Chapter 19

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We pull into the driveway of a big modern looking house, Fin smiling as he sees it. "It's nice to be home" he mutters before parking and looking at me. "There will be a lot of people here, and a lot of them are going to be intimidating looking but they are all the loveliest people you will meet, you will get to meet my brother and also my partners. They are going to love you" he says before getting out of the car. He walks around and lifts me into the wheelchair, strapping me in and pushing me towards the house. It has a wheelchair ramp making getting into the house handy. I look around as I'm pushed through the house trying to take notice of what's around, it's weird seeing people and things other than white padded walls and psychopaths that are pretending to nurses and doctors.

Just as we arrive into a room full of couches I have an episode, I've taken to calling them that since I don't know what they actually are. My body starts jerking all over the place, my head hitting my chest and shoulders repeatedly as my legs attack each other and my arms flail. Fin looks at me concerned before holding my legs still with one hand and my arms with the other. I try to hold back the tears as I realise how ridiculous I look. "Hey, hey, hey don't worry you'll be fine don't worry. You're safe here, Ozzi will be here soon don't worry breathe in and out, in and out" Fin directs me gently as my episode ends but my panic attack that was triggered by it continues. "Layla get Doc, a panic attack when being taken off a ventilator for the first time in two months is not ideal, he needs help" Fin yells before continuing to guide me in my breathing.

The room changes to the white padded walls, my uncle standing over me with my parents behind him. "We can't do a lobotomy but we can do more wetpack treatments, he goes zombie after those" I hear my uncle explain. My body begins to convulse and I try to scream in pain. They've started shocking me everytime this happens, which is often. My mam grabs my chin, "Little shit gets to keep his brain for a little longer I guess, can I do some physical therapy on him" she asks as she squeezes my chin tighter. Uncle smiles at this before nodding and calling my cousins in. They all work together to strap me in an X shape against the wall, this is one of the rare occasions I have nothing on my body apart from the diaper, but I doubt it'll stay on long. My head spins, I always get dizzy after my convulsions them making me stand when I don't do that anymore isn't helping. They let go of my wrists making my body flop uselessly, I've no strength anywhere, if I wasn't chained I'd be flat on the floor. My uncle opens the dreaded cupboard and I try to scream, nothing coming out of my throat, the ventilator keeping me silent. My cousins cover my eyes with a blind fold and moments later the pain begins. It's coming from three separate directions attacking me all over. My diaper gets removed as the others continue, one of them moves from my face for a moment giving me a break before starting to attack me on my dick and balls. Tears stream down my face. The attacks suddenly stops and I open my eyes, the blindfold gets removed. They all stand there grinning making me confused. My cousins unlock me causing me to fall to the floor causing the pain to double. Suddenly my uncles in front of me and turning off my ventilator. I panic, I can't breathe, I can't move, I feel a puddle form beneath me as the panic worsens. Tears blur my vision completely. "Look he shat himself, such a weak thing. Hmmmmm better plug him back in, he can't die yet" my mams voice runs through my mind as I finally fall unconscious.

I begin to calm down as I get out of my flashback before pain runs through my body causing me to panic once more. Moments later a man comes in and takes in my weak panicking form, he's carrying a large case and stops beside me. "Hi Isaiah my names Joe but everyone calls me Doc, I see you're having a bit of trouble breathing right now so I'm just gonna hook you up to a ventilator for a while, your oxygen levels aren't good and we don't want you to get hurt. Is that ok?" He says gently holding my hand, I squeeze his hand in response nodding weakly the air feeling impossible to get and thin when I do get it.

When I finally calm down I look around taking in my surroundings, we're in a nice sitting room with a large fireplace and lots of couches. I look at Fin and see him kneeling in front of me still, he smiles when he sees I'm calm again.

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