should be able to block out this whole conversation. I grab the dexterity fidget lying on my lap and begin to play with it, blocking the world out.

Will's hand appears in front of me dragging me out of the zone I was in, looking up I see everyone staring at me. "I took them out because I don't want to hear it, this discussion is not something that should be had on a day that I'm prone to episodes. If I'm the one who fucking realised it you know it's bad," I sign to them before heading to the elevator.

The tiredness had been creeping up on me for a while now and the thought of being dragged into that conversation just made it worse. By the time I get to my room I realise getting into bed may be a bit difficult. Deciding to prolong the inevitable I start taking off my accessories before beginning to think about how I'm going to get into the bed. Sleeping in the chair is not comfortable and not ideal, so getting into the bed is a must. When I'm finally clear of everything I try to figure out the strength I have in my arms and decide it might be worth it to try transfer.

Taking a deep breath I prepare myself and begin to transfer, my arms feel strong as I begin to lift my body but buckle and I land sloppily on the bed. Pain runs through my body, I lay there for a moment before shuffling my body into a cosier position before trying to settle down.

Will arrives in my rooms minutes later, I look over his new back brace as he makes his way over to my bed and gets in next to me.

"Why do you have a new brace?" I sign to him once he settles down. "Well, I am due to get surgery actually, my spine wasn't getting better, it was getting worse if anything. They can't do surgery for a few more months though for some reason, so they gave me a stiffer less forgiving brace," he explains to me. I pause to think for a moment.

"You seem uncomfortable in it," I say after thinking for a minute. "It isn't too uncomfortable I just have less movement," he tells me, we lay in silence for a few minutes before I sigh. "Lex is back tomorrow which is going to be stressful. I want him to get as much help as possible but I don't want to see him outside of meals for a while," I take off my glasses as I say this to Will. "Goodnight,".

Someone shaking me wakes me up making me grunt in annoyance. Opening my eyes I make out Orien above me. He holds his finger up to his lips indicating me to be quiet and I nod. Grabbing my glasses I sit up and look at him in confusion.

"Lets go chill in my room! We haven't spent any time together," he tells me before trying to help me into my chair and pushing me into his room. He closes the door behind him and sighs.

"Lex come out," he says into the room making me whip my head towards him. I look at him with hurt clearly shown on my face, he shuffles uncomfortably and turns towards the otherside of the room where I see Lex. My body begins to jerk slightly as the stress rushes through my body.

"Why am I here?" I sign to Orien as Lex walks closer. "Don't ask him, I told him I just wanted to talk to you which is true, Orien can you give us a minute please?" he says to Orien who nods and walks out of the room.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I do still hate you as I said, but I guess I can pretend not to in front of the others. They believed me so quickly when I told them I was struggling and that was the reason. You know when I first came we were made to do tests, you probably got to skip them because you're so special but I didn't. It's just basic intelligence tests and mental health tests and so on, but what they don't test people for is psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. That new place did though, and everything sort of made sense then. Ozzie doesn't need to know though, he wouldn't want a sociopath under his roof with so many fragile people, he has someone who does take sociopaths because everyone deserves support, but just not here," Lex begins to ramble.

"I guess I can understand why they don't want us around those who are so stupidly fragile, look at Orien, he has been the easiest person to manipulate ever. You however fucked everything up for me. This place was perfect then you came, then you left and it was perfect again but you came back all broken and disgusting and I just couldn't take seeing you anymore so I exploded. That was your fault, I was under the radar for ages, acting is easy, but you got everyone so fucking careful because you're so fucking fragile," he gets visibly angrier as he continues talking.

"But I guess I do have to thank you, you brought me back after I was sent away. I guess we can peacefully co-exist for a while just until you become a trivial piece of the puzzle in the background that will eventually have to be sent to a care home because your healing has slowed down," he explains everything to me making me confused. What is stopping me from telling everyone what just happened.

"Agh I can see the cogs turning in your head. Keeping you quiet is easy, tell anyone and I will kill them, not you, them," he tells me a smile creeping onto his face. I freeze, the others can't be hurt. I look at him with disgust before nodding. Anything to keep the others safe.

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