Chapter 6

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"Wake up Isaiah....... Come on we have to leave for school in an hour and you need to eat and get ready" someone is shoving me as I start to groan and roll over to glare at them. It's Lex, he grins at me before stealing my duvet and making a run for it.  School, I'm not ready, I have to use the wheelchair and I might be made talk it's not like I have a genuine reason not to. Well it's not that I don't talk I can't talk but explaining that to mentally stable people tends to get me no where. I get up and grab my crutches, no need to put the braces on just for me to take them off when getting into the wheelchair.

Breakfast is uneventful with me eating toast and two rashers which is the most I've eaten for breakfast in years. Sir is driving us to school because he needs to go into the office with me and explain the situation of me. I suppose one positive of being a cripple, as Xan put it, I get to sit up front with no arguments because it's more convenient. The drive consists of Sir trying to get me to indicate how I'm feeling about school and Lex and Orien telling me how much I'll love school and how nice everyone is if we forget that we are there to learn.

We pull into the wheelchair parking spot of a massive building, and I mean massive. Looks to have four floors and I can see the gym is a separate building, there's probably at least 5000 students in this school and I don't like it. I'm brought out of my thoughts by Sir tapping my shoulder before lifting me into the wheelchair and handing me my wrist braces that I completely forgot existed.

"Orien, Lex you can go ahead to class we have a meeting for your first hour then can one of you return and help Isaiah around? Perfect" he says and pushes me in front of him without waiting for an answer. "Put the braces on. They use laptops here instead of writing so you don't need to worry about writing with them on. Now we have a meeting with the principal so let's get to it" he pushes me into the office where a receptionist looks up and opens the door to the principal's office no questions asked.

The principal is surprisingly a young enough man who seems to be in his late twenties. He is fucking handsome and his name is Mr Black. Mr Black glances up as we arrive in before smiling. "Welcome, welcome. I have to say you are the first Irish student we've had here before. Now I know you have needs for your wheelchair they have all been met due to a previous student having the same needs. You are excused from all PE apart from swimming, you are expected to join at least one club. You are in your last year so your grades matter, we have transferred your grades from Ireland over here and you have the highest gpa in the school be proud. Any questions?" He shoots this all out at a scary pace. Mr Pleasant glances at me before realizing I'm not going to talk and proceeds to explain my 'situation' to the principle and I zone out.

Someone moving me takes me out of my own head and I look up to see Sir saying goodbye to Mr Black and pushing me out into the hallway. He hands me a folder containing my timetable, locker stuff, laptop password and other useless information which I place on my lap as I see Orien. He grins and runs towards us, as he reaches us he goes to take control of the wheelchair before I stop him.
"Please let me push myself. I don't want to be seen to be totally reliant on others" I stutter quietly as Sir looks proud of me for talking. Sir waves and wishes us good luck before promising to pick us up at the end of the day and leaving.

Students are the same here as they are in Ireland is the first thing I notice, they stare. They stare not even ashamed that they are making me uncomfortable. Orien walks ahead of me pointing out rooms and club areas before stopping in front of what I assume is my locker. I wheel myself closer and open it to find a laptop, a jumper with the schools name and a water bottle. I grab the laptop and shut the locker before checking my timetable. Six classes today English, Maths, Music, a break for lunch, Art, PE and finally French. Not a horrible day but glancing at the rest of my timetable it seems the days are almost all the same.

Of course this happens to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora