Chapter 28

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I should've known blocking everyone out for a day and then demanding that someone who hurt me is returned would only result in me being dragged into Sirs' office, yet I am still surprised when he stands behind me after breakfast.

"Shall we head to my office?" Sir asks me making me curse in my head before nodding in response. The others instantly make themselves scarce running off to do varying chores leaving myself and Sir alone on the way to his office.

"You've gotten really good at using the sip-and-puff method with your chair," he comments as we enter his office making me blush a little, I'd been working hard to get better making the others leave my room so I can practise.

"Thank you, can I ask why we are here?" I cut to the chase immediately not wanting the nausea from anxiety to upset my stomach any more than it already has. Sir sits on the couch and offering to move me onto the couch too. I shake my head wanting to have full control of leaving or not.

"A general check-up as usual and to talk about a few things," he tells me getting up and grabbing one of my dexterity fidgets and giving it to me. I nod in thanks and wait for him to continue.

"Were you going to tell me you had a nightmare last night? Also you should be wearing your helmet, even I can tell you are not having a good day for episodes," he asks me as he pulls the helmet from underneath my chair and handing it to me.

"No, I wasn't, I don't want to think about it. I forgot to ask for the helmet," I tell him as I take it from his hands and place it on my head latching it under my chin before looking at him again.

"I know you don't want to talk about it, but you know better than anyone talking about it actually will help," he holds me hand thats not using the fidget and I look at him before sighing.

"It wasn't a dream, it was a memory, early on in my time there. The time he first scarred my face and damaged my ears, it wasn't even a memory of the actual treatment it was just before it when he explained what was going to happen," I tell him trying to not think too muc about the memory.

"I'm sorry you have those memories baby, how did you feel when you woke up?" he asked me after a moment. I close my eyes in frustration at this conversation.

"How do you think I felt, I felt horrible, my body was bothered by the seizure that I had, my joints were so tight and locked up, my brain hurt. Everything hurts," I snap at him, if the whole fight about Lex hadn't happened I wouldn't have had the dream.

"I know I'm sorry that was a stupid question. Ok change of topic. How do you feel about Lex coming home tomorrow?" he asks, I look at him shocked that he got it organised so quickly.

"I feel good about it, a tiny bit nervous but it's worry about him more than anything," I answer quickly wanting to get away from this topic too.

"Ok thats good, and is there....." I cut him off. "Can we just talk about something else?" I ask desperate for a change in topic. Sir stops and looks at me before nodding.

"How do you feel about your recovery at the moment?" he asks me gesturing to the wheelchair, I nod along comfortable with this topic.

"I feel good, my arms feel stronger and I can hold myself in a sitting position now, I have no need for the underarm padding in this chair. I want to wait until my arms are almost full strength before going back to my old chair though because I want to be able to push myself," I tell him gesturing to the different parts of my chair.

"You have made leaps and bounds, I'm very proud. How do your legs feel?" he asks me, finally approaching the topic I've avoided since leaving the hospital.

"They are useless, I think the physio is wrong when he says I may be able to walk again, if I do it'll be my waist and hips doing all the work which isn't good so no point in dwelling on it," I mutter out looking at the useless limbs in front of me.

"If you want we can talk to the physio and see why he thinks you can?" he suggests to me dragging me out of the pit of self-hatred I would inevitably end up in. I nod along not really paying attention anymore.

"All your new gear arrives today," I look up at Sir surprised that it's all arriving, my eye stuff wasn't due till tomorrow. "Actually it will all be here in an hour so do you want to spend time with the others before they arrive?" Sir suggests standing up and opening the door.

I wheel past him and down to the library where I know I will find Will. I look around and find him on a chair in the corner working making me frown, I shouldn't disturb him. I turn the chair around and go looking for the others. I find all bar Spencer and they all look busy, I sigh as I sit in the hallway thinking about where Spencer could be.

Deciding the kitchen is the only other place I head down but find the room empty. Looking around I see nothing is prepared for lunch and smile, they haven't even let me near a butter knife since coming home but maybe if I prepare salad for lunch they will stop being so cautious with me.

I grin as I pull things out of the cupboard and put them on the lower table in the corner and begin to chop everything up for a salad. I take a break every few minutes to make sure my hands won't jerk but successfully cut up a whole salad. I smile as I place it in a large bowl and shove it in the fridge before heading into the hallway knowing the new appliances should be arriving soon.

I go out to see Sir opening the front door to reveal all the medical staff and welcoming them in. He looks over and sees me before smiling, "Oh perfect you saved me having to go looking for you. Lets head into the lounge yes?" he suggests guiding the others into the room. I follow the crowd in and stop at the doorway.

"This shouldn't take long so I'll just put your back brace on you and then head off," the ortho tells me before heading over to me, between himself and Sir they get the brace on me and it fits perfectly.

"Thank you," I say to the guy as he leaves. "Mine won't take long either, so let me just show you these and how to put them in," the audiologist appears next and begins to show the hearing aids to me. "These are behind-the-ear hearing aids so the power sits behind the ear, they're a bit bulky but not that noticeable, the mould that goes into your ear is also bigger than usual but thats also been done to protect your inner ear from any further damage, it will feel very weird for a little while," she explains to me before explaining everything I need to know.

"Want to try put them in?" she asks after a minute of me staring at them, I look up and nod, removing the helmet before slotting them into my ears, pressing what I was told to and suddenly my ears feel full. I look around waiting for someone to talk.

"How do they feel?" Sir asks and I'm taken aback by how clear and loud everything is, I don't have to strain to hear everything anymore. I smile at him, "They feel amazing,".

The audiologist does a few checks before heading off and all that's left is the optician. "Ok so this is going to be uncomfortable for the next few days it won't feel natural but it needs to be kept in for it to work ok?" she tells me before showing me how to look after the lens and helping me put it in my eye. I blink a few times and want to rub my eye, she was right it feels wrong.

"Now you have the glasses too, so why don't you try them on too," she suggests handing me over the glasses I ordered. I try them all on amazed at how detailed things actually are. I smile, and for the first time, I can see everything clearly.

She like the others goes through everything I need to know before heading out leaving me alone with Sir.

"How do you feel?" Sir suddenly asks from beside me, I turn and grin at him. "Like a functioning human,".

Of course this happens to meWhere stories live. Discover now