Chapter 22

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I don't remember ever going through a hearing test before but I have a feeling that your audiologist should not look as concerned as mine is while conducting my test. I look over at Spencer as he walks towards me with a small smile. I have just finished the test and I don't think it went well. Spencer kisses my forehead before dropping into a crouch in front of me, he's holding my helmet in his hand causing me to frown as I notice it.

"Do you feel like your episode is over?" he asks me as the audiologist begins to disconnect everything from me. I try to zone into how my body is feeling and nod my head in response. "I think I should be ok" I stutter out smiling at him. He smiles back before looking at the audiologist and putting the helmet on my lap.

"I'll be back in a moment, I'm just going to ask her if she is going to report everything back to us here or come up to the room in a while" he tells me before walking over to her. I can't hear anything they're saying making me frown before deciding to put on the helmet Spencer had put in my lap. I need to strengthen my arms and little tasks like this will help me. My arms feel wobbly as I do the task but there is no pain and it doesn't feel strenuous. Just as my fingers struggle with the last clasp Spencer appears beside me. I finally get it before smiling at him.

"I thought you didn't feel your episode still happening" he asks looking concerned before he begins to push me out of the room. "I don't but I need to practise things like putting my helmet on myself, it'll strengthen my arms hopefully" I answer as I ignore the people around us and focus on my fingers that keep opening and closing themselves repeatedly.

Spencer remains silent the rest of the way up to the room. We wheel in to see Ozzie fast asleep on the chair in the corner of the room, he looks exhausted. "Lets get you out of this chair and back into bed yeah?" Spencer asks me. I nod, the exhaustion suddenly hitting me hard. Reaching up I unlock my chest harness and almost fall forwards from tiredness. Spencer catches me and lifts me up and places me on the edge of the bed.

"Do you need a change?" he asks while I catch my breath. I nod and lie back. He changes me quickly and sets me up in bed with the braces for my episodes on my wrists and special anti-foot drop ones on my feet. "I'll call the nurse in and get her to set you up with the ventilator, the audiologist will be up in a few minutes she said so I should probably wake up Sir" Spencer says kissing my hand before heading over to Sir and gently shaking him.

"No! Isaiah please be ok" he yells as he wakes up looking around disoriented. My heart breaks a little when I see the clear stress my condition has put on him. He sits up and his eyes instantly fall on me and his tensed body relaxes slightly, walking over he kisses my forehead before settling himself into the chair beside my bed.

"Did you have an episode?" he asks me as he grabs my hand to hold. "Was working on arm strength, I put it on all by myself" I smile at him and he smiles back, pride shining through. "See you're already doing so well no need to worry!" he says as the audiologist walks in with my doctor.

"So Isaiah, before we let you sleep and out into the world tomorrow we just need to discuss your audiogram results. It seems that they damaged your ears more than we thought, we had assumed that the surgery would fix most of what was wrong but what we see from your audiogram is that you have moderate, bordering on severe, hearing loss. Luckily it can be helped quite simply with hearing aids. We can get moulds for them done immediately if you're ok with that?" the doctor explains to us. I nod and Sir removes my helmet.

"Make sure everything gets explained fully to you Sir as I get the moulds done," I say to Sir as I sit up to give the audiologist access to my ears. Its only moments later when my ears are filled up with the mould stuff, Spencer keeps me distracted by signing a very elaborate story to me making me laugh as the world goes silent from the mould.

Minutes later my ears are freed and cleaned and I'm set up back in my helmet and lying back in my bed. "We're going to set you up with your ventilator now, is that ok?" a nurse asks after the doctors leave. I nod and smile at her and cuddle into my bed, Spencer and Sir holding a hand each.

I wake up to a bang and sit up with a start. Looking around I find the source of the bang immediately seeing Spencer with bright red cheeks holding a bedpan. I silently laugh at his mistake making his blush deepen and hide behind the bedpan.

"Morning, sorry you had to wake up like that, someone got a little excited about you leaving this morning while carrying something for one of the nurses," Sir explains freeing my hands from the braces. I stop him as he reaches for my feet and proceed to let them out myself, while it may be slower than it would have been had he done it I still feel proud that I can do some of these things myself. I glance at Sir and point at the ventilator as I begin to remove my helmet slowly.

"The nurse will be in in a moment, she's going to show us the process of removing it and vacuuming it and such," he tells me as he takes the helmet and puts it in the box. I shudder at the thought of the vacuuming, it feels so wrong when it's being done.

"You ready to go home?" Spencer appears beside me as he begins clearing the tables beside me. I nod, and it's true, I've had such a love-hate relationship with calling there my home, but now that I'm here and can see how much they all care for me I see them as my home and I don't think I want to be away from them ever again.

The nurse arrives moments later and begins to show us all how to remove the ventialator and how to insert is aswell as how to vaccum my throat which is something I'd prefer to not have to deal with but beggers can't be choosers. I sit up in bed watching Spencer rush around the room packing everything up for me and smile a little.

"Ready to get changed and dressed?" Ozzie appears in front of me and I smile and nod at him. Ozzie quickly changes me before offering me my clothes. "I can help you change but would you like to try change yourself?" he asks patiently. I pause and think for a moment, I have energy and my brain isn't feeling off. "Can I change myself and you help me?" I ask and he nods smiling at me and we begin to change my outfit. They chose my softest hoody and a nice baggy pair of tracksuit bottoms that I'm pretty sure are Xans. I remove my helmet and give it to Ozzie and prepare to scoot myself to the edge of the bed.

Spencer stops beside me and smiles at me, "You ready to go home?" he asks. I nod and genuinely mean it. We get the routine of me getting into the chair down quickly and head out of the hospital, Ozzie stopping to fill out some forms as some agents follow myself and Spencer down to the car.

Spencer gets me into the van himself, still using the wheelchair one but instead of sitting up front where Sir will sit he sits in the back with me. I smile at him and my hands jerk and spasm slightly.

"Are you feeling tense" Spencer asks worriedly, "No I'm excited to go home, my body must be excited too" I reply as I let sleep take me over again, I want to be fully awake when I see the others again.

Hey guys,

Sorry it's been a while since I updated, been kinda bulldozed by life but sure be grand, I hope you enjoy the next part of the story <3

Much love

Boo xx

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