Chapter 26

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An hour later I am sitting in the spare bedroom with a physio running through exercises with me. "You know Isaiah if you do these every day, you may get your hands back to full function and strength. You're only problem will be the spasms and that but that isn't all the time," she says to me as she leads me through the final few exercises. "What about my legs?" I ask genuinely curious. She frowns before looking at me and giving me a weak smile, "there is a small chance you will walk again but it will be aided by crutches or a walker or something. You will more than likely be able to walk with braces, but without is not very likely," she says to me as we finish the exercises.

I nod in response, and she helps me up into my chair before helping me close the chest harness, once I'm all settled into my chair she says goodbye before heading out. Orien walks in a moment later with a smile.

"You ready for the orthopedist?" he asks. I nod in response and smile at him, the appointment should be soon and according to Sir I'll be getting measured for legs braces, full-length arm braces and a soft back brace. I don't need to be cast either apparently just measured.

Orien proceeds to tell me all about school until there is a knock on the door and a man walks in with Sir. "Hello Isaiah, I'm Nick. I'm going to be in charge of your appliances from now on. It's lovely to meet you," he says smiling at me and shaking my hand. "I am going to stay in the room because previous situations have made us uncomfortable in the past," Sir explains and Nick nods along.

"Ok so this will be quite simple I just need you to strip to a thin layer of clothing so I can get the correct measurements, I may also ask you to lie on a table to get them if that's ok?" Nick asks as he begins getting different things out of his bag. "Thats my cue to leave, bye babes," Orien says as he walks out.

Sir helps me strip so I'm left in just the bodysuit with shorts attached and lifts me onto the table. "You feeling ok, Izzy?" he asks as he takes my hand. "Yeah, just a bit tired. Can I still nap after?" I sign to him feeling exhausted. "Of course," he smiles at me and Nick walks over.

"So I basically have the elbow braces, they're very similar to the ones you'll be getting for your leg. So they are hinged, I just need to try them on your arms and make sure neither side is too long or anything they're completely adjustable too. These are just until your arms are a bit stronger then you'll get your usual ones once your body is stronger and less prone to injury. Can I take your arm?" he asks me and I nod in response. He smiles before pulling out to of the braces and lining them up with my arm strapping them on.

"How do they feel?" he asks as he finishes putting them on. I slowly move both of my arms, bending them and letting them go slowly before nodding at him. "Good, well I'll leave them on you then. Those braces are usually used for rehabilitation after surgery to stop you from injuring it more or something like that but I've found they're good for those who are regaining mobility and stuff like that. Okay, I'm going to be touching your body now is that ok," he asks as I continue moving my arms.

"Yes that is fine," I respond softly looking at Sir to distract me. The measuring for the back brace goes by quickly and before I know it I'm being shown my new leg brace. Yes singular, it seems that my leg brace is now one things as it goes up and around my waist.

"So this is all connected by this waist belt thing, it supports your back but will also help you move your legs a bit more easily. Hopefully, we can get you back to using leg braces without this but until then, once your physio agrees you can begin using these with a walker and then crutches. These also go under your foot to help stop your foot from dropping," he explains as he finishes putting on the leg brace.

"We need to stand you up so I can make sure it fits properly when standing too," he explains looking to Sir to help. Sir nods and I sit up, feeling weird with the wait belt, I turn my body until my legs dangle off the bed. They both offer me a hand and help me into a standing position. The moment I'm standing my head begins to spin, Sir notices this and signals for Nick to quickly make the adjustments.

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