Chapter 2

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"I don't understand, his parents never said anything about an injury, all they said was that he was misbehaving and clearly had mental health issues. This makes no sense." a muffled deep voice says from beside me.

"Well Sir, I don't want to panic you but he seems to have passed out from both strain on the body and pain. He also seems to be malnourished. He should be waking up any minute now, he didn't hit his head too hard that chances are he's just sleeping now" a woman replied to the deep voice.

I kept my eyes closed as i heard footsteps leave the room, suddenly feeling someones thumb rubbing in circular motions on my hand. Maybe if I keep my eyes closed they'll leave me alone and I can assess the situation. After five minutes of the constant circular motions its clear that the person won't be leaving me so I will not be able to wake up alone. I open my eyes blinking at the harsh light, I'm in a hospital, I had guessed as much but I was hoping it wasn't true. I don't do well in hospitals.

Glancing at my hands I notice an IV in one and a hand on my other hand. I look up to see a man about 29 smiling at me, a chisled jawline, brown eyes, black hair, tanned skin and a soft smile. I look away quickly not wanting to cause trouble, I pull my hand away too suddenly feeling really warm and uncomfortable. I sit up and feel one of those oxygen yokes underneath my nose and remove it before going to move the duvet to check my legs out.

"If you're thinking about getting out of bed I would not advise it, as we have seen you can clearly walk without your brace but it clearly causes you pain, stay in bed we need to figure everything out first. I'm Mr Pleasant or Sir whichever you prefer, I know you must be confused but you should lie back down and I can clear things up for you" he grabs my arm stopping me. I close my eyes before lying back down and looking at him. He's still smiling softly at me.

"I'll tell you whats wrong with me, I injured my leg a few years back in an accident whatever way it happened my leg essentially shattered completely lots of it is now metal inserts but something else happened I don't know what but i can barely move it so a brace helps. They think something could've happened to my hip joints or something. My other leg also went through trauma but it healed better and doesn't hurt as much so I was told to just leave it be for the time being. I am malnourished because I haven't had an appetite recently. I passed out due to panic because I was scared, it wasn't from pain I don't require the brace fulltime" I say all this switching from truth to lie after explaining why i have a brace at the beginning, I examine my nails while saying all this to try avoid his piercing gaze.

"Truths mixed with lies, you're smart but obviously not smart enough to realise that I know you need support essentially full time. Anyway you should focus on feeling better so I'm going to call the nurse to get your lunch and then we can see about checking you out and getting you home" he says this all with a smirk on his face before heading out to find a nurse.

I sigh hating that he knew the truth, before the panic begins to settle in and make itself well known. I'm in a hospital no, NO I NEED TO GET OUT. The panic starts to increase until my heartrate starts to cause an alarm to go off in the room, nurses and Mr Pleasant rush in to see my sitting up in bed curled against myself. I'm panicking and I can't stop it.

I hear so many voices probably trying to calm me down and feel so many hands on me, I swatt them away, they eventually stop touching me and someone pulls a blanket over me. I slow down my thoughts, my breathing slowing down aswell before looking up and seeing two nurses smiling at me and Mr Pleasant sitting beside me. I jerk away panicking that he's going to hit me for causing trouble but he just rubs my hand and says "We can just have lunch at home, lets get you checked out now". I observe Mr Pleasant as he nods at the burse, I can see the concern and worry in his eyes and that is not good, I wanted to go under the radar. The nurses smile before rushing out of the room to probably gather the paperwork or help another patient.

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