Chapter 21

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Kitt and Fin went home not long later and I went through the many appointments I was due to have. Just before I was about to go to sleep I had a seizure, it was terrifying. When I came back to reality Sir was sitting on the chair beside me holding a box. "I know the other helmet was over the top and not needed so we got you a new one" he opens the box to show me a black soft leather helmet. Its still ridiculous that I need to wear one but I sign thank you before taking it off him. This one doesn't completely cover my ears and has no face shield, it covers down to just above my eyebrows and doesn't have a chin cup just a simple strap. "The doctor says that if you feel a seizure coming on, which I know you didn't this time, but if you do, to put the helmet on and lie down. Also after seizures you are more likely to have more intense episodes so the helmet needs to be on for the next few hours at minimum. He wants you to wear it full time but according to another specialist you don't need to so we are listening to the second specialist until we can get a third opinion" he says as he puts the box on the ground. "You also have your night splint in at the moment just because you're on the ventilator so won't be talking but also if you have an episode you need a splint of some sort in, the night one isn't too bad and you can still close your mouth as you can probably feel yourself. The orthodontist is working on finding something small to protect your teeth when you've an episode because you've been slamming your teeth down really hard" I nod along understanding why I have pain in my jaw now.

"Knock knock" I hear Spencers voice at the door and instantly hide myself under the covers. He doesn't need to see me like this, I look so stupid. "Hey Sweet, you okay in there" I feel him sit on the edge of the bed holding my hand. "Don't want you to see me" I sign back. "But I miss my beautiful Sweet, what am I gonna do without seeing you beauty?" he asks me gently. I reluctantly come out of the covers if only so I can actually hear whats being said. Spence lights up when he sees me. "Hello Sweet" he says gently before kissing my cheek, directly on the scar, I'm not sure if he did that on purpose but it makes me feel better.

"How are you?" I sign, looking him up and down, he looks exhausted. "I'm a million times better now that I can see you Sweet" he says pulling me close. "I've got a few presents for you from myself and the others" he continues on before pulling a bag from the floor. "Some are more practical while others are fun. I'll show you the practical ones first. So we've got you a trach collar in lovely black silk, a lots of PEG covers and accessories in a lot of different designs, some clothing with easy access to your PEG tube for convenience for around the house but only if you want, some hats and then finally a few soft covers for your diapers since I know you hated the plastic ones. BUT NOW! Onto the fun stuff so, we got you a Nintendo Switch with about twelve games, new paint brushes and a watercolour set, some books, some sheet music for your instrument and finally A PUPPY!" he moves too fast for me to react to any of the practical gifts. "A puppy?" I sign confused. "Yep, we've been trying to get Sir to get a therapy puppy or assistance puppy for you for ages but he has finally agreed sooooooooooo..... your puppy is just finished their training, they've got loads of training to help you in many ways but he will be at home tomorrow waiting for you!" he says getting more excited as he continues on. Tears pour out of my eyes, I'm so grateful for these men in my life.

We continue talking for a while with Spencer filling me in on everything happening in the house and with the boys. Just as the nurse comes in an episode begins, it happens slowly this time. "Sir, braces for hands please" I sign as my legs begin to jerk, I notified him just in time because my hands and arms begin to curl up into my chest and jerk. The nurse rushes over and lowers my bed to a lying position before restraining my legs to either side of the bed. Spencer comes over and gently holds my head in place as Sir finishes putting the braces on my jerking arms and restraining them. "You're doing so well Sweetie, look your body is already calming down," he says trying to reassure me. I feel my joints tighten as my hands and arm try to curl into themselves, my head trying to go down to my chest and shoulder, and my legs also trying to curl up. I've stopped jerking but I know this nurse is going to keep me restrained for a while.

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