Chapter 32

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The drive to Fins goes quickly, me falling asleep halfway through. I wake up to the feeling of someone moving my chair and see Will in front of me unhooking the chair from the van. He smiles when he sees me open my eyes before disappearing behind me and guiding my chair out of the van.

“I’m gonna unhook the vent ok?” he tells me once we’re outside. I nod and he quickly unhooks me, I look around and see Fin and Kit leaving the front door waving at us. They walk towards us slowly, clearly conversing between each other before they come to a stop in front of us. Spencer appears from the back of the van with bags and smiles at the two men.

“While I’m always excited to see ye, may I ask, what are you doing here?” Kit asks as Fin gives us all a hug. “It’s not good for Izzy to be at the house at the moment and we weren’t making him leave alone so you’ve got the three of us,” Spencer explains briefly, clearly noting the fact that I’m shivering.

“How about we go inside, and talk properly with us all warmed up around the fire?” Fin suggests before guiding us all inside. We head into the living room where there's three large couches and three men using one of them, I recognise them instantly as Fin’s partners. As Will and Spencer settle on one couch beside me, Fin joins his partners and Kitt takes the last couch. Two more men come in and sit beside Kitt and silence fills the room.

“Ok, lets run through introductions then we can run through what's happening with Ozzie,” Kitt suggests before turning to the two men beside him. The small redhead beside him speaks up first, “I’m Henry, but ye can call me Hen,” he says as he curls up under a blanket. The other man on the couch looks at him fondly before speaking to us. He, unlike the others, is dressed in a suit rather than the comfy loungewear everyone else is in. “Rafe, it’s nice to meet you all, I’ve heard alot about you,” he introduces himself, a formal vibe running through his voice, his cropped black hair matches the formal energy he gives off, almost as if you’d find him in some CEO office.

Kitt nods before looking over at Fin who nods in response and looks to the man sitting to his right. The man over at us giving a nod of acknowledgement before speaking, he’s covered in tattoos but looks like a cuddly teddy bear of a person. “Bear,” is all he says before looking at the remaining men. I swallow a little chuckle at the iron of his name. This comes at the consequence of my arm twitching but I ignore it as the second to last man begins to talk. “I’m Luka, if you need a cosy blanket just come to our room. We have loads,” as if to prove it he pulls a massive blanket from nowhere and pulls it over himself. I chuckle at the sheer size of the blanket before looking over at the last man. More notably the man who is missing a leg and seems to not be wearing a prothesis at the moment. “J, nice to meet ye,” he smiles at us before leaning into Luka.

“Alright our turn, I’m Spencer, thanks for having us,” Spencer begins our introductions. “Will, um, can I use your bathroom before we get into the serious talks?” Hen chuckles before getting up and guiding Will to the bathroom.

“Isaiah, thank you for letting us come here. It’s also nice to see ye again,” I introduce only stuttering a few times. “You’re looking much better physically, than when we last saw you, you seem to have more control over your hands and such?” Kit asks me. “Oh yeah, I don’t have the best coordination but I am working on it. My legs aren’t going to be fully functional again but theres a small chance I will be able to get around with crutches and braces. Eyes, I can see which is nice, ears, again I can hear which is nice. Orthodontics, uncomfortable but actually doing some good and not just there for torture,” I give them the run down of everything. About halfway through Will returns and remains standing beside me.

“Do you want to sit on the couch? You’ve been stuck in your chair for a good while and before that……” his voice trails off as he remembers why we are here. “Yes, please. I don’t think I can do a transfer though, my arms are sore,”  respond not wanting to explain the soreness is definitely from the thrashing to get out of the bed. The two men help me get comfortable on the couch and Luka drapes a blanket over us before Kitt turns back to us.

“Ok, where do you want to start?” he asks. “We should probably start with when Izzy came home,......” Spencer launches into the story of what had happened, myself and Will filling in information we had here and there to give them a more complete view of the situation.

“Then today….. Well I don’t actually know what happened to be honest,” he says after a moment looking over at me. “Well Lex came into my room, not long after you left, and started taunting me for drooling and being useless. I asked him to leave me alone and he gave out to me for not disappearing into the background like he told me to, I told him I couldn’t control seizures and he caused that one by stressing me out. He decided then to tell Orien and Sir that I caused him to purge, Orien came in and well exploded. It was too much, I seized again and then when I woke up  was restrained and unable to talk and Sir said and I quote I purposely messed with someone's recovery. Lexus chose the punishment: no entertainment, no signing, and no speaking. You are to rely completely on our care until further notice, what you did was not right. I will say I hate punishing you and this feels wrong but you won’t learn otherwise,” I finish on that note and everyone looks at me in shock.

“He has something on Sir, well all of us. Lex is going to claim we raped him, if it was just Sir, you know what he would do he would just claim ownership so we would all be ok but since its including all of us he is probably taking his time to plan it. I think he wanted us to bring him here because he suddenly mentioned your address to us last night…” Will fills everyone in.


Happy Birthday to me - here is my present to y'all another chapter!!!!

Hope y'all are doing well and thriving.

As always no pressure but here is the link to buy me a coffee

Much love

Boo xx

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